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NBA coach: 'Good' Josh can kill you, 'Bad' Josh becomes our sixth man


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Josh would be awesome on lakers or heat where they have someone on the floor who won't let him jack up those shots

Joe isn't that guy

Dude spends all week complaining about not making the all star team and you think he's gonna be happy when he's asked to shoot the ball 8-9 times a game? He'd be pouting in no time and becoming a distraction. At least that's what most of those GMs are gonna be thinking. Only way he gets traded to them is if they give up nothing more than mediocre talent (mike miller + chalmers) in the deal.

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This article is how coaches and fans outside of Atlanta view Josh. He has way to many bad games to be considered a all-star. All-stars on their bad nights still work hard and get 14 to 16 points and some boards or assist depending on position they play. Smoove has a bad night and he quits working.

Now throw in the obvious stat on him taking bad jumpers and he becomes uncoachable. Everyone knows this but a few here ignore it.

Edited by Buzzard
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The bigger problem is that for all practical purposes, Smoove may not be tradable. If Coaches think that he's their 6th man when they play the Hawks, then no way does a coach want to push for a trade of him. His trade value is skewed.

People, and coaches also qualify in this category, like to know what they can count on, where they stand so to speak... and Smoove doesn't fit that part of equation.

Coaches see the world of talent (their own words), but Smoove is batting .300 in a wrong sport where you must show up in at least 75% of games and give your best (whatever that is on a given night).

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Mr. Eastern Conference agrees. "He belongs on the block, if he was there he'd score 50."

Kind of lost legitmacy after this one. Not even Josh's old AAU coach would say something this perposterous.

But the gist of article is correct, he needs to be inside more. It's also the point guard job to direct the post player into position and actually toss a decent entry pass.

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Mr. Eastern Conference agrees. "He belongs on the block, if he was there he'd score 50."

Kind of lost legitmacy after this one. Not even Josh's old AAU coach would say something this perposterous.

But the gist of article is correct, he needs to be inside more. It's also the point guard job to direct the post player into position and actually toss a decent entry pass.

If the Bibby and JJ guard tandem could not get him to post up, chances are only a Jordan and Magic tandem would have a chance and they do not play anymore....This is also why the coaches see him as a possible sixth man. Jordan and Magic would probably demand he be benched. I don't think Teague has that kind of pull and even with all Smooves faults, he is our 2nd best player with Horf being out. Best player now with Horf and JJ being out.

Kind of sad to have to say a non all-star is your teams best player, but until JJ gets back its true.

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If the Bibby and JJ guard tandem could not get him to post up,

I don't think you are actually watching games. Whenever Drew or who calls the play for Smith on the block, it goes through. I don't think Smith or Horford can demand the ball on the block as the motion offense is already in effect looking for someone to curl open for a jumpshot.

Edited by Kimsey
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I don't think you are actually watching games. Whenever Drew or who calls the play for Smith on the block, it goes through. I don't think Smith or Horford can demand the ball on the block as the motion offense is already in effect looking for someone to curl open for a jumpshot.

I been watching a long, long time.More so when we had Bibby than now with Teague. Smoove does not even try to get down low on the block. He stands out 22ft or more because that is what he likes to do. Have you ever heard Smoove say I want to start posting up more? LMAO, the guy took shooting lessons during a off season for christ sake.

But go ahead and keep defending Smoove. You are one of those I was talking about who do not see Josh for the player he is. But instead see him for the player he could be.....if he did not quit when having a bad game, and if he did not take three times more bad shots from 22ft than three other all-stars combined.

By your logic, his pgs and coaches must be calling those plays and screaming at him to take those shots since that is what he does.

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Just heard a little earlier on Chuck and Chernoff on 680 a sound bite from Steve Holman, It was when Chicago turned the ball over and Josh dribbled the length of the floor only to lose the ball, turning it over. Steve soberly points out that he wouldn't pass the ball and it's obvious he's basically rolling his eyes and shaking his head with his tone. When you have Holman doing that, you know there is a real problem.

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Here is a vid from Orlando with Josh EXTENSIVE work on the block. Whoever is uploading these is committing more than likely copyright infringement but whatever.

This is a set play where Joe "brush screens" Smiths man. I don't think I have ever seen this play this year much less in the past. See 55 sec mark and 2:25 mark. Marvin even tried it at the 3:12 mark. Joe tries it again at the 4:18 mark. He ends up taking a 3 pointer which I'm pretty sure is his fault.....

Out of dozen or so times he got it in the post, 90% or more were designed plays or coaches call.


Edited by Kimsey
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Just heard a little earlier on Chuck and Chernoff on 680 a sound bite from Steve Holman, It was when Chicago turned the ball over and Josh dribbled the length of the floor only to lose the ball, turning it over. Steve soberly points out that he wouldn't pass the ball and it's obvious he's basically rolling his eyes and shaking his head with his tone. When you have Holman doing that, you know there is a real problem.

Holman is the Zeus of Atlanta Hawks homers, so yes, that's a great point.

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I don't know about 50, but if Josh lived in the block we would be a different team, man. If the guy played in their with a consistant purpose he would be an elite, franchise type guy. But that just isn't going to happen. Dude, could average 20 on 48-50% shooting, easy, but he would rather prove he can shoot the ball. He is being a douche. The guy is honestly not even a better shooter than Dwight Howard right now, and he could easily put up better scoring numbers than that guy because even though he isn't quite as big he is definitely more skilled. The day Josh Smith grows up (and Teague grows balls) is the day this franchise is going to be relevant again. If that doesn't happen Joe ain't carrying this team anywhere other than out early in the playoffs.

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It's hard to low BBIQ players to play consistent Basketball. It's like asking dumb kids to make an A in Calculus.

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