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Game 1: Atlanta @ Orlando (4/16/11)


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Props to LD on this win. I like'd how he didn't play Crawford that much in the 3rd quarter. That's the first time he sit that long. Feels good to win in ORLANDO by 11 points. Go Hawks! :kingchris:

Also, how in the hell did Collins foul out before Howard? I'm sure we'll be seeing more of this BS with the refs.

Edited by AHawks89
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Hawks absorbed >20 PFs (24, really 24 ref whistles, there were plenty more hacks) and >25 FTAs (29), and as we know that usually sounds like a Hawks win no matter what D12 and Meekat feel like doing. Only way to put more cherries on that sundae would have been to get Dwight to foul out.

Keep the talons on the neck!


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Great win tonight. It's beautiful to see the Hawks not only have a solid gameplan, but executing it. And in the playoffs no less. I need to see it again before I get too excited, though. I know these Hawks too well to not expect a letdown. I hope they buck the trend. Like Horford said, this is a new season. The regular season no longer means anything.

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Hawks absorbed >20 PFs (24, really 24 ref whistles, there were plenty more hacks) and >25 FTAs (29), and as we know that usually sounds like a Hawks win no matter what D12 and Meekat feel like doing. Only way to put more cherries on that sundae would have been to get Dwight to foul out.

Keep the talons on the neck!


Agreed lw3...and I will say one thing extra. If we continue to play Dwight the way we did tonight I can see an explosion coming. He already got a technical for throwing Zaza down and was borderline on another play.

I'll kinda hate to see it...but if he can't handle himself all I can say is I hope Zaza is the guy he goes off against. I'm fairly comfortable that Zaza can handle himself in a fight and can take a punch with that big ole head of his.

Of course that would mean we would have to have the discipline to keep up the pressure and do our best with this strategy every game...instead of being all happy and fooling around and getting selfish and dropping the next three. I wouldn't bet on it...but I have my fingers crossed.


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Great game...thats really all I can say, I really dont have a complaint. I kept waiting to see Jeff get in the game but when the game was over didnt really care that he didnt get burn...we WON and thats all that matters right now. Offense looked good for the most part and I LOVE the defense, keep it up fellas.

And honestly I think they will, they look like a completely different group, hugging each other and constantly communicating and staying together even after mistakes. Looks like their heads are on straight right now and its a beautiful thing

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Heck of a game tonight! Talk about a strong game across the board for the Hawks:

JJ - stepped up like you expect from your #1 scorer

Jamal - good Jamal was raining some nice shots and hitting some late ft's

Horf - solid game across the board and really had his big impact when we were neck and neck with Orlando (i.e., when we needed it most)

Josh - Good game. Like the fact that he didn't settle for many jumpers. Need him to hit his fts like in the regular season because he should have a lot of mismatches in this series and the chance for plenty more trips to the line.

Kirk - This is why we traded for him. Talk about a different world from the Bibby as your defensive PG world. Just pivotal to this game.

Marvin - sneaky good game. No huge moment but several nice contributions and took nothing away from the team. Nice to see him as a net positive in this one.

Collins - Huge. The ability to single cover Howard is the key to this series. May have singlehandedly destroyed the PER stat with that impact and that stat line.

Zaza - Excellent. His ability to frustrate Dwight could swing a game in this series.

Powell & Etan - Well, they did keep Collins and Zaza fresh for the second half so they had that going for them!

Drew - Great game plan. Good management of the minutes. Had it all working today.

What more can you say about this one? It was the sweetest playoff moment in several seasons and this becoming a trend rather than a one game highlight could save Drew in Atlanta.

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