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Are the Mavs Tainting the NBA?


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Flops are tainting the NBA.

I hope Stern take JVG's suggestion and looks into fining guys for obvious flops.

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I think the changes to the rules in the past 10-15 years are total crap. They moved the 3pt line closer to bring scoring back up in the 90s when it dipped from the 80s. That didn't help so they moved it back. They introduced the hand checking rule on the perimeter and the craptastic one fore-arm rule in the pain to make it easier for players to score to enhance the scoring. Then they introduced the Shaq-no-offensive foul half-circle. This made it possible for players to get more uncontested dunks in the lane. It also made it impossible to guard Shaq for several years. All he had to do was bowl over two players, dunk the ball, and go to the foul line (for some reason a foul had to be called and it just couldn't be against the offense).

I think all of these changes have been ploys to simply add more flash to the game for the general public. Stern just wants the game to be exciting to keep up the Jordan-era popularity and profitability of the league. I love basketball, especially in the NBA, but the integrity of the game has been compromised. The rules have become complex and convoluted making consistent officiating near impossible. Superstars get extreme favoritism. And no one is allowed to disagree at all. If a player, coach, or owner says a single negative comment against the league they get fined in the same manner that an NFL player gets fined for an illegal hit. I think that it's time for a change in the league. The rulebook needs to be simplified and should be closer to college rules. Referees should be held accountable for their calls (which should be more consistent with simpler rules). Coaches, players, and owners should have more room to comment on the game without fear of being slammed by the league. There should be an agreeable middle-ground for this. I find it somewhat unconstitutional that they can't to be honest.

Anyways, that is my rant. And to keep it on subject, the Mavs didn't taint this game and neither did the Heat. The rules committee has tainted this game since they first moved the 3pt line in '94. Previous changes were made to make the game better (24 shot clock, 3pt line, widening the lane, no goal-tending). As for the zone, it should have never been taken out. I think most would agree that college ball is a more pure form of basketball and it has had the zone forever. I am pretty sure it had the 3pt line before the NBA as well. But it all doesn't matter. Sadly, this game is only about money and decisions regarding it will always be made with that it mind.

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