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Putting the JSmoove speculation to rest


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SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)—In a story March 12 about the Hawks-Kings game, The Associated Press reported erroneously that Atlanta Hawks veteran Josh Smith had asked for a trade and criticized the team’s management for a lack of support. Smith has not made any such public demands.

Why does this matter? Someone obviously asked for a retraction. He didn't ask for it publicly and his agent, Josh or the team has decided to fight back without denial so they don't look like they are covering it up. They wouldn't retract this unless someone told them to.

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That one word is all about saving face. They can't argue "private" speculation.

There was no need for them to state that at all, unless they felt like they'd look like total liars without it and this way they can still show that they were telling the truth, even if the facts were skewed some.

There's zero doubt in my mind that Smith has asked for a trade since this is like the 4th time in a year this has come up and he didn't come out and deny it when the Sac reporter asked him about it. If he wanted to be in Atlanta he'd have come out and said I want to be in Atlanta and until he says that I'm not going to believe it.

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That one word is all about saving face. They can't argue "private" speculation.

That one word is about a fine. Josh has been stating all along that if he were to publicly ask for a trade he could be find. When the paper reported this the NBA probably looked into it. Found out he did not and forced the retraction

Edited by sultanofatl
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That one word is about a fine. Josh has been stating all along that if he were to publicly ask for a trade he could be find. When the paper reported this the NBA probably looked into it. Found out he did not and forced the retraction


Simple answer, it's a spark that caused a fire but there is no substantive information that isn't over a year old.

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Yea, publicly asking for a trade falls under tampering/collusion which is why you never hear of so and so asking out outside of 3rd hand sources, "sources close to the matter", or the GM themselves. It's why players even need official permission in order for them and their agents to engage other teams in talks while they are under contract. From the jargon it doesn't look at all as though the AP retracted the authenticity of the rumor but rather that they reported it was done in a certain manner so all in all it doesn't put the speculation to rest.

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Yea, publicly asking for a trade falls under tampering/collusion which is why you never hear of so and so asking out outside of 3rd hand sources, "sources close to the matter", or the GM themselves. It's why players even need official permission in order for them and their agents to engage other teams in talks while they are under contract. From the jargon it doesn't look at all as though the AP retracted the authenticity of the rumor but rather that they reported it was done in a certain manner so all in all it doesn't put the speculation to rest.

look again. There are 2 separate statements.

The Associated Press reported erroneously that Atlanta Hawks veteran Josh Smith had asked for a trade and criticized the team’s management for a lack of support.

Notice that Publicly is not in the that line. The second line is for saving face, etc. It's a nice way of saying "there's no way we don't know if it happened privately". Speculative but the first line is them retracting.

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No, it just looks like you want to read it how you want to read it. If you read the first part of that first sentence

In a story March 12 about the Hawks-Kings game, The Associated Press reported erroneously that Atlanta Hawks veteran Josh Smith had asked for a trade and criticized the team’s management for a lack of support.

They are referring directly to a singular instance...rather than the multiple instances that occurred before it. So congratulations, the Kings article has been put to rest now onto Sekou, Cunningham and Woj.

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In Josh's own words to Jerome Jerenovich during Hawks pre-game before the Detroit game "I did not directly ask for a trade." so I'm guessing he asked through an intermediary?

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In Josh's own words to Jerome Jerenovich during Hawks pre-game before the Detroit game "I did not directly ask for a trade." so I'm guessing he asked through an intermediary?

That's another of those statements where a word is in there for a reason. And like I said if he wanted to be here, he could just come out and say that he wants to be here and end all this speculation.

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In Josh's own words to Jerome Jerenovich during Hawks pre-game before the Detroit game "I did not directly ask for a trade." so I'm guessing he asked through an intermediary?

Or maybe he just didn't ask for a trade? Maybe we are reading too much into the words.

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That's another of those statements where a word is inr there for a reason. And like I said if he wanted to be here, he could just come out and say that he wants to be here and end all this speculation.

For the life of me Dolf, I can't understand why some refuse to read between the lines regarding Smoove. I get that some love him more than the team, but it doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here. We've seen this same story countless times play out the same way (Lebron, Melo, Paul, Bosh, etc...) Despite the pc answers these guys gave in public, the insiders reported these guys wanted out and they were right. Now, several reputable insiders are reporting the same thing regarding Smoove, but all of a sudden they're just making it up? Lol.

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For the life of me Dolf, I can't understand why some refuse to read between the lines regarding Smoove. I get that some love him more than the team, but it doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here. We've seen this same story countless times play out the same way (Lebron, Melo, Paul, Bosh, etc...) Despite the pc answers these guys gave in public, the insiders reported these guys wanted out and they were right. Now, several reputable insiders are reporting the same thing regarding Smoove, but all of a sudden they're just making it up? Lol.

I am guessing that he did ask for a trade in some form and may not have done so directly, but right now it is complete conjecture. I trust nothing the media says, especially about basketball. Half the time they make up stories just to have a story. The bottom line is that this was printed, "The Associated Press reported erroneously that Atlanta Hawks veteran Josh Smith had asked for a trade". The media is not less likely to retract a statement in this fashion than they are to make up a story. The Associated Press misreported that he asked for a trade. They said that. I am guessing that they are not lying on this one.

As for the several reputable sources, if you look back at their statements they usually begin with something to the effect of "inside sources with knowledge of Josh Smith's thinking". In other words, I am playing X-Box with my buddy or talking to my agent. I mention that I would rather be traded than waste my time with a team that has hit a plateau. That person then talks to the reputable insider and the report is published. I didn't ask for the trade there even though I do want a trade. Instead, I am allowing the other person to leak the story intentionally or unintentionally. This ensures that I don't look like a "bad seed".

So, I am sure that Smoove would like to be traded, but I am not going to take the media's word for it unless he starts listing off preferred teams like Howard. It's really unfortunate that the world has come to this. I mostly blame the likes of Carmelo, Bosh, and Lebron (since Wade was already with the Heat) for creating this sort of turmoil in the league. To a lesser extent, I blame Ainge. but at least he created a big three with a trade. Now players think that the only way they can win a championship as a superstar is if they are paired with 2 other superstars. Some of them even want the league to contract down to a dozen teams resulting in a pseudo all-star game every night. But I will stop now, I am starting to ramble and move off on tangents...

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All I want to see/hear is for Josh to look into to the camera and point to all us Hawks fan and say " I did NOT ask for a trade, my camp did NOT ask for a trade" - In the voice of Bill Clinton.

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I am guessing that he did ask for a trade in some form and may not have done so directly, but right now it is complete conjecture. I trust nothing the media says, especially about basketball. Half the time they make up stories just to have a story. The bottom line is that this was printed, "The Associated Press reported erroneously that Atlanta Hawks veteran Josh Smith had asked for a trade". The media is not less likely to retract a statement in this fashion than they are to make up a story. The Associated Press misreported that he asked for a trade. They said that. I am guessing that they are not lying on this one.

As for the several reputable sources, if you look back at their statements they usually begin with something to the effect of "inside sources with knowledge of Josh Smith's thinking". In other words, I am playing X-Box with my buddy or talking to my agent. I mention that I would rather be traded than waste my time with a team that has hit a plateau. That person then talks to the reputable insider and the report is published. I didn't ask for the trade there even though I do want a trade. Instead, I am allowing the other person to leak the story intentionally or unintentionally. This ensures that I don't look like a "bad seed".

So, I am sure that Smoove would like to be traded, but I am not going to take the media's word for it unless he starts listing off preferred teams like Howard. It's really unfortunate that the world has come to this. I mostly blame the likes of Carmelo, Bosh, and Lebron (since Wade was already with the Heat) for creating this sort of turmoil in the league. To a lesser extent, I blame Ainge. but at least he created a big three with a trade. Now players think that the only way they can win a championship as a superstar is if they are paired with 2 other superstars. Some of them even want the league to contract down to a dozen teams resulting in a pseudo all-star game every night. But I will stop now, I am starting to ramble and move off on tangents...

The retraction the "Associated Press" made was a singular instance and neither has or had anything to do with other reports.

Check the track record of M. Cunningham, Sekou and Wojo. They usually don't put stuff out their as fact "just because" especially M. Cunningham. When Josh comes out and says exactly what Marvin said, I'd believe him. But he hasn't done that has he?

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The retraction the "Associated Press" made was a singular instance and neither has or had anything to do with other reports.

Check the track record of M. Cunningham, Sekou and Wojo. They usually don't put stuff out their as fact "just because" especially M. Cunningham. When Josh comes out and says exactly what Marvin said, I'd believe him. But he hasn't done that has he?

You can't argue with these guys who think Josh walks on water and would never want to leave Atlanta. It makes perfect sense to me that he asked for a trade simply because he is not flat out denying it as a bogus rumor. But don't try telling them that...you will just make them stomp their feet and make crazy faces or something along those lines...you know like Josh when he gets his arm touched driving to the basket and no one calls a foul.

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You can't argue with these guys who think Josh walks on water and would never want to leave Atlanta. It makes perfect sense to me that he asked for a trade simply because he is not flat out denying it as a bogus rumor. But don't try telling them that...you will just make them stomp their feet and make crazy faces or something along those lines...you know like Josh when he gets his arm touched driving to the basket and no one calls a foul.

might want to read the article where levenson is quoted as saying the rumor is unfounded. He didn't ask for a trade.

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