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Can be real for a sec. on what this team will do in the off-season?


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Im seeing too many of us Hawk Fans dreaming outside of the box if you know what I mean. For example mnay want to go after CP3, D Howard or some superstar and you guys know that wont happen as long as the ASG owns this team. If we had a different ownership or if the ASG happens to sell the Hawks to different owner than that would be great. but as long as the ASG is here we need to think about what this team will really probably do in the off season.

With that said lets begin on REALISTIC moves during the off-season as long as the ASG is in charge that COULD happen....

1.A new Coach could come our way maybe this time one with a reputation. LD is a good guy, he actually reminds me of Coach Dungy not by success of course but how he reacts to his team. He's not a loud mouth coach if you know what i mean, he more passive and thats no what this team needs. they are young and they need a coach (or player which wont happen unless horford comes along) who they can follow. I can really see the ASG trying to find a new coach rather than breaking up this team first.

2.Trade Smith, this is a realistic move and non realistic at the same time.

how the trade could happen:

lets assume avery johnson coached this team and smith kept taking those jumpers. avery would bench his *ss immediately. theres no better way to learn than to get your *ss benched for not following instructions. this could lead to him being traded so I say its up to the coach we have assuming it isnt LD.However Smith is teachable he has not had a NBA coach that doesnt play around, sure woody was strict but he had to play Smith to keep his job. A coach like Avery wouldnt play Smith if smith didnt follow instructions just to keep his job.

how the trade wont happen:

the ASG and most fans like Smith the most on this team. He's the teams best all around player and believe it or not he jumper is alot better this year than precious years. He actually is slightly above average with his long 2 point jumpers (i know this is a fact but i will have to find it) but it seems as if to fans he dont follow instructions just because he takes jumpers. In reality I believe that LD doesnt mind Smith taking jumpers and thats just it. Smith can improve shooting and Im sure he will. He is a teachable player he just needs the right coach. In a sense many or most say smith is a "bonehead" ......no people smith is "quitter" who cares if smith is taking these jumpers or not hell on most nights he's shooting better than our star himself JJ. So smith misses his jumpers so what, this kid has ablities to make up for those misses by defending, blocking, running the break or whatever. Trading smith at this point doesnt make sense if the ASG can bring in a coach who can put a heart in Smith and the Hawks....Confidence is everything thats why the bulls are so good right now! Loul deng has never been as deadly shooting as he is this year. All about confidence.

3. Trade Williams

This trade is definitely going to be a try but moving him is the problem but Im for sure the ASG along with Sund will try. I sometimes think what if he had a coach that could put a heart in him too like i said about smith. Could he turn out to be a better player.

4.This last thing I think that needs to happen is just a change in the off season which will be crowning Teague as the PG starter. Something I know the ASG want to see happen but only the right coach can do this. Teague is showing to me way too many spurts to be a good player but just isnt getting the coaching he needs. LD talked about it but he isnt living up to the Teague talk form last off season. Teague actaully has good defense, can drive, pass, and shot isnt horrible but needs practice as well as finishing around the goal on his drives but the man cant do this or get more confidence in doing this sitting on the bench. As a coach you are to bring that players all out of them. unfortunately LD isnt doing that.

well thats going to wrap it up for me as far as what I could really see the ASG doing if anything come off season......after reading this over I guess I feel the ASG will do a BIG but small move and thats replacing the coach with one thats proven and maybe making small moves like moving willams, zaza, collins and players like that.other than that dont expect a whole lot because I would say the ASG prob dont see alot wrong with this team and Im actually agreeing until we get a proven coach!

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JJ, Smoove, Al, Marvin, and a bunch of scrubs won 53 with an average coach in 2009-10. I say this team needs at least one shot with a quality coach before the management hits the reset button.

1.this team also gets blown out just about every road playoff game,

2.Takes them 7 games to finish off significantly weaker teams

3.had 8 straight 2nd round lost all by double digits

4. the worst 4 game sweep in nba HISTORY

How mentally messed up and mentally weak this is team i believe there isnt a coach in the world that could fix it. I say blow it up. I could care less about the number of games won in the regular season ( well alittle) but You earn respect in the playoffs not the regular season.In the playoffs 1 most important things you need to have is mental toughness which this team does not have.

I want a team that shows up in the playoffs when the pressure is on and the whole season is on the line not give up after 2 games (2nd round)

Edited by yungsta
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I'd like to see a Zaza/2nd for Mayo trade happen for a couple good reasons:

1. Mayo replaces Jamals production and we let him walk, thus saving money (not to mention, Mayo is an expiring RFA and zaza's isn't)

2. even if Mayo doesn't match Jamals production, he will still be a better trade chip going forward. (but I think Mayo fit nicely right into his role)

with this we would have to draft a big with our 2nd

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None of your suggestions will happen. The coaching, management, and ownership of this team is the worst in the NBA.

Normally you are right Vol...but the Elephants in the room which will likely make this whole conversation moot is "next year".

Of course both the NFL and the NBA are looking at work stoppages next year. But one league is on top of the world and will settle their differences IMO (NFL)...and the other is in a much more precarious situation.

Add to that, it is a well known fact that the ASG is looking to sell and have interested parties. There is no reason for them or any potential buyers to say anything much at this point but once the playoffs are over we can expect some movement. If there is a sale I would be pretty sure that current coaching and management will be right behind ex-ownership on the way out the door.

So really, it's hard for me to get interested in next year's possibilities until those questions are answered. Maybe there is another Russian billionaire out there who would like to grab the Hawks and go over the salary cap just to show up the NJ owner. (fingers crossed)

Edited by DJlaysitup
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Worse 4 game sweep in history..blah blah blah...

Trades after first round loss blah blah blah.

What I believe is that Drew was hired to be replaced. The only way I can conceive that happening is that we have a deal with Doc Rivers. It makes no sense that you fire Woody and keep his BU after losing the way we did. Then the fact that LD was given a cheap 2 year deal. I think we have some bench players that make more than LD. I believe the deal is LD was a calculated risk that would allow ASG to get their finances right and go after a bigger named coach (doc Rivers).

But even if that's not the plan. Barring a ECFs appearance, LD is gone.

I would hate to see us pick up some retread, who can't manage personalities, like Bob Hill or Chris Ford but with our GM, that's possible.

The truth is that getting Doc Rivers or Mike Fratello would bring automatic credibility to this team.

Another thing is that we should be thinking about fit. I wouldn't be so quick to break up this team without having a look at them with a new coach.. but at the same time, maybe whoever is coming in knows something.

Normally you are right Vol...but the Elephants in the room which will likely make this whole conversation moot is "next year".

Of course both the NFL and the NBA are looking at work stoppages next year. But one league is on top of the world and will settle their differences IMO (NFL)...and the other is in a much more precarious situation.

Add to that, it is a well known fact that the ASG is looking to sell and have interested parties. There is no reason for them or any potential buyers to say anything much at this point but once the playoffs are over we can expect some movement. If there is a sale I would be pretty sure that current coaching and management will be right behind ex-ownership on the way out the door.

So really, it's hard for me to get interested in next year's possibilities until those questions are answered. Maybe there is another Russian billionaire out there who would like to grab the Hawks and go over the salary cap just to show up the NJ owner. (fingers crossed)

The NBA has a weaker players union who will cave because of what they see with the NFL. I think the NFL may fight longer than some expect...their owners are being pissy.

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"This team is young". How long am I gonna have to hear this shizz?

"This team is young". How long am I gonna have to hear this shizz?

"They're young age wise, but not NBA young. The Wizards are young. The Clippers are young. Please stop calling "the core" young. Pretty please?

And If Sund fired LD, He'll just hire Dwayne Casey. lol

Edited by terrell
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Worse 4 game sweep in history..blah blah blah...

Trades after first round loss blah blah blah.

What I believe is that Drew was hired to be replaced. The only way I can conceive that happening is that we have a deal with Doc Rivers. It makes no sense that you fire Woody and keep his BU after losing the way we did. Then the fact that LD was given a cheap 2 year deal. I think we have some bench players that make more than LD. I believe the deal is LD was a calculated risk that would allow ASG to get their finances right and go after a bigger named coach (doc Rivers).

But even if that's not the plan. Barring a ECFs appearance, LD is gone.

I would hate to see us pick up some retread, who can't manage personalities, like Bob Hill or Chris Ford but with our GM, that's possible.

The truth is that getting Doc Rivers or Mike Fratello would bring automatic credibility to this team.

Another thing is that we should be thinking about fit. I wouldn't be so quick to break up this team without having a look at them with a new coach.. but at the same time, maybe whoever is coming in knows something.

The NBA has a weaker players union who will cave because of what they see with the NFL. I think the NFL may fight longer than some expect...their owners are being pissy.

I can't imagine that they are this smart. But if we have a first round exit they MUST fire LD. Otherwise there is zero accountability and the already low interest in this team plummets. When you get a coach who knows what he's doing things change dramatically. Remember when Lenny came in.

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I don't think there is any chance the team fires Drew. THey cheaped out on hiring him and I don't think there is any way they would pay 2 coaches during the lockout.

That's just it. They hired him cheaply. Therefore, if they can get their finances in order or bring in another investor, they can go after a coach who is able to do more. It's like buying a light bulb for .69 cents. Sure there are more expensive better bulbs, but until you find one or can afford one, you use this cheap bulb. That's LD. He's the .69 cent bulb.

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