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That "foul"


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There is now a story on espn about how salvatore admits that he blew that call and that it was a foul.

The fact that this is now getting as much play as the hawks winning is just embarrassing. Why can't they just let us have one win and enjoy it without giving people a reason to complain?

The officiating was so lopsided in this game and everyone is going to jump on one of the few calls (or no calls) that happened to go our way. I'm sort of venting here because I hate how we never get credit. anyways, go hawks!

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They want the attention on the poster boy, Allen Iverson #2 Derrick Rose. Until he gives them his backend to kiss by taking another picture looking high as a kite throwing up gang signs like he did at Memphis.

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LOL @ ESPN, TNT and all the Rose nutlickers

I guess we could make a video with AT LEAST ten 'and-1' not called in our favor tonight. Refereeing was just ridiculous. othing relly changed, it's been this crap all series long.

GO HAWKS, playing 5 on 8 must be pretty hard, but YES, WE CAN. :clapping:

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Wait, so ESPN is already running crap about how one of their cities didn't get a call??? ESPN is a load of s***! Boston, NY, LA, Chicago, Dallas, oh so they don't get it??? No f***ing wonder ESPN is showing bullsh*t calls towards that. Give me a f***ing break, ESPN is a complete sack of s*** and no one should pay any mind to them. If we truly play in a fair league then ESPN shouldn't matter and our team will be fine.

PSL I notice some of my four letter words don't get by the filter, but ESPN does???? This is horseshit. ESPN is the worst four letter word in sports.

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The Hawks have to get fouled twice to get a call, and even that's not a given if Josh is taking the shot.

Rose pump fakes and flings his body into a defender with no intention of even putting up a good shot and there's no call and it's a tragedy. Whatever. They lost by 12, not 3. I fully expect somebody from ESPN will suggest replaying the game from that point on tomorrow.

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PSL I notice some of my four letter words don't get by the filter, but ESPN does???? This is horseshit. ESPN is the worst four letter word in sports.

horsewhat? horseradish?

Vegas odds are 4:3 that it'll be Skip "Da Bulls Will Sweep" Bayless that doth protest too much by tomorrow morning.


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The same thing was happening on the daily dime live chat during the game. There were maybe 2 or 3 questionable calls that did go the hawks way during the game. On every single one of those, the daily dime would be flooded with posts about the refs and how terrible the call was.

Literally not once did they post up a single entry about a call that went for the bulls. Not one (atleast not that I saw), and I sent in quite a few. I actually was wondering if it was their policy to not post poor ref related comments. Pretty sad. I just wish I could get my morning highlights somewhere else.

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Why he would say he blew that call i have no idea. I know Crawford sometimes gets those bs calls by falling down on a shot but the difference is he actually shoots the ball and it usually goes in. This was the equivalent of flopping on offense with no real effort to shoot the ball. Boohoo.

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There is now a story on espn about how salvatore admits that he blew that call and that it was a foul.

The fact that this is now getting as much play as the hawks winning is just embarrassing. Why can't they just let us have one win and enjoy it without giving people a reason to complain?

The officiating was so lopsided in this game and everyone is going to jump on one of the few calls (or no calls) that happened to go our way. I'm sort of venting here because I hate how we never get credit. anyways, go hawks!

Yeah, the bias is just annoying here. Just keep in mind that the clowns at ESPN aren't real journalists; they're only good for regurgitating memes. They're the news equivalent of your grandmother forwarding you stupid email.

I'm all for fans of the Chicago Rose (I think they changed the team name to that -- every visiting fan wearing a Chicago number had that name on it, without exception) thinking that they only lost because of some blown call, and that they're playing JUUUUST fine. What they don't seem to realize, since awareness isn't a strong point in the fans of literally any of the Chicago teams, is that this was an NBA playoff game, not an MTV Rock & Jock basketball game. It would have only been three points.

In conclusion: the so-called journalists, the Chicago Rose, and their fan-drones who are all fatter than me because of eating too many bratwursts can all SUCK IT.


Dr. Z

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Well the refs need to stop getting themselves into these holes where they hose one team in the first half and hose the other in the second. If they'd just call the game fairly from the beginning rather than this bull s*** 'tale of two halves' nonsense they've been doing then there wouldn't be such uproar over a single call.......Of course the call wouldn't of mattered at that moment because the Hawks would have been up 15 thanks to the 30 fts they earned in the first half but didn't get.

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The Hawks have to get fouled twice to get a call, and even that's not a given if Josh is taking the shot.

Rose pump fakes and flings his body into a defender with no intention of even putting up a good shot and there's no call and it's a tragedy. Whatever. They lost by 12, not 3. I fully expect somebody from ESPN will suggest replaying the game from that point on tomorrow.

Let me not come off as a hater though, because after seeing him up close and personal, I really appreciate Derrick Rose. Guy is talented, works hard, and is completely humble about it. But he was laying into cats last night. Seriously. Rose was initiating contact left and right...literally LAYING on people as he drove to the hoop. That's a no call.

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pfff... There were no-calls and bad calls that didn't go the Hawks way either. No one's going to remember this in 24 hours and they're not going to change the result of the game.

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Do you ever notice that the most ridiculous calls, not talking about just bad foul calls, but the big head scratchers are from the old-school refs? I think they worked so long under a WWE type system that they can't call the came straight anymore. I absolutely hate having a ref that I'm more familiar with than the other team's bench. Put the nobody newbies out there and you end up with a better game. There aren't near as many crappy calls in the ncaa tournament. How is it they can have better refs than the nba?

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