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well out of the subs rolle and wannamaker looked good Stackhouse was awful. Vlad wasn't that good since he has only been at a couple of practices I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Overall very underwhelming.


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I was highly pleased with Joe. He seemed very comfortable finding his shots on the floor. Without Craw around though, it's obvious he'll need a legitimate threat on the floor in close games, lest he wind up going 1-on-3 and heaving long-distance prayers in the closing seconds, as was the case in the second quarter (period?). I also was happy with Zaza. He hustled on the offensive glass as we would expect him to by now, although there were times he was stuck with the ball for an uncomfortable 8-10 seconds of the clock.

The Jurassic Bench (T-Mac, Stack) was downright putrid, just careless with the ball, not looking for teammates or anything. T-Mac thought we were playing H.O.R.S.E., apparently, his offensive arsenal consisted entirely of circus shots. Stack had the ball on the break with T-Mac wide open to his left and never looked his way as he drove to the hoop to clank the ball off the rim. Plus Jerry was caught fussing with the rent-a-refs about a foul call while the action continued down the floor. Not the "veteran presence" you'd think they would be getting paid for. On the other hand, I thought The Impaler was alright for what he brought out there; Vlad made some nice shots and played better D than I thought capable.

Teague will be out there creating havoc on the break after rebounds and steals. Hopefully, he will have trailers and shooters ready to receive the ball (not much to speak of tonight). In their absence, he simply bulldozes to the basket looking for contact and a trip to the line. Hope he can keep his FT shooting stellar once the season starts as well. LD's "born to run" plan apparently includes having virtually everyone (Al, Josh, Joe, T-Mac) capable of pushing the ball up the floor off the defensive rebound, not just the point guards.

Hate to say it, but if we have any semblance of a game in the post, it will be our backcourt (Joe, Teague) providing it. Al wasn't too bad. He fought aggressively for rebounds, pinned a Zaza layup or two, and tried to show some back-to-the-basket action once or twice, just not terribly successful with it. J-Slim will need the assistance of The Rifleman to deal with his 20-footers. I don't mean Chuck Person, either, I mean an actual person with a Winchester aimed at the ball as soon as Josh starts to line up for the shot. I swear that shot must be like crack for him, he simply can't help himself. When he made the first I knew there would be plenty more wasteful attempts, finally ceasing after an ugly airball. On the plus side, Josh did make one beautiful pass to Marvin cutting to the basket, and made ONE nice drive to the basket. But even those plays start with him getting the ball way out.

No great surprises among the training camp invitees. Ivan "The Terrible" Johnson did his best Reggie Evans impression, aggravating Smoove with his physicality. Garcia, Wanamaker, and Sloan were "meh", as was Kito, who looked understandably lost at times. Pape caught a nice oop from Joe and looked far more comfortable around the starters than anyone else.


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No one was outstanding. Smith is gonna take jumpshots but i hope he plays smarter and know when shot is off. I have a feeling he will have a very good year. He lost 30 pounds so he will get more buckets on the Fastbreak. Marvin was solid. Horford was Horford. Joe looks strait & I hope he get his 3 point shooting back. Keith Benson is better than I expected. Zaza was active, Mcgrady was ehhh and Stackhouse was ehhh. Just a scrimmage though.

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Air Harry the inflatable Harry the Hawk the best part of the scrimmage. Love him.


^THIS (the "real" Harry, too). The side shows (dance team, acro-dunkers, mascots) are quite possibly the most valuable assets they have at the arena as far as drawing attendees right now. Kids were having a blast, and "Air Harry" dancing to silly stuff like "Pants on the Ground" and "Rapper's Delight" had some parents even more excited than their kids. Maybe they won't draw many more fans overall this season, but families with kids will be in greater abundance if they get a taste of the off-court and timeout festivities.

Aside: What's our new slogan now, the new "Now You Know"? I think it's "Come to Play" or something benign.


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