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Stop being [edited], we are all Hawks fans


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It seems as though every time I speak my mind about what I would like to see happen in reference to the Hawks there is always someone there to tear me down. Though I understand it may give some of you a sense of false hope, it gives me hope when i think about what "could" happen with the organization. Im not ignorant I understand that the NBA is a business and therefore there are many rules by which how much money you can throw out there to get these players. I just want the Hawks to make some key moves to make the team better, who knows maybe we will get Howard, its just something good to think about. If you are a true Atlanta fan then you know the it is a city of false hope, all of our teams are good enough to make the playoffs but they always blow it hard when they get there with early round exits every year. ( Which has made Atlanta the most miserable sports city by Forbes )

We all want the Hawks to go somewhere but we all know we cannot do it with the doodoo the we have on our roster right now. So if you see myself or someone else posting farfetched scenarios don't tear them down they just want to see something great happen... Let them vent to other Hawks fans.

Thanks, FutureGM friends.gif

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Last time i checked that isn't an expletive word, its a cleaner. Wasn't meant to be offensive. Respect my post.

I'm not going to let you call the members of this site douches and create a topic specifically about that. You will either respect the rules or you'll be gone. You aren't the first and you won't be the last person to come on here and start throwing out incendiary words at people on here and I can promise you that I gave them the same warning. Some of them understood and respected the rules and they're still here, some didn't and they're long gone. Your choice as to which you'll become.

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It seems as though every time I speak my mind about what I would like to see happen in reference to the Hawks there is always someone there to tear me down. Though I understand it may give some of you a sense of false hope, it gives me hope when i think about what "could" happen with the organization. Im not ignorant I understand that the NBA is a business and therefore there are many rules by which how much money you can throw out there to get these players. I just want the Hawks to make some key moves to make the team better, who knows maybe we will get Howard, its just something good to think about. If you are a true Atlanta fan then you know the it is a city of false hope, all of our teams are good enough to make the playoffs but they always blow it hard when they get there with early round exits every year. ( Which has made Atlanta the most miserable sports city by Forbes )

We all want the Hawks to go somewhere but we all know we cannot do it with the doodoo the we have on our roster right now. So if you see myself or someone else posting farfetched scenarios don't tear them down they just want to see something great happen... Let them vent to other Hawks fans.

Thanks, FutureGM friends.gif


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Honestly, I don't take what you say into consideration due to the fact that you like the most random teams I've ever seen. Like really, you live in Texas but like the Hawks, Yankees, and Dolphins... Pick one side of the country at least, I would call you one of the biggest bandwagoners ever but you like the Hawks so I can't say too much. Also, do you think that banning my account would get rid of me bro, I have multiple IP's to use plus I could just make another account. emot-bandwagon.gif

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I think it would be fun to have a banned users graveyard forum where we could revisit some of the crazy things said.

Oh I like that idea! Gonna have to see if I can find an automated way to make that happen.

Well let's see how that works out for you!

Just to let y'all know he wasn't banned for this thread. He was banned for creating 5 new usernames last night during the game and then posting on our Facebook page and then trying to talk smack in the chat.

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LOL isn't this site suppose to be for fun

I thought so... but according to him I'm a Nazi Dictator who is ruining this site. Oh well, guess I'll go cry myself to sleep now.

tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, boom

Good Lord I hope not!

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