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Will Anybody step up tonight.


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So far, in the last few meetings with Orlando, we have held the upper hand. Tonight, we go into the game WOUNDED. NO Horf, No Joe.

Will anybody step up tonight so that we can get off the schnide?

Josh Smith? - Last night was the night for him to prove he was snubbed. He proved Nothing. Tonight, he can once again go out and prove that he's the talent in Atlanta.

Marvin? - Well, Marvin should be benched Indefinitely so that he can deal with his emotions. I would give him a team sanctioned release and let him go somewhere and grieve for a few months.

TMac? - After calling for more playing time, he's getting it. I have to say, after all the knee surgeries, sometimes it's hard watching him up and down the court.

Zaza? - The Big consistent. He is proving that he doesn't loaf. Can he step it up?

Dampiere? - Can Eric-A-D. come out and shut down one superman?

Mean Willie Green? - This is that dude. Green has made it his mission to use this season as an opportunity to show the league that he's still got something. I like his chances tonight.

Pargo - Joe's buddy can dedicate a dominate performance to his longterm friend.

Radman = This is step up time. Orlando might be playing Soft. Radman is crafty.

Statckhouse = Speaking of crafty. Give him some minutes and let's see how the 360PX has worked out.

Hinrich? - Hey buddy... your terrible play has been ruining our chances to trade you. Step up night is tonight.

Teague - Coming off a 50% performance, Teague shows that he can get around defenders and score but he also showed that he's a pick magnet.

It's not looking good for LD. I won't say he's lost the team but he himself has said if we can't "get up" for these stretch of games then something is wrong. LD... Something is wrong. In the texas holdem game that is BBall coaching, LD was given a hand of a 3 of clubs and queen of hearts and was told to make a bet. Unfortunately, by the end of this year, he will have to go all in.

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You are unreal

I think I'm gonna just take a break from this site for a week since we can't have a ban on that horrible posting

Beyond ridiculous

The postings aren't any worse than the Hawks' play.

I am hoping this has just been a bad stretch and the guys will regain their confidence during the All Star break. The team shooting has got to improve.

Has Hinrich made 2 shots in a row during any game this year? I'm not sure its fair but our decline began when we tried to force Kirk into the lineup.

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Diesel if you are going to continue to be so classless towards Marvin then I'd suggest you take a break from posting as I'm getting tired of seeing these types of remarks from you and from the amount of PMs I have about this there are numerous others who feel the same way. So you can either stop with these types of remarks or I will have no choice but start moderating your posts as Marvin (just as any other player would) deserves more respect than you're giving him.

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Diesel if you are going to continue to be so classless towards Marvin then I'd suggest you take a break from posting as I'm getting tired of seeing these types of remarks from you and from the amount of PMs I have about this there are numerous others who feel the same way. So you can either stop with these types of remarks or I will have no choice but start moderating your posts as Marvin (just as any other player would) deserves more respect than you're giving him.

I am not being classless towards Marvin. I'm saying that he should have time to grieve. How is that Classless? I also say it's not fair that he not come out and play when he's not 100% so the team should sit him. How is that Classless? I'm talking about what's in the best interest of both Marvin and the team. I believe that there is a segment here that's very Marvin sensitive. It's not fair that I be called out for saying that Marvin needs time to grieve.

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I am not being classless towards Marvin. I'm saying that he should have time to grieve. How is that Classless? I also say it's not fair that he not come out and play when he's not 100% so the team should sit him. How is that Classless? I'm talking about what's in the best interest of both Marvin and the team. I believe that there is a segment here that's very Marvin sensitive. It's not fair that I be called out for saying that Marvin needs time to grieve.

Marvin? - Well, Marvin should be benched Indefinitely so that he can deal with his emotions. I would give him a team sanctioned release and let him go somewhere and grieve for a few months.

You honestly don't see anything wrong with this (in addition to the comments you've made in the other threads)? Maybe classless isn't the right word, I don't know, but at the very least it's heartless to make light of his situation the way that you have and it's not something that I want to see from anyone here on Hawksquawk in regard to a family tragedy of a player, coach or as it pertains to Hawksquawk members.

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This is a Hawks fan site and we have one person who continues to take shots at a player on a very personal level as a human freakin' being over a death in his family. I've had issues from time to time with Diesel but going after someone for their reaction to a death is one of the lowest damn things I've ever seen on this site. Is this how the rest of the season is going to play Dolf? He gets to keep taking shots at how a human being handles a death in his family? Unreal.

I'm asking you again to at least moderate Diesel if nothing else to get him to stop taking shots at Marvin over how he handles death. I can't even believe I just typed that last sentence. Diesel I know you see this. You are a human being typing on a keyboard. I'm asking you to please take a moment and realize how low and miserable it is to make fun of someone, anyone, over this. You have to stop.

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This is a Hawks fan site and we have one person who continues to take shots at a player on a very personal level as a human freakin' being over a death in his family. I've had issues from time to time with Diesel but going after someone for their reaction to a death is one of the lowest damn things I've ever seen on this site. Is this how the rest of the season is going to play Dolf? He gets to keep taking shots at how a human being handles a death in his family? Unreal.

I'm asking you again to at least moderate Diesel if nothing else to get him to stop taking shots at Marvin over how he handles death. I can't even believe I just typed that last sentence. Diesel I know you see this. You are a human being typing on a keyboard. I'm asking you to please take a moment and realize how low and miserable it is to make fun of someone, anyone, over this. You have to stop.

Did you read what I posted above? I assure you that if it continues I will have no choice but to moderate him or anyone else who behaves like that towards Marvin about this issue.

Diesel if you are going to continue to be so classless towards Marvin then I'd suggest you take a break from posting as I'm getting tired of seeing these types of remarks from you and from the amount of PMs I have about this there are numerous others who feel the same way. So you can either stop with these types of remarks or I will have no choice but start moderating your posts as Marvin (just as any other player would) deserves more respect than you're giving him.
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I think it has to be Zaza, though I know I always say that. If Zaza gets in foul trouble, we're gonna be in even more trouble than normal. I think with a strong performance from our wings is necessary to win also. The Magic can't blow us out if they can't hit threes, so that needs to be our first order of business. Willie Green needs to run straight into Dwight a few times also.

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You honestly don't see anything wrong with this (in addition to the comments you've made in the other threads)? Maybe classless isn't the right word, I don't know, but at the very least it's heartless to make light of his situation the way that you have and it's not something that I want to see from anyone here on Hawksquawk in regard to a family tragedy of a player, coach or as it pertains to Hawksquawk members.

The hard part is that you can't understand intent from mere words. You say I was making Light of his situation. I wasn't. i was saying he needs a break and should be sat for his own benefit and for that of the team. My original statement after hearing of Marvin's play may be caused as a result of the death in his family is that if he wasn't emotionally ready, he should not have suited up. I don't say that Tongue in Cheek. I mean that. If he's not 100% ready, psychologically, it doesn't help him to be on the floor, neither does it help the team. That's like a player coming back from physical injury too soon. Had I said Joe should be in a suit because he has severe tendinitis would there be this large of an offended group on Hawksquawk? Certainly not. Death is psychological just like tendinitis is physical. They both need time and only the player knows when they are 100% ready to come back.

I get it though. I have a history here and just a few days ago I called Marvin a Cancer for asking for a trade. However, you guys (Sothron particularly) need to be able to separate that from this. That was an outraged fan hearing that player I already believe have robbed this team of money and talent looking for a golden parachute and telling the truth about his effect on the team. This is a concerned Hawks fan saying neither he nor the Hawks should endure him agonizing on the floor because he's emotionally unstable.

Being that you guys can't seem to separate the two with these mere words, the result is it seems like a lot of Marvin Sensitivity directed at me for saying he should be sat for his own good? Is that what you're really saying. I mean Classless? Seriously?

Now Dol, I never take the time to take an offensive post or thread to you via PM. I believe in allowing you to moderate and not bringing concerns to you because if they are overly offensive, you will handle that. However, seeing that in the past, you talked about me not PMing you, i have to ask, why didn't you PM me before running with this classless label and maybe we could have gotten a better understanding before making this public. No offense, but what seems classless here is to participate in the namecalling without seeking to understand or rectify an error if there is one. Wouldn't you agree?

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The hard part is that you can't understand intent from mere words. You say I was making Light of his situation. I wasn't. i was saying he needs a break and should be sat for his own benefit and for that of the team. My original statement after hearing of Marvin's play may be caused as a result of the death in his family is that if he wasn't emotionally ready, he should not have suited up. I don't say that Tongue in Cheek. I mean that. If he's not 100% ready, psychologically, it doesn't help him to be on the floor, neither does it help the team. That's like a player coming back from physical injury too soon. Had I said Joe should be in a suit because he has severe tendinitis would there be this large of an offended group on Hawksquawk? Certainly not. Death is psychological just like tendinitis is physical. They both need time and only the player knows when they are 100% ready to come back.

I get it though. I have a history here and just a few days ago I called Marvin a Cancer for asking for a trade. However, you guys (Sothron particularly) need to be able to separate that from this. That was an outraged fan hearing that player I already believe have robbed this team of money and talent looking for a golden parachute and telling the truth about his effect on the team. This is a concerned Hawks fan saying neither he nor the Hawks should endure him agonizing on the floor because he's emotionally unstable.

Being that you guys can't seem to separate the two with these mere words, the result is it seems like a lot of Marvin Sensitivity directed at me for saying he should be sat for his own good? Is that what you're really saying. I mean Classless? Seriously?

Now Dol, I never take the time to take an offensive post or thread to you via PM. I believe in allowing you to moderate and not bringing concerns to you because if they are overly offensive, you will handle that. However, seeing that in the past, you talked about me not PMing you, i have to ask, why didn't you PM me before running with this classless label and maybe we could have gotten a better understanding before making this public. No offense, but what seems classless here is to participate in the namecalling without seeking to understand or rectify an error if there is one. Wouldn't you agree?

Dol isn't going to bust your chops for crititicizing Marvin the player or even saying we should dump Marvin the player based on his total track record with the team.

He will bust your chops for continuing to bundle that type of criticism of Marvin with comments about giving him time off for grieving for the death of a family member.

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The hard part is that you can't understand intent from mere words. You say I was making Light of his situation. I wasn't. i was saying he needs a break and should be sat for his own benefit and for that of the team. My original statement after hearing of Marvin's play may be caused as a result of the death in his family is that if he wasn't emotionally ready, he should not have suited up. I don't say that Tongue in Cheek. I mean that. If he's not 100% ready, psychologically, it doesn't help him to be on the floor, neither does it help the team. That's like a player coming back from physical injury too soon. Had I said Joe should be in a suit because he has severe tendinitis would there be this large of an offended group on Hawksquawk? Certainly not. Death is psychological just like tendinitis is physical. They both need time and only the player knows when they are 100% ready to come back.

I get it though. I have a history here and just a few days ago I called Marvin a Cancer for asking for a trade. However, you guys (Sothron particularly) need to be able to separate that from this. That was an outraged fan hearing that player I already believe have robbed this team of money and talent looking for a golden parachute and telling the truth about his effect on the team. This is a concerned Hawks fan saying neither he nor the Hawks should endure him agonizing on the floor because he's emotionally unstable.

Being that you guys can't seem to separate the two with these mere words, the result is it seems like a lot of Marvin Sensitivity directed at me for saying he should be sat for his own good? Is that what you're really saying. I mean Classless? Seriously?

Now Dol, I never take the time to take an offensive post or thread to you via PM. I believe in allowing you to moderate and not bringing concerns to you because if they are overly offensive, you will handle that. However, seeing that in the past, you talked about me not PMing you, i have to ask, why didn't you PM me before running with this classless label and maybe we could have gotten a better understanding before making this public. No offense, but what seems classless here is to participate in the namecalling without seeking to understand or rectify an error if there is one. Wouldn't you agree?

Why did I bring it up here? Mainly because you continued on about Marvin and created this new thread where you came off as being classless to many people on here. And also because you don't respond in a timely manner or sometimes even at all to PMs and I knew that you would read this message. Perhaps I should have handled it differently but to be honest after reading this thread that you posted I was pretty pissed off that you continued to denigrate Marvin about this issue and while you may not have meant it as tongue in cheek let me assure you that it came off as being very sarcastic. Had I been the only one who felt this way then I would have apologized for calling your behavior classless but since I'm not even close to the only one I will just say that it's apparently a misunderstanding and in the future I hope you'll choose your words a bit more carefully and I will try and not make this a public issue. Deal?

Dol isn't going to bust your chops for crititicizing Marvin the player or even saying we should dump Marvin the player based on his total track record with the team.

Nope at worst I will just continue to bang my head against the keyboard as it feels like a broken record reading Marvin trade posts, but I will put up with them (in the proper forum of course) without being offended by them.

He will bust your chops for continuing to bundle that type of criticism of Marvin with comments about giving him time off for grieving for the death of a family member.

Yep this is where I have an issue is where the criticism over him grieving continued into a new thread as if it were meant as a slap in the face to me.

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