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How do you guys feel about Game 6

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If we lose we are done for. That much is certain.

Josh Shot 12 free throws and 18 shots.

He finished with 22 points... That's terrible. But his game was way worse than the numbers. Do we really need Josh taking multiple fade aways in a game. Those shots barely draw iron.

Edited by Atlantaholic
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Yeah, I think anyone should be nervous after a 27 point blow out in the play offs.


But when you look at it, All the games were close. Only reason we were up 3-1 is because of the Magic's terrible shooting. Now, we did play good defense, but they were shooting, TERRIBLY. Missing a LOT of open shots.

I am kinda nervous. I do not think we will blow this series, though.

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Might try to score some tickets to Thursday's game. The crowd should be electric once again. But Nire (I believe it was him earlier in this thread) is right: If the Hawks come out slow out the gate and pull what they did tonight, the crowd will turn against them and be all over them.

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Not feeling too good about a game 6 at all, given the humiliating *ss-stomp we just underwent tonight. Talk about shades of last year, it was a fricken embarrassment. I had it on DVR and just ended up turning it off after the 1st quarter, because I cannot and will not sit there and watch such pathetic basketball, because all it does is put me in the foulest of moods and leaves my blood pressure elevated and stomach feeling totally sour.

I cannot STAND the Orlando Magic, and to just lay down for them like that, it's disgusting, it royally pisses me off and there is absolutely no excuse to punk out like that. And now, yes- the pressure is squarely on us, and for that fool wishing for a game 6 rather than having us close it out tonight, ya got what ya wished for, and are ya happy with that?

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Cmon DJ, that is a bit unfair. I'm not one of the traditional "Smoove haters" that seem to wait for Smoove to do poorly. In fairness, I listened to the first half on the radio on the way back home tonight, and he was GOD AWFUL. I didn't get to listen to or watch the second half in time. But the Sunday game I attended and the first half of tonight's game have been absolutely brutal. Yeah, Josh may have righted himself some in the second half, but he was a BIG liability in those time periods I mentioned.

Of course Joe and Horford were bad...everyone was. But no one has been quite as inconsistent as Josh so far. That's ALL I'm saying DJ.

There is the problem. Steve Holmann really doesn't like Smith and bad mouths him at every opportunity.

Had you "watched" the whole game, you would have seen only Hinrich and Smith playing with any energy in the first half. Two of Smith's shots in that first quarter were from Joe picking up his dribble early and just looking to dump in. After the dump, he didn't even move from his spot. It was like he was waiting on his man to double. Except for the one long 2 of those first 4 misses, all 3 of the missed shots were good looks within 10 feet. Take those first 4 misses away and Josh was 7 of his next 14. He drew a large number of the fouls on Magic players (getting Tukolu 2 in 3 minutes) and was active. He committed only 1 turnover for the game. It was an ugly 22/11 performance but look at the rest of the team.

Only Hinrich and Marvin shot over 50% from the field.

Joe/Jamal/Al shot a combined 7-29 and only attempted 7 FT's scoring a grand total of 22 points. Al to his credit got 14 rebounds and 6 assists.

Here is the "summary" of what you need to know on this game. 10 shots. If Al makes 2 of his missed shots (getting him above 50%), Jamal hit's 2 of his missed 3's, Joe hit's 4 of his misses (2 of them 3's), and Josh hit's 2 more shots. All 4 players would have shot 50% or better. and the final score would have been 24 points closer.

More importantly, very lazy perimeter D had us chasing the ball around the perimeter to an always open shooter. The magic hit 11 of 26 3's for either 33 points or 11 extra points...however you want to look at it.

This was a team laziness effort...pure and simple.

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If you aren't nervous about Game 6 then you must not have been a Hawks fan for very long. The only thing I am surprised about from Game 5 is that so many of us are surprised.

Of course I expect us to compete in Game 6 but let's not act like teams haven't come in here in prior years and particularly this year and won on our floor, many times in embarrassing fashion.

It should be a great game. Orlando will be desperate and we damn well better be as well. If we match their intensity, as I expect us to at home, it will be good TV.

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I didn't like our energy in game 5. It seems we were jogging in the first half. I hope we come out and play this game as if it is win or go home.

So yeah, I'm nervous. I know we can beat them, but will we?

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Game 7 in Orlando will be game over. Their crowd would be going crazy. They'd have so much momentum and after being down 3-1, you know they'd be coming out with a purpose. Hostile environment with the stigma of blowing the series hanging over their heads. I don't even want to see it.

I'm sure our guys don't want to see it either. Game 6 is essentially Game 7 for us. This is a no BS game.

Hell yeah I'm nervous. We've got a good team and talent-wise, we match up well with Chicago. We've got a good shot at this.

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Im not nervous The Magic fought hard at home like we all knew they would . In the end they still only shot 41% as a team the problem is our offense just disappeared and squashed any kind of comeback .

But after seeing How the magic were dancing around the bench and Dwight was posing and everything after a dunk . Its not if we win but by how much . This is the time when you put the foot on the throat and dont let up to the horns sounds.

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I didn't like our energy in game 5. It seems we were jogging in the first half. I hope we come out and play this game as if it is win or go home.

So yeah, I'm nervous. I know we can beat them, but will we?

This. If we would have lost a close one I wouldn't be as nervous. Its the carelessness that appeared to be gone in the first 4 games that is now back. I'm not talking about turnovers i'm talking about not playing with any urgency. It really reminded me of the Bucks series last year. Hopefully its just one game.

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It will be live or die game for Atlanta.

By the way, before playoffs Monty Williams inspired Hornets by showing video from youtube. Why our general Larry Drew can't show that YT video with a**hole Jameer talking about round 2 with CHI to inspire the team ? :punish:

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It will be live or die game for Atlanta.

By the way, before playoffs Monty Williams inspired Hornets by showing video from youtube. Why our general Larry Drew can't show that YT video with a**hole Jameer talking about round 2 with CHI to inspire the team ? :punish:

they are all well aware of what was said.

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I'm more excited than nervous. It is going to be a tough game - that is my expecation. But the crowd in Atlanta has been great so far and everyone knows what is on the line so I am assuming (risky with this team, I know) that the team will come out with a lot of energy and the crowd will support them like in games 3 & 4. In that atmosphere, I like our chances!

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