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Opinion: J Smoove and Dwight thinking super team in Atlanta?


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Now i know everyone has been hearing about the Hawks trade rumors and possibly obtaining D12 since December, the sweepstakes for Howard are nearing and I believe that the Hawks are a frontrunner in the campaign. As most people probably know, Josh and Howard are best friends, both from Atlanta and they have always wanted to play alongside each other on an NBA team since they were young. Which is why I won't be surprised if the Hawks actually getting him, by the trade deadline or by means of signing him as a free agent in the summer.

I believe we will start seeing the Hawks make some minor changes before the deadline just to free up some cap space, not sure if they will move Joe's contract or not though. Now these minor changes will be because I believe Howard will stay in Orlando for the remainder of the season, therefore we may not see the Hawks make any drastic changes until the off-season. Now for the Hawks to be great I believe we will have to keep Joe or Horford ( preferably Horford ) which will be hard due to fact they both have pretty large contracts plus in order for us to obtain Howard we would have to trade both or have a 3rd team in the mix for the deal to go down. Even if Howard will want to come to Atlanta in the off-season Orlando will have to do a sign and trade so that we can free up some cap space, that way we may not have to give up as much due to the fact that Orlando will basically have their backs against the wall in the sense that they will have to pretty much take what they can get for Howard instead of him just walking and them not getting anything in return.

Now for the ingredients of the super team:

Joe would be good to have on this super team but due to his large contract we will most likely move him to Orlando, the key player to keep would be Horford. He is by far the Hawks best draft pick in years and does very well for playing out of position, but of course we already know that sense he has already made an all-star team. Once we have Howard we could move Horford to PF, the only problem would be finding a suitable guard which brings Deron Williams to the mix. In light of Howard coming to Atlanta, Deron will probably want to come sense he also wants to play with Howard. I know this scenario seems farfetched but it may actually happen if we can get the cap straight.

Our Super Team Lineup:




2 guard will be decide

Deron Williams


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You see....this is the stupidity I'm talking about. Read this thread before posting things like this. http://hawksquawk.ne...rmation-inside/

In your scenario, you aren't accounting for cap holds, Joe, Marvin, Teague, Zaza, draft pick's salaries. If it doesn't fit under the cap, you don't get it.

Draft pick +cap holds+ Zaza+Marvin+Teague alone account for over $20 million in cap.

Josh + Al account for $23 million.

So you figure out how to get Dwight+Deron for under $15 million and I'm onboard.

Edited by thecampster
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You need to educate yourself on the CBA if you want your name to be futuregm.

You see....this is the stupidity I'm talking about. Read this thread before posting things like this. http://hawksquawk.ne...rmation-inside/

Agreed............I hardly read the homecourt forum anymore. Most of the guys who know the CBA have aged and don't post here anymore.........the young guys taking there place don't bother to educate themsleves on the basics of the CBA but love to play GM any way.

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I guess its good to dream. Dwight is not coming to Atlanta. All these threads are silly, but since its close to trade deadline mine as well start some pie in the sky ideas. I don't know what's more believable Dwight coming to Atlanta or that our front office actually makes a significant deal. Just isn't happening. But one can dream.

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I guess its good to dream. Dwight is not coming to Atlanta. All these threads are silly, but since its close to trade deadline mine as well start some pie in the sky ideas. I don't know what's more believable Dwight coming to Atlanta or that our front office actually makes a significant deal. Just isn't happening. But one can dream.

Dwight isn't coming to Atlanta without giving up Horford, probably Teague and draft picks while we take back Turk. There just isn't a way around it.

I know good well about the cap and the CBA, this team could happen D will would have to settle for a smaller contract. Although this deal could happen regardless, but we wouldn't have much of a bench.

The two of them would have to settle for 7.5 million each and in a market with 1/3 the self promotion potential as New York, LA. It isn't happening without trades. Maybe Dwight, Maybe D-Will but not both while keeping 2 of our top 3 players.

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You need to educate yourself on the CBA if you want your name to be futuregm.

Agreed............I hardly read the homecourt forum anymore. Most of the guys who know the CBA have aged and don't post here anymore.........the young guys taking there place don't bother to educate themsleves on the basics of the CBA but love to play GM any way.

What makes you assume that he is young? Because he don't now the CBA as well?

Edited by AHawks89
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I UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE CBA AND CAP ROOM, IT IS JUST WISHFUL THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HOP OFF


Some simple advice from another new poster. Don't post anything you aren't prepared to have sh!t stomped into the ground and fed back to you. Some older posters have low tolerances (especially the ones that just made a post about being on the verge of violence) when it comes to wishful thinking and cap space.

Don't let this stop you from posting in the future. beer.gif

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Look, the deal will have to be Joe and Al for Turk and Dwight. There's no way around it. Their fanbase can b*tch and moan about Joes contract but Daniel DeVos is 86 and has a networth of around 4.2 billion.

He literally could die anyday from natural causes and that changes your outlook no matter who you are. We get an albatross Turk and the best Center (supposed rental) and they get two all stars locked into 4,5 year contracts respectively.

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Honestly I could care less what they comment, I understand the CBA and about Cap rooms, but what it comes down to is that Im a Hawks fan. I just want the team to be good, or at least attempt to be good.... I believe the team has a chance to be great


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A few things to discuss here.

Please try and be a little nicer to the new members of the site. You might be frustrated by what you perceive as a lack of knowledge or whatever but they deserve to have their ideas respected as much as anyone elses.

FutureGM, if you're going to create a topic like this, at this time of the year, and have it be about a guy we've all dreamed about and you make it sound like clicking on it will provide some inside info then I suggest you provide some inside info or don't write your titles in that way.

Finally, for those of you who have asked about it before, I decided to go ahead and make a new sub-forum for senior members of Hawksquawk where you must have at least 500 posts to participate. Enjoy!

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there's not a link needed to prove that Smoove and Howard are long time friends and have dreamed of playing together for years... Just saying that Im sure that they have talked about a team involving themselves plus at least one more big named player. A super team is a very possible scenario if we are able to land Howard.


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there's not a link needed to prove that Smoove and Howard are long time friends and have dreamed of playing together for years... Just saying that Im sure that they have talked about a team involving themselves plus at least one more big named player. A super team is a very possible scenario if we are able to land Howard.


Do you understand that your thread title suggests that if someone clicks on this post they're going to read some rumor proving the title?

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Last time I checked this is a forum for discussion/ possible trade scenarios, you don't always have to have a link to prove a point. The topic is pretty well known, Im not writing a biography. No need to cite everything.

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Last time I checked this is a forum for discussion/ possible trade scenarios, you don't always have to have a link to prove a point. The topic is pretty well known, Im not writing a biography. No need to cite everything.

You're more than entitled to write whatever you want, but expect to get heated responses when people click on your threads and feel duped... until the time comes that they stop clicking on them. I've seen it happen far too many times over the decade that this site has been around and I'm just trying to offer you some friendly advice.

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there's not a link needed to prove that Smoove and Howard are long time friends and have dreamed of playing together for years... Just saying that Im sure that they have talked about a team involving themselves plus at least one more big named player. A super team is a very possible scenario if we are able to land Howard.

Okay, but due to your understanding of the CBA do you see that as a more likely scenario for Atlanta or for other teams that have actually done the preparation for the possibility of a super team?

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Ok for those of you that do not know me, I am a Hawks fan. I enjoy looking into possible scenarios that would make the Hawks a better team. I do understand that every team has a cap room and aren't able to sign all the best players in the league like the NY Yankees in the MLB. ( I know there isn't a cap in MLB) Mostly Im tired of the Hawks being mediocre at best every year, and every other Atlanta team for that matter. I want this team to win a championship more than anything but we cannot do it with our current roster. Sure what I posted about a super team didn't have a link or any concrete evidence that they are actually talking about a super team in Atlanta, but Im sure they have talked about it, especially with all the evidence that Howard and Smoove do talk about being on the same team:


All I'm saying is if we are to get Howard, D will would also want to come play in Atlanta. I do realize we wouldn't be able to keep Horford, I am just a HUGE fan of Horford's and i like seeing him play for my team. Therefore, id like for him to stay. A super team is very possible but the team would only include Smoove, D will, and D 12.... No Horford or Joe, I do realize that this is a business so big name players more than likely won't play for much less than a max deal.

Y'all seriously need to learn how to not jump someones case for writing post like this. We all love the Hawks and want to see them excel. Though many things stated can give a sense of false hope, at least it gives fans some hope.

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there's not a link needed to prove that Smoove and Howard are long time friends and have dreamed of playing together for years... Just saying that Im sure that they have talked about a team involving themselves plus at least one more big named player. A super team is a very possible scenario if we are able to land Howard.



<-------- is probably the biggest Josh Smith fan on the board.

FYI number 2

<--------- is probably also the biggest Dwight fan on the board.

Check my posts. I believe Horford and Joe are expendable. I've made numerous posts about my dream of Dwight and Josh playing together again and in my world reuniting them with childhood teammate Rondo would be perfect.

There is a difference between a general understanding of the CBA which I'm sure you have and the knowledge about 5 or 6 posters on this board have on the subject (of which I am not one). There are a few guys here that know just about everything pertinent between them. When they say, "it ain't gonna happen under the CBA", it is not going to happen.

Okay, not let's pretend for a moment that we find a way to unite DWill and Dwight here. Let's also assume each of them signs for 15 Million that first year. That is a reasonable assumption they would take a discount to build a team. You are at $30 million. In that scenario, you can only have $28 million in existing salary and cap holds. Josh is $13.2 million next year and he isnt' going anywhere, not if you want Dwight here. So now you have 14.8 million that can be on the roster to sign those 2. You have a draft pick who will be 1.5 to 2 million next year. We'll call it 1.7. You will have about 4 million in cap holds from unsigned veterans.So now you have 11.1 million. You have Zaza, Marvin, Teague on the roster. That's about 15 million. You now about 4 million over the cap. You haven't dealt with Hinrich's cap hold ($11.5 million until he signs elsewhere) but lets assume he's gone. You also have about 6 spots on the roster at .5 mil each for vet cap hold for another 3 million. Okay, so you are 7 million over the cap, have had to amnesty Joe and Horford to get there (which you can't do). That is your "reasonable" scenario of signing both. You can't sign another team's player and go over the cap so this is a no go.

Now, how can it be done? Great question, glad you asked.

Based on what you said, we're talking "after the season".

First, in the case of a sign and trade the salaries can be moved in a similar amount and draft picks attached (I think picks can attach) but you can't sign multiples in this scenario. So in the case of Deron, you need to trade a player of = value to get Deron to save your pick. That player has to be Horford as New Jersey isn't taking JJ. So you sign and trade Horf to NJ for Deron. Then you sign and trade JJ + 2 1st round picks (2013 and 2015 only way it works) unprotected. Now, there is a catch here. You now have Zaza, JT unable to start as Deron and Howard have their spots and JT is up soon. You now must trade Zaza and JT to clear room for a player or two that fits better (namely a wing that can shoot). You also have Marvin at too much money and not a consistent enough shooter to play inside out with Dwight. Using those 3 players, you need to bring back better fitting assets at the 2 and 3 or 2 and 4 if Josh is to play the 3. With Dwight and Deron at 30+ million plus Josh you are at 43 + million. Let's assume those 3 assets bring you back a quality 2 and 3 at about 15 million total. You are now at $58 million + cap holds +your draft pick. You have 8 million to spend on 6 roster spots minimum. You will probaby bring back Green, Pargo at this point.

You are lining up






Draft pick, 2nd round draft pick.

That is one whole lot of if's

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