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The odds of getting Howard just got a LITTLE better

Guest Walter

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I'm sorry, is Lopez's injury career threatening?

They want pieces to rebuild around and a foot injury that will keep Lopez out for a couple of month's is not going to get in the way of that so I don't get where this nonsense is coming from that his trade value just dropped but I guess some people just need to hold on to their fantasies.

Are you nuts? Ever heard of Yao Ming before? Zydrunas was a foot injury mess. Centers with foot injuries are to be avoided by all but the most desperate. Frankly, I'm shocked that I'm even having to argue that foot fractures that require surgery are bad, even worse in 7'ers. Foot injuries are NASTY for a big bodied, tall center. In this case, it happened when Orlando can have NO IDEA just how bad it is for Lopez.

While I don't know all the details of Lopez's injury, it is a "stress fx". That isn't like a "shin splint". It's a fracture. It will require surgery in part because of the poor blood supply/healing within the foot. Believe me should it ever heal, Lopez will not be suffering less stress over his NBA career. He will suffer more stress. I PT'd with a player at WCU who broke his foot 4 times. FOUR TIMES! These things don't always heal. Sometimes they linger or refracture more easily. Sometimes they are a sign of potential bilateral foot problems. Hard to say but it's not to be taken lightly, especially when there won't be time to kick the tires sufficiently before the trade deadline.

I frankly am shocked at your "argument" Crawsome. It's one thing to think we still don't have MUCH of a chance to land Howard, but Horford is 10x better than Lopez with a broken foot. THAT is NOT a point up for debate.


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P.S. I don't think that Horford, Hinrich, and 2, unprotected 1sts would get us Howard. However, we could take on Turkoglu or if Teague blows up a little exchange Nelson for Teague+. I understand ALL the arguments BUT...

NO agreed in principle to trade Paul to the DIVISION RIVAL Lakers. Hello?!? The Lakers were the team that O'Neal went to creating possible distrust or an unwillingness to work with LA. NJ has a center with one foot. Period! Dwight is from ATL and is best friends with JS. There IS a story here. It can be told. We will have to take on a bad contract and/or also give up Teague. That will require ownership stepping up with a willingness to enter the tax. If Dwight isn't the player that would cause them to do so, no one is.


We don't have a chance, and the only thing Al does better than lopez is rebound. If brook was on a winning team he'd be an all star by now.

Lopez might have been the worst rebounding center in the league last year. It was pretty bad. Also, hard to rebound on one foot. You don't crap shoot on PERHAPS a moderately better player who is seriously injured when trading your team's best player. You just don't.


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Its about pride also. Our first with Howard in tow will be nothing. Like I said, no way they face us with Howard for the next decade. Other teams will have a interest and we will be Orlandos next to last choice, right in line with Miami. The other 27 teams will all have a better shot when push comes to shove at the deadline if Howard is still showing signs of not coming back....

We beat them pretty bad in the first round last season without having Howard. Horf and a couple of our 1st round picks will not help them enough. I know this, you know this, they know this.

Pride doesn't factor or compute here. The real choice is either lose Howard for Good compensation or possibly lose Howard for Nothing. Or even worse, bad compensation.

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We don't have a chance, and the only thing Al does better than lopez is rebound. If brook was on a winning team he'd be an all star by now.

Rebounding is a big thing. You're talking 9.5 rpg to 6. That's a big thing.

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Are you nuts? Ever heard of Yao Ming before? Zydrunas was a foot injury mess. Centers with foot injuries are to be avoided by all but the most desperate. Frankly, I'm shocked that I'm even having to argue that foot fractures that require surgery are bad, even worse in 7'ers. Foot injuries are NASTY for a big bodied, tall center. In this case, it happened when Orlando can have NO IDEA just how bad it is for Lopez.

While I don't know all the details of Lopez's injury, it is a "stress fx". That isn't like a "shin splint". It's a fracture. It will require surgery in part because of the poor blood supply/healing within the foot. Believe me should it ever heal, Lopez will not be suffering less stress over his NBA career. He will suffer more stress. I PT'd with a player at WCU who broke his foot 4 times. FOUR TIMES! These things don't always heal. Sometimes they linger or refracture more easily. Sometimes they are a sign of potential bilateral foot problems. Hard to say but it's not to be taken lightly, especially when there won't be time to kick the tires sufficiently before the trade deadline.

I frankly am shocked at your "argument" Crawsome. It's one thing to think we still don't have MUCH of a chance to land Howard, but Horford is 10x better than Lopez with a broken foot. THAT is NOT a point up for debate.


Uhm, Yao had multiple injuries ranging from breaking his knee to having issue with his big toe in addition to the foot injuries. Zydrunas went on to have an all star career for over ten years after he suffered his foot injuries. Ever heard of Pau Gasol either? He broke his foot also in 2004, didn't seem to get in the way of him helping lead the Lakers to the multiple finals berths. Fact is you don't know but here you are predicting doom and gloom as though you are the authority on it. Plenty of bigmen have suffered the same injury yet somehow managed to come back and play strong for an extended period of time. Your anecdotal stories mean absolutely nothing to me and don't stand as much of an argument so fall off your high horse why don't you.

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Uhm, Yao had multiple injuries ranging from breaking his knee to having issue with his big toe in addition to the foot injuries. Zydrunas went on to have an all star career for over ten years after he suffered his foot injuries.

First, Zydrunas broke the same foot AT LEAST twice and was out two seasons recovering from the first as it didn't initially heal and had to be pinned. Seriously, do you think Big Z was the player he could have been had he not had multiple foot injuries and surgeries? That's just insane talk. Yao had THREE fractures to his foot. THREE!!! His FOOT injuries NOT other injuries caused him to retire. THAT should tell you something about the potential severity here. It's often not like breaking a long bone. It can be more "complicated".

Yes, "Plenty of big men have suffered the same injury", even most of them recover at or near 100% but nobody was stupid enough to trade for them over other comparable, healthy players before they ever got back onto the court to PROVE they weren't the next Yao or Z or even Bill Walton. That is the crux. This is a foot STRESS fracture which can continually return on some level, denote a potential for similar bilateral injury, or regardless diminish the overall potential of said player (chronic foot pain). BTW, Brook's brother suffered the same injury several years ago suggesting some genetic predisposition perhaps (but also the ability to recover from it.)


The prospects actually look reasonable for Lopez...Most importantly, however, by the trade deadline it is highly unlikely Orlando will KNOW anymore than they do now. THAT is the crux. Is Orlando going to trade for a broke foot Lopez over a package that involved Bynum or Horford or some other comparable player or center? I can't see it.


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And? That still does'nt change my opinion.

Come on now. Has any argument made on a message board ever changed your opinion? You want to believe what you want to believe until you hear Howard say I want to go to Atlanta and you hear somebody at one of these sites say Orlando is trying to work a deal with the Hawks.. and then your opinion will miraculously be changed. Point is, you have no faith.... and that's understandable. What some of us are saying is that it would be to Orlando's advantage to deal with the Hawks because they would get better compensation from us. What some of us are saying is that it has to be a given that D-12 have to consider playing in his hometown with his best friend for a contender. What some of us are saying is that Atlanta should want to swap out their 2 time allstar for Howard simply because of the press and fan draw the move would make. I'm sure you disagree with those points, but those are the points being made.

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No, so why even respond??

The fact remains that we are not getting dwight no matter how many posts you guys type up. Whats so hard to understand about he does not want to play for the hawks? Have we asked about him? Yes like every other team in the league, but we never had a real chance at getting him

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No, so why even respond??

The fact remains that we are not getting dwight no matter how many posts you guys type up. Whats so hard to understand about he does not want to play for the hawks? Have we asked about him? Yes like every other team in the league, but we never had a real chance at getting him

I'm not sure about this rationale, but I understand that regardless of what happens to Brook Lopez the Hawks have at best a slim shot.

Let's be clear here:

1) The "won't trade within divisions" argument is more smoke than fire. NO was willing to trade Paul to the division rival Lakers.

2) One of the primary 2 leaked trade partners lost it's one and only player bargaining chip.

3) We are Howard's hometown and have his best friend signed.

Howard may choose to go elsewhere for endorsements. Orlando may not want to trade within divisions. Our ownership may refuse to pay the tax (what I believe will be required to get Howard as we will have to take on a contract). Or a little of all of the above...If Howard "doesn't want to play for the Hawks", however, I would argue to him that it might be at the cost of him winning. JJ and JS are alot for a team who trades for Howard to retain and IMO with either Teague or a good player/bad contract person like Turk or Nelson from ORL is enough talent to win something.


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No, so why even respond??

The fact remains that we are not getting dwight no matter how many posts you guys type up. Whats so hard to understand about he does not want to play for the hawks? Have we asked about him? Yes like every other team in the league, but we never had a real chance at getting him

Wait a minute. Aren't you doing the same thing? Typing up a response?

Here's what I hear from you...

"We're not getting Dwight!!!"

Then when somebody says "why not".

You say:

"Because I believe we're not getting him and you can't change my opinion.".

For the rest of the thread, let me say this... WE HAVE NOTED YOUR FEELINGS.

But now, let's take this conversation to something a little more concrete than feelings. Here's what the argument is for what I have based us getting Dwight on:

1. It would be to Orlando's advantage to deal with the Hawks because they would get better compensation from us.

2. D-12 have to consider playing in his hometown with his best friend for a contender.

3. Atlanta should want to swap out their 2 time allstar for Howard simply because of the press and fan draw the move would make. I'm sure you disagree with those points, but those are the points being made.

If you care to talk about more than your feelings, please address your logic concerning any of these points. Otherwise, you should seek to be on the Redbook forum talking about your feelings with other women.

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Wait a minute. Aren't you doing the same thing? Typing up a response?

Here's what I hear from you...

"We're not getting Dwight!!!"

Then when somebody says "why not".

You say:

"Because I believe we're not getting him and you can't change my opinion.".

For the rest of the thread, let me say this... WE HAVE NOTED YOUR FEELINGS.

But now, let's take this conversation to something a little more concrete than feelings. Here's what the argument is for what I have based us getting Dwight on:

1. It would be to Orlando's advantage to deal with the Hawks because they would get better compensation from us.

2. D-12 have to consider playing in his hometown with his best friend for a contender.

3. Atlanta should want to swap out their 2 time allstar for Howard simply because of the press and fan draw the move would make. I'm sure you disagree with those points, but those are the points being made.

If you care to talk about more than your feelings, please address your logic concerning any of these points. Otherwise, you should seek to be on the Redbook forum talking about your feelings with other women.


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I'm here to talk hawks, not make friends. I will never change my opinion about anything, so no point in trying to do so. I will respect some opunions, but I am not backing down from anyone on here. I don't care who you are. Now like I was saying this dwight howard subject is like beating a dead horse over and over. It won't change anything, especially not this season.

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I'm here to talk hawks, not make friends. I will never change my opinion about anything, so no point in trying to do so. I will respect some opunions, but I am not backing down from anyone on here. I don't care who you are. Now like I was saying this dwight howard subject is like beating a dead horse over and over. It won't change anything, especially not this season.

Did I ask you to change your opinion? I don't think I have.

I asked you to address the three points if you disagree.

You say you're not backing down. Great. Address the points and quit posturing.

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I will never change my opinion about anything

Dogma much?

Look. I wouldn't bet money Howard is traded here, but while there weren't odds before Lopez broke his foot, now their should be. The ATL market isn't small like ORL, hometown hero, and we could actually make the trade and field a winning team.

BTW, I posted Howard/Nelson for Horford/Teague/2 1sts and here it is mentioned in an article today.



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The Hawks definitely match up best,-I'd take Horford over Brook Lopez any day- but no way they trade him to a division rival..right? Plus he doesn't want to play here for some reason. I think we'll have to content ourselves to keep watching him whine about fouls from the other side.

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The Hawks definitely match up best,-I'd take Horford over Brook Lopez any day- but no way they trade him to a division rival..right? Plus he doesn't want to play here for some reason. I think we'll have to content ourselves to keep watching him whine about fouls from the other side.

I have not heard Howard say that he didn't want to play here. What I have heard him say is that it would be a dream to play with Josh and he used to dream about playing for the Hawks. Business says go with a new NY franchise (Jersey) or go with Championship experience. However, I would think he has to consider playing with Josh in Atlanta something interesting.

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Man can you imagine the impact D12 would have here. What if we just tried to make a run at him in the FA market? Can we go into the LT then? D12 jerseys would sell like hotcakes.

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