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Welcome to the Lockout Fantasy Draft Thread!There are 14 teams, randomized order courtesy of random.org: 1. jy21 2. diesel 3. sultanofatl 4. capstone21 5. whassuphawks 6. ahf 7. supporter 8. nicholasp27 9. seano 10. 01d0rd3r 11. thatsmydawg 12. ngc7 13. coachx 14. alejandro091. This is a snake draft, so draft order goes 1,2,3,4,...14, 14, 13, 12, 11,...3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3,..2. You can draft anybody that is currently in the league (or is a free agent). They must have played at least one NBA game prior to today.3. You get the player as they are and their projected potential/output for their projected career from here on out. So if you draft Shaq, you are getting a player often injured, on the downside of his career, with only a year or so left. If you draft Wall, you get a young player who may project to play for 10+ years at a high level.4. Each team gets 13 players and 1 coach, no restrictions on positions...draft 13 centers if you want; only 1 coach5. Draft as if you are starting a new franchise, so how your team will play over the next 10 years, not just year one6. When it's your turn to draft, you just post (in bold) the player's name and you should do a writeup on why you chose that player. If you don't have time for a writeup, you can just make your selection to keep draft moving and then post writeup later when you have time. Your writeup should explain why the player rules and how well they fit with your squad and why your team is now going to dominate the '10s. You should always pm the next person in the list after you pick. 7. We'll set a time limit that works for all players to keep draft moving without getting too many skips. If you are skipped for not being here for your turn, you can make it up at any time when you return.After the draft, each person will writeup why their team is the best and then we'll do a public Hawksquawk vote to determine the winner. Some more logistics:1. We'll start off with a 8 hour time limit for pick. So when the person before you picks, you have 8 hours from then to make your selection or you are skipped. If you are skipped, the next person's clock starts and they have 8 hours. You may make up skipped picks at any time. Just post who you want when you get back to the thread. We may decrease time limit after a few rounds to keep draft moving smoothly, but we'll decide that as a group. One Caveat: The clock does not run from 10pm-7am. So if team 5 makes a selection at 9pm then team 6 has until 2pm the next day (1 hour until 10pm then 7 hours after 7am.)2. You should PM the person after you when you make your pick so they know it's their turn. However, everyone should also follow along with the thread and know when they are up soon. 3. If your pick is coming up soon and you'll be away, just ask in thread who will take your pm and be around to post it when it's your turn. I like to pm someone picking after me, and ideally someone that I have 2 picks before they go again so I can pm them 2 choices in case my top choice gets selected.4. Trades are allowed, but all teams must end up with 13 players and a coach. So you can't trade player a for players b, c but you could trade player a and your 8th round pick for players b, c. If a trade is too one-sided, it may be vetoed by the commish (nicholasp27), however only if most of the players feel it's unfair. Basically, we want to avoid stacking one team up with lopsided trades but trades for fit or due to different projections of talent are fine. (example: one draft I was in someone traded Jordan and a pick for 2 marginal all-stars in an all-time dynasty draft; this caused controversy as it was way too lopsided)5. If others want to join, they can during the FIRST ROUND only. They will be placed in the last spot in the first round (so #15 right now). Once the first selection of round 2 is made, the draft is CLOSED. It will also close when it gets to 20 teams, so there are 6 spots open as of the start of the draft. Also, you can be a co-owner with any team if the owner agrees. So feel free to co-own or consult with your favorite hawksquawker.6. I'll create a google docs spreadsheet with each team for us to enter the picks as they happen so we have a quick reference to see who's been selected already. I'll post a link to that at the top of this post for easy retrieval. It will be a public spreadsheet so anyone can edit, so please feel free to add in your picks to it when you select them.Ask questions in thread/pm and I'll answer them.JY21 is up, but I won't start clock until 7am tomorrow to give people time to find thread and know this has started. So JY21 has until 3pm Thursday to make his pick. If he comes on and posts sooner, the next person's (diesel) clock will start at that time, but no sooner than 7am tomorrow.The idea is for everyone to try to check the thread 1-2 times/day, maybe more if you are close to coming up, so that this moves faster than once every 8 hours, but things come up so 8 hours should give people time when they can't get on.

Edited by Nicholasp27
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Welcome to the Lockout Fantasy Draft Thread!There are 14 teams, randomized order courtesy of random.org: 1. jy21 2. diesel 3. sultanofatl 4. capstone21 5. whassuphawks 6. ahf 7. supporter 8. nicholasp27 9. seano 10. 01d0rd3r 11. thatsmydawg 12. ngc7 13. coachx 14. alejandro091. This is a snake draft, so draft order goes 1,2,3,4,...14, 14, 13, 12, 11,...3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3,..2. You can draft anybody that is currently in the league (or is a free agent). They must have played at least one NBA game prior to today.3. You get the player as they are and their projected potential/output for their projected career from here on out. So if you draft Shaq, you are getting a player often injured, on the downside of his career, with only a year or so left. If you draft Wall, you get a young player who may project to play for 10+ years at a high level.4. Each team gets 13 players and 1 coach, no restrictions on positions...draft 13 centers if you want; only 1 coach5. Draft as if you are starting a new franchise, so how your team will play over the next 10 years, not just year one6. When it's your turn to draft, you just post (in bold) the player's name and you should do a writeup on why you chose that player. If you don't have time for a writeup, you can just make your selection to keep draft moving and then post writeup later when you have time. Your writeup should explain why the player rules and how well they fit with your squad and why your team is now going to dominate the '10s. You should always pm the next person in the list after you pick. 7. We'll set a time limit that works for all players to keep draft moving without getting too many skips. If you are skipped for not being here for your turn, you can make it up at any time when you return.After the draft, each person will writeup why their team is the best and then we'll do a public Hawksquawk vote to determine the winner. Some more logistics:1. We'll start off with a 8 hour time limit for pick. So when the person before you picks, you have 8 hours from then to make your selection or you are skipped. If you are skipped, the next person's clock starts and they have 8 hours. You may make up skipped picks at any time. Just post who you want when you get back to the thread. We may decrease time limit after a few rounds to keep draft moving smoothly, but we'll decide that as a group. One Caveat: The clock does not run from 10pm-7am. So if team 5 makes a selection at 9pm then team 6 has until 2pm the next day (1 hour until 10pm then 7 hours after 7am.)2. You should PM the person after you when you make your pick so they know it's their turn. However, everyone should also follow along with the thread and know when they are up soon. 3. If your pick is coming up soon and you'll be away, just ask in thread who will take your pm and be around to post it when it's your turn. I like to pm someone picking after me, and ideally someone that I have 2 picks before they go again so I can pm them 2 choices in case my top choice gets selected.4. Trades are allowed, but all teams must end up with 13 players and a coach. So you can't trade player a for players b, c but you could trade player a and your 8th round pick for players b, c. If a trade is too one-sided, it may be vetoed by the commish (nicholasp27), however only if most of the players feel it's unfair. Basically, we want to avoid stacking one team up with lopsided trades but trades for fit or due to different projections of talent are fine. (example: one draft I was in someone traded Jordan and a pick for 2 marginal all-stars in an all-time dynasty draft; this caused controversy as it was way too lopsided)5. If others want to join, they can during the FIRST ROUND only. They will be placed in the last spot in the first round (so #15 right now). Once the first selection of round 2 is made, the draft is CLOSED. It will also close when it gets to 20 teams, so there are 6 spots open as of the start of the draft. Also, you can be a co-owner with any team if the owner agrees. So feel free to co-own or consult with your favorite hawksquawker.6. I'll create a google docs spreadsheet with each team for us to enter the picks as they happen so we have a quick reference to see who's been selected already. I'll post a link to that at the top of this post for easy retrieval. It will be a public spreadsheet so anyone can edit, so please feel free to add in your picks to it when you select them.Ask questions in thread/pm and I'll answer them.JY21 is up, but I won't start clock until 7am tomorrow to give people time to find thread and know this has started. So JY21 has until 3pm Thursday to make his pick. If he comes on and posts sooner, the next person's (diesel) clock will start at that time, but no sooner than 7am tomorrow.The idea is for everyone to try to check the thread 1-2 times/day, maybe more if you are close to coming up, so that this moves faster than once every 8 hours, but things come up so 8 hours should give people time when they can't get on.

Sounds good to me, man. This will be fun! :good:
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Pretty easy selection for the first pick, don't like the guy personally but he is the most talented guy in the league. We all know that he's going to put up MVP numbers each and every year and gives me MAJOR flexibility with my roster as I can put him at the 1,2,3, or 4 if I really want to. I don't have to worry about trying to fit the perfect guys around him I can just go for some major talent. His defense looks to be getting better by the year and I've seen the guy guard every position on the floor, pretty damn impressive. He can lead the league in scoring and assists if he wanted, just a matter of what exactly I want to do with him and the rest of the roster. Good luck gentleman!!!

can we get this pinned?

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Dwight Howard

Thank you for the second position. I like to build with the most important position on the floor. That's the Center. In Howard, I get a shot blocking, rebounding, scoring big man... The best in the business. I got the guy who will continue to control the offensive and defensive side of the floor for the next 7 years!!

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Dwight Howard

Thank you for the second position. I like to build with the most important position on the floor. That's the Center. In Howard, I get a shot blocking, rebounding, scoring big man... The best in the business. I got the guy who will continue to control the offensive and defensive side of the floor for the next 7 years!!

Darn you!! I thought Everyone was going to pick a SG, PG, or SF first
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Welcome to the Lockout Fantasy Draft Thread!There are 14 teams, randomized order courtesy of random.org: 1. jy21 2. diesel 3. sultanofatl 4. capstone21 5. whassuphawks 6. ahf 7. supporter 8. nicholasp27 9. seano 10. 01d0rd3r 11. thatsmydawg 12. ngc7 13. coachx 14. alejandro091. This is a snake draft, so draft order goes 1,2,3,4,...14, 14, 13, 12, 11,...3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3,..2. You can draft anybody that is currently in the league (or is a free agent). They must have played at least one NBA game prior to today.3. You get the player as they are and their projected potential/output for their projected career from here on out. So if you draft Shaq, you are getting a player often injured, on the downside of his career, with only a year or so left. If you draft Wall, you get a young player who may project to play for 10+ years at a high level.4. Each team gets 13 players and 1 coach, no restrictions on positions...draft 13 centers if you want; only 1 coach5. Draft as if you are starting a new franchise, so how your team will play over the next 10 years, not just year one6. When it's your turn to draft, you just post (in bold) the player's name and you should do a writeup on why you chose that player. If you don't have time for a writeup, you can just make your selection to keep draft moving and then post writeup later when you have time. Your writeup should explain why the player rules and how well they fit with your squad and why your team is now going to dominate the '10s. You should always pm the next person in the list after you pick. 7. We'll set a time limit that works for all players to keep draft moving without getting too many skips. If you are skipped for not being here for your turn, you can make it up at any time when you return.After the draft, each person will writeup why their team is the best and then we'll do a public Hawksquawk vote to determine the winner. Some more logistics:1. We'll start off with a 8 hour time limit for pick. So when the person before you picks, you have 8 hours from then to make your selection or you are skipped. If you are skipped, the next person's clock starts and they have 8 hours. You may make up skipped picks at any time. Just post who you want when you get back to the thread. We may decrease time limit after a few rounds to keep draft moving smoothly, but we'll decide that as a group. One Caveat: The clock does not run from 10pm-7am. So if team 5 makes a selection at 9pm then team 6 has until 2pm the next day (1 hour until 10pm then 7 hours after 7am.)2. You should PM the person after you when you make your pick so they know it's their turn. However, everyone should also follow along with the thread and know when they are up soon. 3. If your pick is coming up soon and you'll be away, just ask in thread who will take your pm and be around to post it when it's your turn. I like to pm someone picking after me, and ideally someone that I have 2 picks before they go again so I can pm them 2 choices in case my top choice gets selected.4. Trades are allowed, but all teams must end up with 13 players and a coach. So you can't trade player a for players b, c but you could trade player a and your 8th round pick for players b, c. If a trade is too one-sided, it may be vetoed by the commish (nicholasp27), however only if most of the players feel it's unfair. Basically, we want to avoid stacking one team up with lopsided trades but trades for fit or due to different projections of talent are fine. (example: one draft I was in someone traded Jordan and a pick for 2 marginal all-stars in an all-time dynasty draft; this caused controversy as it was way too lopsided)5. If others want to join, they can during the FIRST ROUND only. They will be placed in the last spot in the first round (so #15 right now). Once the first selection of round 2 is made, the draft is CLOSED. It will also close when it gets to 20 teams, so there are 6 spots open as of the start of the draft. Also, you can be a co-owner with any team if the owner agrees. So feel free to co-own or consult with your favorite hawksquawker.6. I'll create a google docs spreadsheet with each team for us to enter the picks as they happen so we have a quick reference to see who's been selected already. I'll post a link to that at the top of this post for easy retrieval. It will be a public spreadsheet so anyone can edit, so please feel free to add in your picks to it when you select them.Ask questions in thread/pm and I'll answer them.JY21 is up, but I won't start clock until 7am tomorrow to give people time to find thread and know this has started. So JY21 has until 3pm Thursday to make his pick. If he comes on and posts sooner, the next person's (diesel) clock will start at that time, but no sooner than 7am tomorrow.The idea is for everyone to try to check the thread 1-2 times/day, maybe more if you are close to coming up, so that this moves faster than once every 8 hours, but things come up so 8 hours should give people time when they can't get on.

Good luck to everybody, hope my two pick will still be there for me. :rolleyes:
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no, we don't count clock at night from 10pm-7am, so sultanofatl is on the clock until 3pm; capstone's clock will start when sultan picks or 3pm, whichever comes firstalso, nice first 2 picks, obviouslythe first few picks will be much stronger than the final ones of the first round because there are only a few young superstars right nowbtw, please don't mention undrafted players....just use the word UNDRAFTED instead of the player's name if you want to refer to someone who has yet to be selected

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If I am starting a team...what position / player do I want to build around? I think Center and Point Guard are the most important and hardest to fill. Howard is off the board and at this juncture of the draft there isn't another real impact center. So I want a true point guard that will make my teammates better (not a score first UNDRAFTED type) and it came down to UNDRAFTED or Williams. I think Deron is a little bigger a little less banged up and is a player I would love to build around.

Edited by AHF
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