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If Teague could help us move Marvin would you do it?


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For argument sake...

Let's say there was a deal out there.

Let's say that Utah said... We will give you

Harris/#12 over all for Marvin/Teague/2nd rounder.

Would you do it?

Utah's point was that Harris is making more than they want to pay. They don't like his defense and they were really moved by Teague. They have #6 and they don't want to pay and get a second first rounder. Corbin also thinks he can reach Marvin.

would you do It?

Has Teague played himself into the untradable position?

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A solid PG and a late lotto pick in a very weak draft for a potentially very good PG and a player who can be good if he's motivated. Diesel, I know you hate Marvin A LOT but we aren't trading him if we got to give an arm and a leg to another team to take him.

If you want to make a real trade with Utah - trade Horford...they would give up the farm, the bunkhouse, and half of the bank to get a guy who reminds them of the mailman...pick and pop - no Tats.

Yep and then ASG should move the Hawks to Winnipeg with the Thrashers. That sounds like a DEAL.

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A solid PG and a late lotto pick in a very weak draft for a potentially very good PG and a player who can be good if he's motivated. Diesel, I know you hate Marvin A LOT but we aren't trading him if we got to give an arm and a leg to another team to take him.

Yep and then ASG should move the Hawks to Winnipeg with the Thrashers. That sounds like a DEAL.

Your rhetoric about Marvin has grown Stale. Are you Gearon?? Marvin is not good. Marvin does suck. Marvin has not made one impact on the court. It is a favor that they are doing taking his 24 million off of our hands. Yet, you want to believe that Marvin is not a problem? Are you drunk??

Harris is still a pretty good PG. Teague is looking good and I like Teague but there is still a lot of questions to be answered. However, his upside and marvin for Harris/#12 overall.

That's a good deal.

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Your rhetoric about Marvin has grown Stale. Are you Gearon?? Marvin is not good. Marvin does suck. Marvin has not made one impact on the court. It is a favor that they are doing taking his 24 million off of our hands. Yet, you want to believe that Marvin is not a problem? Are you drunk??

Harris is still a pretty good PG. Teague is looking good and I like Teague but there is still a lot of questions to be answered. However, his upside and marvin for Harris/#12 overall.

That's a good deal.

This. I like Marvin, I think he plays pretty hard. But the bottom line is he is not that talented. He doesn't have any "untapped potential", he has peaked. It was a horrible decision to pick him 2nd overall. The Hawks should do anything they can to get rid of his salary. Trading him will also help Hawks fans forget about the selection of Marvin over CP3 and Deron Williams.

Lastly, trade Horf, NOT Teague. (+1 DJlaysitup)

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I am all for Teague but if Derrick Williams somehow dropped to #12 because of some Daquan Bowers like concern, for those that don't know, Bowers went from #1 on NFL draft boards to actually getting picked #51 or 52, I would do it. I don't know if Teague will ever be a superstar but I think Derrick Williams will be. That's the only person I will do this for because I actually think Teague will be better than Kyrie Irving, Kemba Walker, and Brandon Knight.

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This. I like Marvin, I think he plays pretty hard. But the bottom line is he is not that talented. He doesn't have any "untapped potential", he has peaked. It was a horrible decision to pick him 2nd overall. The Hawks should do anything they can to get rid of his salary. Trading him will also help Hawks fans forget about the selection of Marvin over CP3 and Deron Williams.

Lastly, trade Horf, NOT Teague. (+1 DJlaysitup)

I will go one step further.

I don't think Marvin plays hard nor does he train hard. It was a very telling thing that Marvin came to his predraft workout with us out of shape and sucking wind. I had heard how Shane Battier approached the "superman drill" in his predraft workout with us and he killed it. Now... Marvin has a lot more physical tools and potential than Battier... but Battier is a player who gives 112% every time he plays. You can see the difference and the impact he makes. The same is true of Raja Bell. The same is true of many other guys who have not sat on their *ss and collected a check because they are so gifted (like Marvin has). Instead of allowed his pride to make him to protect Marvin, Gearon should be fussing everyday about how he is still be bent over and raped by Marvin. How Marvin is a eye sore on a team that is on the cusp to going beyond the second round of the playoffs. How dare Gearon suggest that Marvin has accomplished more than CP3, DW, or Raymond Felton. It's Lunacy. If there was a welfare state in Basketball, Marvin is it's queen!!

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I will go one step further.

I don't think Marvin plays hard nor does he train hard. It was a very telling thing that Marvin came to his predraft workout with us out of shape and sucking wind. I had heard how Shane Battier approached the "superman drill" in his predraft workout with us and he killed it. Now... Marvin has a lot more physical tools and potential than Battier... but Battier is a player who gives 112% every time he plays. You can see the difference and the impact he makes. The same is true of Raja Bell. The same is true of many other guys who have not sat on their *ss and collected a check because they are so gifted (like Marvin has). Instead of allowed his pride to make him to protect Marvin, Gearon should be fussing everyday about how he is still be bent over and raped by Marvin. How Marvin is a eye sore on a team that is on the cusp to going beyond the second round of the playoffs. How dare Gearon suggest that Marvin has accomplished more than CP3, DW, or Raymond Felton. It's Lunacy. If there was a welfare state in Basketball, Marvin is it's queen!!

I agree with D on this. The fact that Gearon is still defending him and have the gall to say that CP3, Deron, and Felton hasn't done more than he has is pure madness. That's like saying that Greg Kite was as good a player as Larry Nance because his team accomplished more. Ridiculous.

It's time for us to face facts; the 'potential' story that has been put forth in years past to justify him being here is done for. The fact that they were trying to give Marvin away at the trade deadline, only to find no takers despite his age speaks more to his lack of real talent and 'want to' than any post on this forum ever could.

I'm not saying to sacrifice the farm to get rid of him. But get rid of him, we must. There are wing players out there who do more than he does on the court for a helluva lot less $$$ than him.

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I don't like Marvin like that Diesel but if there are no takers. There are no takers. Just simple as that. I personally think he can be better than what he currently is. He has been awful this season. There is nothing I have said that makes me believe he's been great this year. I've even admitted he was a bust. But to say he can't be useful if motivated is crazy since he has had moments. We tried to move him, no takers. No reason to trade him with our KEY talent because you hate his guts, get over it. It's not changing anytime soon.

Gearon is a businessman, he's protecting his investment. No one on this forum is his main investment so he could give a ho-hum about any of you guys unless it's getting you to invest in this product. As much as you say it, Marvin really doesn't bother me. It seems like the Hawks always have a Marvin on the roster. From Koncak to Henderson to Chris Crawford. The player who bothered me throughout his whole career in Atlanta was SAR. That's it. I like Smoove nowadays, I just don't think he's a championship piece.

The way you feel about Marvin, I felt about SAR but SAR actually got a lot of PT. Ugh.

Edited by nbasuperstar40
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Dumping Marvin isn't worth giving up Teague. The Hawks are in deep do-do if Teague isn't the future or isn't traded for a guy who is the future.

I am tired of seeing the Hawks always with the slowest guards on the floor and am ready for the era of "Blink."

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For argument sake...

Let's say there was a deal out there.

Let's say that Utah said... We will give you

Harris/#12 over all for Marvin/Teague/2nd rounder.

Would you do it?

Utah's point was that Harris is making more than they want to pay. They don't like his defense and they were really moved by Teague. They have #6 and they don't want to pay and get a second first rounder. Corbin also thinks he can reach Marvin.

would you do It?

Has Teague played himself into the untradable position?

I like the idea of getting Harris but how about we add Smith to see if we can pry Jefferson out of their hands too. I have read that the Jazz fans are down on him but he gives us size, rebounding and and most importantly an inside game.

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For argument sake...

Let's say there was a deal out there.

Let's say that Utah said... We will give you

Harris/#12 over all for Marvin/Teague/2nd rounder.

Would you do it?

Utah's point was that Harris is making more than they want to pay. They don't like his defense and they were really moved by Teague. They have #6 and they don't want to pay and get a second first rounder. Corbin also thinks he can reach Marvin.

would you do It?

Has Teague played himself into the untradable position?


Question to your answer, you be probably "No" unless we can reeling in bigger bait like Chris Paul, DWill or better draft space without giving up the farm but at the same time, sometimes you have to cash in your chips when you enough money from the Casino.

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Question to your answer, you be probably "No" unless we can reeling in bigger bait like Chris Paul, DWill or better draft space without giving up the farm but at the same time, sometimes you have to cash in your chips when you enough money from the Casino.

I don't think we should underestimate how Bad Marvin is...

Marvin is not some guy who makes 1.5 Million dollars and doesn't produce. Marvin is some guy who will make 24 Million over the next three years and doesn't produce. I love Teague. I want to see him prosper. I would love to see him do it as a Hawk. However, if we can get Marvin out the door.....

The other thing is that Harris is not chopped liver. Harris is a good PG in his own right. Whereas Teague has looked very good in one matchup, Harris is about a 15/7 PG. That's not bad at all.

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