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l Horford comments on being mentioned in Dwight Howard trade rumors


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Where was that jumper in the playoffs? If its not falling Al gets lost on the court. I know you guys think Alfred is perfect but he's not and its as clear as day. If Al ever wants to be more than what he is he's gonna have to develop some type of post game, period.

So what if he shot it better than Dirk. Dirk is still the superior offensive player

With that being said, i'd rather keep what we have now. Al and Dwight are not winning any championships without a guy like joe at the guard spotn

Ask D. Wade where was his jumper v. the Bulls. I guess D. Wade is not good anymore right?

Dirk is the best offensive PF in the game. That's not shade to Horford, just the truth.

I don't think Dwight+ Horford/Smith without Joe is a lock to win a title. Without someone who could create his own shot from the perimeter is a hard bet to win it all. But Dwight+Horford is a contender. I am still on the fences with Howard+ Smith. Just a bad fit skill set wise but Dwight Howard on another team by himself is at the least a pretender. But Miami, Memphis and OKC are the main three teams.

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I see a lot of shade being thrown my direction in this post. If you have an issue with me, PM me. Otherwise shut it.

I read the whole thread. I asked for logical reasons and didn't see one in favor of keeping Smith at the expanse of Joe and Al.

This friendship thing is childish and overblown. Even Dwight doesn't mention Smith in his top five players to play with. He mentioned Anthony Morrow. Come on, this is his best friend as you guys put it. Stop it. This is in the best interest of the Hawks, not Josh Smith fans. Why trade Smith over Horford or Joe.

1. Smith strengths are also Howard strengths but to a much greater extent. Howard weaknesses are the same as Smith ones but Smith is far worst in this regard. In other words, you take two similar players who aren't equal and make them a tandom. That makes no sense. None what so ever. MJ best friends wasn't Scottie Pippen but they had excellent fit. Similar players rarely work together in this league unless they are both elite and even then it's questionable i.e. Miami Heat.

2. I seen someone mention Howard is tired of being the only one to play defense. Not only has this never been mention but let's just say he did feel that way, he wouldn't be the only one playing defense if we traded both Smith and Horford. Joe is one of the best SG on defense. Teague is one of the better defensive PG's. Marvin is one of the best defensive SF when healthy. So he wouldn't be on an island in Atlanta which he is in Orlando and even on an island, he is so good he does what Smith does to an elite extent. He's the closest to Bill Russell in NBA history. I heard something to the extent that Dwight and Smith would completely shut down the paint. Well.... Dwight does that already so...

3. I understand you Josh Smith fans see him over all and feel like this is Smith chance to be great. News for you, he will never be great, too many flaws in his game but at the same thing Smith is a heck of a talent and is a jewel to this team. I personally don't mind trading Horford and a package of Marvin, Hinrich, picks for Dwight. I do mind trading Smith and Horford for Dwight. That one bothers me, it's too much for what could be a rental. I would want at the least a commitment like the one CP3 gave LAC. I am absolutely against trading Joe and Smith/Horford for Dwight. Dwight with Joe will elevate his impact. Their are only 15 good SG's in the NBA. Even less than Centers. Jamal Crawford is a top 15 SG, that's how weak the position is. Afflalo just got 9 mil a yr. Trading Joe would be a mistake just by the talent in the position. The likelihood of signing one with the MLE that's good and can create their own shot is slim to none. Most teams in the NBA have a good PF. Some have two.

This crying about friendship is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Sounds like something out of a Rugrats plot. But Tommy is my best friend- Chuckie. Like buzz said, this needs to end. If you want Smith over Horford and Joe, just state it but this illogical reasoning of friendship is a waste.

The way I see it, I doubt that Orlando wants Joe. I doubt that they would want Smith either. That's crazy to consider. I think we can get a deal done with Horf/Hinrich/pick for Howard.

Here's why.

Horf = Played a UF. Signed to a nice deal. 2 time allstar C. No injuries. Can play the 4 or 5.

If you're going lose Howard, getting Horf in return is really great value.

What reason would Orlando want Smith in a deal?

He's not going to be the fan draw that Horf is. He's not going to be as consistent. He's really not as needed. He's not signed as long. Orlando could actually reload and rebuild around Horf. Pick and Pop with Horf/Nelson. They still have Richardson and Hedo. It's not a great team but it's not bad neither.

If they take JJ, they have no amnesty to give him down the road. That's why I doubt it has JJ in it.

Why would we give up Horf.

Very simple. People have been telling you all week. There's no way to know if Howard resigns immediately. He may decide to wait. We should still pursue if he does. Josh is a reason he may decide to stay. Moreover, Josh next to Howard is probably the best defensive combination that this league would see.

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The way I see it, I doubt that Orlando wants Joe. I doubt that they would want Smith either. That's crazy to consider. I think we can get a deal done with Horf/Hinrich/pick for Howard.

Here's why.

Horf = Played a UF. Signed to a nice deal. 2 time allstar C. No injuries. Can play the 4 or 5.

If you're going lose Howard, getting Horf in return is really great value.

What reason would Orlando want Smith in a deal?

He's not going to be the fan draw that Horf is. He's not going to be as consistent. He's really not as needed. He's not signed as long. Orlando could actually reload and rebuild around Horf. Pick and Pop with Horf/Nelson. They still have Richardson and Hedo. It's not a great team but it's not bad neither.

If they take JJ, they have no amnesty to give him down the road. That's why I doubt it has JJ in it.

Why would we give up Horf.

Very simple. People have been telling you all week. There's no way to know if Howard resigns immediately. He may decide to wait. We should still pursue if he does. Josh is a reason he may decide to stay. Moreover, Josh next to Howard is probably the best defensive combination that this league would see.

I doubt they would want Marvin that much either unless he keeps playing at James Worthy level. Right now, Marvin is playing like what I expected him to be if he got more touches the year he signed the contract extension. I am still not sold but it's a great deal for Atlanta.

I doubt they would want Joe contract either. I doubt Josh is the reason for him to stay or leave. Only winning and a chance to contend will decide that. It's clear Atlanta is the city Dwight would love to play in. It's the other stuff like ASG and DP being in his ear. Don't buy into this message board fluff. This is the same thing I heard behind close doors with CP3 to NYK. But Melo and CP3 are best friends and their agent wants them on the same team, etc. Guess what, he's a Clipper now.

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Now we get to the better part of the argument. Players are not just production but also cost. Joe currently costs 5 million more than Josh and will cost 8-10 million more in upcoming seasons. Keeping Joe is not an apples to apples situation. I broke this down in another thread about the "cost" of Joe in 2 years. Josh is free agent in 2013 and will command a max or near max deal. If you keep Joe and his contract and assuming you have Horford and his 12 million a year, signing Josh and Teague means no money for free agents. Joe is not a cornerstone. Neither is Al. Dwight is a cornerstone and will be cheaper than Joe in 3 years leaving more money for other players. If you trade Joe, Al you are trading away 31.5 million a year in salary 2 years down the road. In 2013 when Josh is a free agent you only have 4 players under contract at 42.5 million (Marvin, Teague, Joe, Al). Trade Al/Joe for Howard/Turkoglu, and you have 4 players again under contract for the same amount but Turkoglu is in his last year and is a great expiring contract to trade to a rebuilding team where neither JJ nor Horf is. Howard + 8 million dollar shooting guard > JJ, Horf and 5 million cheaper against the cap in 2013 which allows you to resign Josh long term comfortably while getting other players. Keeping JJ/Horf does not.

Which is why JJ and Howard is a win now type situation. Which is also why I cannot see Orlando wanting to be stuck with JJs contract which is big enough that he should be a cornerstone and he is not one. JJ and Howard is a better win now tandem. Josh and Horf is a better financial tandem. No matter how you cut it, JJs contract will not be good two years from now, does not matter what team has him. So expect Orlando to give a big resounding no....

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I don't see how we make this trade and not become weaker overall. Yes Dwight is a good player but he isn't the kind of player that you could build around because he offensively challenged. Orlando's team was built around him now look at them. he complains about the coach being mean and negative. Are you really sure you want this guy here with Josh Smith another mental midget? While I personally think that a lineup of "new" Marvin, Horf, and Howard would be great I am not completely sold on Dwight Howard the player. I question how much better he would make us.

again he will break the bank for his contract and whine about why the team can't afford the help he "needs". No I will take less to give the team more flexibility talk coming from this guy. We will become the Atlanta Magic for sure.

Edited by Wurider05
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I don't see how we make this trade and not become weaker overall. Yes Dwight is a good player but he isn't the kind of player that you could build around because he offensively challenged. Orlando's team was built around him now look at them. he complains about the coach being mean and negative. Are you really sure you want this guy here with Josh Smith another mental midget? While I personally think that a lineup of "new" Marvin, Horf, and Howard would be great I am not completely sold on Dwight Howard the player. I question how much better he would make us.

again he will break the bank for his contract and whine about why the team can't afford the help he "needs". No I will take less to give the team more flexibility talk coming from this guy. We will become the Atlanta Magic for sure.

I like the post till you questioned Dwight in terms of being sold. Dwight is the best defensive player since Bill Russell. No one can dominate a game defensively like Howard but you must have offensive weapons around him. You must have a guard who can create his own shot. You must have a guard like Jameer who can attack the paint. You must a guard who can at least stick with his man at SF especially with Lebron, Melo, and Durant. Which means the position is the premier position to address in the NBA.

Howard is the type you need to build around him like you would with Russell. A PG that good is needed. A SG who can create for himself and is a smart playmaker like Hondo is needed. A SF like KC Jones is needed. A PF who can shoot is needed. That's how you build a dominate team around Dwight. But it will cost us more than Josh and we all know that as well.

Edited by nbasuperstar40
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I see a lot of shade being thrown my direction in this post. If you have an issue with me, PM me. Otherwise shut it.

I read the whole thread. I asked for logical reasons and didn't see one in favor of keeping Smith at the expanse of Joe and Al.

This friendship thing is childish and overblown. Even Dwight doesn't mention Smith in his top five players to play with. He mentioned Anthony Morrow. Come on, this is his best friend as you guys put it. Stop it. This is in the best interest of the Hawks, not Josh Smith fans. Why trade Smith over Horford or Joe?

1. Smith strengths are also Howard strengths but to a much greater extent for D12. Howard weaknesses are the same as Smith ones but Smith is far worst in this regard. In other words, you take two similar players who aren't equal and make them a tandem. That makes no sense. None what so ever. MJ best friends wasn't Scottie Pippen but they had excellent fit. Similar players rarely work together in this league unless they are both elite and even then it's questionable i.e. Miami Heat.

2. I seen someone mention Howard is tired of being the only one to play defense. Not only has this never been mention but let's just say he did feel that way, he wouldn't be the only one playing defense if we traded both Smith and Horford. Joe is one of the best SG on defense. Teague is one of the better defensive PG's. Marvin is one of the best defensive SF when healthy. So he wouldn't be on an island in Atlanta which he is in Orlando and even on an island, he is so good he does what Smith does to an elite extent. He's the closest to Bill Russell in NBA history. I heard something to the extent that Dwight and Smith would completely shut down the paint. Well.... Dwight does that already so...

3. I understand you Josh Smith fans see him over all and feel like this is Smith chance to be great. News for you, he will never be great, too many flaws in his game but at the same time Smith is a heck of a talent and is a jewel to this team. I personally don't mind trading Horford and a package of Marvin, Hinrich, picks for Dwight. I do mind trading Smith and Horford for Dwight. That one bothers me, it's too much for what could be a rental. I would want at the least a commitment like the one CP3 gave LAC. I am absolutely against trading Joe and Smith/Horford for Dwight. Dwight with Joe will elevate his impact. Their are only 15 good SG's in the NBA. Even less than Centers. Jamal Crawford is a top 15 SG, that's how weak the position is. Afflalo just got 9 mil a yr. Trading Joe would be a mistake just by the talent in the position. The likelihood of signing one with the MLE that's good and can create their own shot is slim to none. Most teams in the NBA have a good PF. Some have two.

This crying about friendship is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Sounds like something out of a Rugrats plot. But Tommy is my best friend- Chuckie. Like buzz said, this needs to end. If you want Smith over Horford and Joe, just state it but this illogical reasoning of friendship is a waste.

First of all, no one tells me to shut it. Internet bravado only makes grown ups laugh.

Second, let's address that "Dwight shuts the paint" concept. Dwight is one man....a very good man...but just one man. Marvin, Teague, Josh with Dwight is a defensive wall.

Third, no one is saying JJ isn't a good player. JJ is a very good player. But there is a cost and effect with JJ that will keep us from reaching our potential. JJ is 21 million in 2 years. Dwight will be 20 million. What could you possibly put with JJ/Dwight at that salary? JJ will have depreciating skills every year we go in. Joe = Josh = Al. Joe's salary >Josh Salary > Al's salary. So if = player has a greater salary his value per dollar is lower. This is not rocket science. Joe is not more important to this team than Al or Josh but Joe is more expensive with less upside, more mileage. You aren't building a team for the next week but building a team for the next 5 years.

Do you think Dwight doesn't know these things?

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First of all, no one tells me to shut it. Internet bravado only makes grown ups laugh.

Second, let's address that "Dwight shuts the paint" concept. Dwight is one man....a very good man...but just one man. Marvin, Teague, Josh with Dwight is a defensive wall.

Third, no one is saying JJ isn't a good player. JJ is a very good player. But there is a cost and effect with JJ that will keep us from reaching our potential. JJ is 21 million in 2 years. Dwight will be 20 million. What could you possibly put with JJ/Dwight at that salary? JJ will have depreciating skills every year we go in. Joe = Josh = Al. Joe's salary >Josh Salary > Al's salary. So if = player has a greater salary his value per dollar is lower. This is not rocket science. Joe is not more important to this team than Al or Josh but Joe is more expensive with less upside, more mileage. You aren't building a team for the next week but building a team for the next 5 years.

Do you think Dwight doesn't know these things?

All this being equal between these three players is your opinion and certainly not the bulk of the NBA when it comes to Josh Smith, that fans nor a coach has ever chosen for a all-star game. And I do not think Dwight Howard even knows you exist much less has some idea of what your opinion is. So much internet ego..... lmao all day long

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First of all, no one tells me to shut it. Internet bravado only makes grown ups laugh.

Second, let's address that "Dwight shuts the paint" concept. Dwight is one man....a very good man...but just one man. Marvin, Teague, Josh with Dwight is a defensive wall.

Third, no one is saying JJ isn't a good player. JJ is a very good player. But there is a cost and effect with JJ that will keep us from reaching our potential. JJ is 21 million in 2 years. Dwight will be 20 million. What could you possibly put with JJ/Dwight at that salary? JJ will have depreciating skills every year we go in. Joe = Josh = Al. Joe's salary >Josh Salary > Al's salary. So if = player has a greater salary his value per dollar is lower. This is not rocket science. Joe is not more important to this team than Al or Josh but Joe is more expensive with less upside, more mileage. You aren't building a team for the next week but building a team for the next 5 years.

Do you think Dwight doesn't know these things?

Grown ups have no need to throw shade at others when it's not necessary. If you have an issue, take it up with me via PM.

Dwight Howard is a defensive wall. Adding him with Smith is heck but you aren't driving to the paint much regardless since D12 is there. Even Miami picks their chances v. Dwight.

JJ is going to pricey no matter what. No point in using and him and for that reason is why Orlando would have little interest in him.

JJ is not going to get worst for at least three more seasons. It will take till he is in his late 30's to fall off. His game is based on skill and shooting which is the last to go for NBA players.

I don't think Joe, Al, and Josh are equals in terms of impact, trade value, and ability to help a team win a title but that's for a different time and place.

Joe is more important in value with Howard in terms of Basketball than Smith or Horford regardless which has more athletic ability, talent, trade value and what not. Mainly because Joe is a SG who can create his own shot and is a perfect fit for Dwight. Horford and Smith aren't. Joe is one of the 15 good SG's in the NBA and is a top 3-5 SG in the NBA. That alone gives him a lot of value with Dwight.

Dwight has to find fit for Dwight. The Hawks have to find fit for their personnel in terms of fit and talent. With all being consider, Joe is just a lot more valuable than Al or Josh due to his impact with Howard and fit. If we are talking about in general, you would have a different argument which would make sense but in this case it doesn't. Not to mention that Joe is not good value for Orlando in a trade as well. They wouldn't even be able to amnesty him.

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First of all JJ and whoever they choose between Smith and Horford for Dwight straight do not work, Orlando should include another player to match salaries.

If JJ goes to Orlando one of J Richardson and JJ Reddick should go.

For me either Smith and JJ for Dwight and Redick or Smith, JJ and Hinrich for Dwight, Richardson and Duhon would be good. My preferences for the first one.






For me this is an upgrade over what we have, Redick is a good shooter, Hinrich should have to backup SG and PG positions and Marvin should have to step up as he is doing on the wing to provide scoring BUT you have the best frontcourt on the NBA with Horford and Howars, both have at least 4-5 more years at full strength and we still mantain enough outside shooting and remember that SG and SF are the easiest positions to fill on the NBA. For me it's a no-brainer for Atlanta but I don't think Dwight would like to come here.

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First of all JJ and whoever they choose between Smith and Horford for Dwight straight do not work, Orlando should include another player to match salaries. If JJ goes to Orlando one of J Richardson and JJ Reddick should go. For me either Smith and JJ for Dwight and Redick or Smith, JJ and Hinrich for Dwight, Richardson and Duhon would be good. My preferences for the first one. Teague/Hinrich Redick/Green Marvin/TMac Horford/RadMan Dwight/Zaza/Collins For me this is an upgrade over what we have, Redick is a good shooter, Hinrich should have to backup SG and PG positions and Marvin should have to step up as he is doing on the wing to provide scoring BUT you have the best frontcourt on the NBA with Horford and Howars, both have at least 4-5 more years at full strength and we still mantain enough outside shooting and remember that SG and SF are the easiest positions to fill on the NBA. For me it's a no-brainer for Atlanta but I don't think Dwight would like to come here.
guripilo, Good points but we need to make sure that he is willing to re-signed with us, and we cant let go Smith unless is D12 will leave regards, this sound like more and more of that Nique trade that all of the Hawks can remember and believe me, Hawks would look like fools if they dont re-signed Dwight but give up everything for him. Edited by NekiEcko
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guripilo, Good points but we need to make sure that he is willing to re-signed with us, and we cant let go Smith unless is D12 will leave regards, this sound like more and more of that Nique trade that all of the Hawks can remember and believe me, Hawks would look like fools if they dont re-signed Dwight but give up everything for him.

Of course I don't think anyone would trade JJ and Smith for Howard if he do not resign long term with Atlanta, as happened with Carmelo Anthony.

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The "team" built around him would go the way off the Cavaliers if he left. He has no real talent around him.

A team with Teague, Redick, Marvin and Horford could achieve the playoffs in 2 years, is not the same situation as Cleveland, that is a good young core.... but again I would not trade JJ and Smith for him if he do not resign with Atlanta.

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I see a lot of shade being thrown my direction in this post. If you have an issue with me, PM me. Otherwise shut it.

I read the whole thread. I asked for logical reasons and didn't see one in favor of keeping Smith at the expanse of Joe and Al.

This friendship thing is childish and overblown. Even Dwight doesn't mention Smith in his top five players to play with. He mentioned Anthony Morrow. Come on, this is his best friend as you guys put it. Stop it. This is in the best interest of the Hawks, not Josh Smith fans. Why trade Smith over Horford or Joe?

1. Smith strengths are also Howard strengths but to a much greater extent for D12. Howard weaknesses are the same as Smith ones but Smith is far worst in this regard. In other words, you take two similar players who aren't equal and make them a tandem. That makes no sense. None what so ever. MJ best friends wasn't Scottie Pippen but they had excellent fit. Similar players rarely work together in this league unless they are both elite and even then it's questionable i.e. Miami Heat.

2. I seen someone mention Howard is tired of being the only one to play defense. Not only has this never been mention but let's just say he did feel that way, he wouldn't be the only one playing defense if we traded both Smith and Horford. Joe is one of the best SG on defense. Teague is one of the better defensive PG's. Marvin is one of the best defensive SF when healthy. So he wouldn't be on an island in Atlanta which he is in Orlando and even on an island, he is so good he does what Smith does to an elite extent. He's the closest to Bill Russell in NBA history. I heard something to the extent that Dwight and Smith would completely shut down the paint. Well.... Dwight does that already so...

3. I understand you Josh Smith fans see him over all and feel like this is Smith chance to be great. News for you, he will never be great, too many flaws in his game but at the same time Smith is a heck of a talent and is a jewel to this team. I personally don't mind trading Horford and a package of Marvin, Hinrich, picks for Dwight. I do mind trading Smith and Horford for Dwight. That one bothers me, it's too much for what could be a rental. I would want at the least a commitment like the one CP3 gave LAC. I am absolutely against trading Joe and Smith/Horford for Dwight. Dwight with Joe will elevate his impact. Their are only 15 good SG's in the NBA. Even less than Centers. Jamal Crawford is a top 15 SG, that's how weak the position is. Afflalo just got 9 mil a yr. Trading Joe would be a mistake just by the talent in the position. The likelihood of signing one with the MLE that's good and can create their own shot is slim to none. Most teams in the NBA have a good PF. Some have two.

This crying about friendship is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Sounds like something out of a Rugrats plot. But Tommy is my best friend- Chuckie. Like buzz said, this needs to end. If you want Smith over Horford and Joe, just state it but this illogical reasoning of friendship is a waste.

Thank you for reiterating my point. That's a logical reason Howard would come to Atlanta instead of Orlando. Also, Smith and Howard do not have similar games. Yea, they are both athletic but that's it. Howard is a developing post player offensively who crashes the boards. Smith takes his guy off the dribble. Howard is a defensive anchor who locks down the paint. Smith is a weakside shotblocker. Howard is a blackhole sometimes, but Smith is a pretty good passer. Their weaknesses are not the same other than a lack of consistent shooting.
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A team with Teague, Redick, Marvin and Horford could achieve the playoffs in 2 years, is not the same situation as Cleveland, that is a good young core.... but again I would not trade JJ and Smith for him if he do not resign with Atlanta.

You misunderstood me. I was referring to Wurider05s post about him being offensively challenged and the comments made about the team built around him. I will say this too. I've never heard of.someone who was offensively challenged dropping 40 in the playoffs or averaging 20 ppg
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Thank you for reiterating my point. That's a logical reason Howard would come to Atlanta instead of Orlando. Also, Smith and Howard do not have similar games. Yea, they are both athletic but that's it. Howard is a developing post player offensively who crashes the boards. Smith takes his guy off the dribble. Howard is a defensive anchor who locks down the paint. Smith is a weakside shotblocker. Howard is a blackhole sometimes, but Smith is a pretty good passer. Their weaknesses are not the same other than a lack of consistent shooting.

Smith is a terrible decison maker, Howard is a good decision maker. Howard is extremely consistent, Smith isn't. So when I say they are similar players, I don't mean everything is the same, they have a lot of the same traits. Like D. Rose and Westbrook. Both Howard and Smith are weakside shot blockers. It's just that D12 defensive bbiq is so off the charts, he can lock down the paint as well. Howard can be a blackhole. Smith is not someone who is known as a player who can take you off the dribble. With his weak ball-handing, you want him to try that when he's moody. Now Blake Griffin, Chris Bosh, and Amare can take you off the dribble.

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First of all JJ and whoever they choose between Smith and Horford for Dwight straight do not work, Orlando should include another player to match salaries.

If JJ goes to Orlando one of J Richardson and JJ Reddick should go.

For me either Smith and JJ for Dwight and Redick or Smith, JJ and Hinrich for Dwight, Richardson and Duhon would be good. My preferences for the first one.






For me this is an upgrade over what we have, Redick is a good shooter, Hinrich should have to backup SG and PG positions and Marvin should have to step up as he is doing on the wing to provide scoring BUT you have the best frontcourt on the NBA with Horford and Howars, both have at least 4-5 more years at full strength and we still mantain enough outside shooting and remember that SG and SF are the easiest positions to fill on the NBA. For me it's a no-brainer for Atlanta but I don't think Dwight would like to come here.

The deal floated...the only one in question is JJ/(horf or Smith) for Howard/Turkoglu. You have to take back Hedo's salary or there is no incentive for Orlando to do it.

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You misunderstood me. I was referring to Wurider05s post about him being offensively challenged and the comments made about the team built around him. I will say this too. I've never heard of.someone who was offensively challenged dropping 40 in the playoffs or averaging 20 ppg

What he meant was Howard is not an elite scorer. When people are elite, they are usually elite on offense and defense or they aren't elite. Howard is not elite at scoring but he is elite on offense due to his high bbiq, his ability to play without the ball and his ability to be flat out unguardable at times. He just isn't elite in terms of scoring like Shaq or playmaking like Tim Duncan was.

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