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When was the last time Smoove blocked a shot?


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It's the coaching staffs choice to disregard his best attribute by far. 1.6 BPG, should be over 3. The difference is huge. Less chances for us to run out, more opportunities for the opposition to get a good percentage shot. We're missing about a momentum play per half that we've been used to getting over the last few years, and it definately shows up. There is no explanation at all to have such a talented shot challenger regress in chase down blocks, weak side blocks, and blocked jumpers, all of which we saw much more of in the past. As much as he enjoys swatting shots, I can't say it's a lapse in effort on his part to have dropped from top two, battling with the Boguts and Cambys for the title, down to a second tier blocker within a season.

Edited by benhillboy
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A better question would be one of these:

-When was the last time Smoove played an entire game without taking at least 5 bad shots?

-When was the last time Smoove played an entire game without arguing every non-foul call with the refs?

-When was the last time Smoove hustled every time on the court?

-When was the last time Smoove boxed out on every rebound attempt?

-When was the last time Smoove let the guards bring the ball up the court the entire game?

I'll give you the answers:





and never

Edited by JackB1
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Although his more recent tallies of blocks read more like a binary code, Smoove remains the predominant "non-Center" in the NBA when it comes to rejections, on a per-game basis. Even on a per-minute basis, Taj Gibson, James Johnson (only AFTER the trade to the Raps) and Amir Johnson are the only ones doing any better. By "non-Center," I'm referring to players who contribute less than 10 percent of their team's minutes at the position. And by saying "non-Center," that brings up the point that we have not had the depth at Center in past years that we have with this season's "Low-PER Hydra" of Jason Collins, Zaza Pachulia, Etan Thomas and now Hilton Armstrong, all contributing behind Al Horford, or beside Al (in JaCo's case) when Josh plays the 3. Josh does not have to compensate with Center-style production as much as in past seasons.

Another contributing factor is the continuing reliance on lower-pace basketball. Lower pace means fewer possessions and less potential to offer Spalding-sized souvenirs to us highlight-starved fans. On top of this, with the departure of Woodson and now especially Bibby, he has less of an obligation to provide help on defense with blocks and steals, the latter of which you'll notice is at a 5-year low one year removed from a career high. It was his production as a help defender that propelled him to second last year for DPOY, and it is the diminished necessity for help defense in LD's current scheme that will likely keep him from even registering on the DPOY ballots this time around. Rather than going for so many swats, where he IS helping more, after opposing teams miss, is assisting centers with the defensive rebounds... a stat which is at a career high.


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I really didn't mean the last literal time he blocked a shot, as much as I meant why doesn't he block as many shots as he used to..

he's been playing on a bum knee bro. That's why he sat out the last game and why he was pulled the other night (it wasn't a benching).

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Although his more recent tallies of blocks read more like a binary code, Smoove remains the predominant "non-Center" in the NBA when it comes to rejections, on a per-game basis. Even on a per-minute basis, Taj Gibson, James Johnson (only AFTER the trade to the Raps) and Amir Johnson are the only ones doing any better. By "non-Center," I'm referring to players who contribute less than 10 percent of their team's minutes at the position. And by saying "non-Center," that brings up the point that we have not had the depth at Center in past years that we have with this season's "Low-PER Hydra" of Jason Collins, Zaza Pachulia, Etan Thomas and now Hilton Armstrong, all contributing behind Al Horford, or beside Al (in JaCo's case) when Josh plays the 3. Josh does not have to compensate with Center-style production as much as in past seasons.

Another contributing factor is the continuing reliance on lower-pace basketball. Lower pace means fewer possessions and less potential to offer Spalding-sized souvenirs to us highlight-starved fans. On top of this, with the departure of Woodson and now especially Bibby, he has less of an obligation to provide help on defense with blocks and steals, the latter of which you'll notice is at a 5-year low one year removed from a career high. It was his production as a help defender that propelled him to second last year for DPOY, and it is the diminished necessity for help defense in LD's current scheme that will likely keep him from even registering on the DPOY ballots this time around. Rather than going for so many swats, where he IS helping more, after opposing teams miss, is assisting centers with the defensive rebounds... a stat which is at a career high.


Well I learned something today. Good s$&t leth. Its just disappointing under any circumstance when he isn't at 3 or more. It gives us such a lift, but I wouldn't trade them for increased opportunity for rebounding.

Edited by benhillboy
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His shotblocking seems to hold a greater correlation with the team's success this year compared to last year.

Hawks' records this season [and last season, in brackets] when Smoove:

Blocks More Than 3 Shots: 7-0 [15-4]

Blocks 3 or More Shots: 10-4 [17-10]

Blocks 2 or More Shots: 28-8 [35-17]

Blocks Just One Shot: 7-12 [10-11]

Gets No Blocks: 8-12 [7-1]


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