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Smith for pau gasol?


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I just don't understand why we would trade for a player on the wrong side of 30. Do we think that we are ready for a title run with Gasol/JJ? Funny. And we trade our $8M expiring? I would make them take Marvin or no deal. We are about to get fleeced. I would much rather Gasol go to a third team that really wants him.

Would Utah take Gasol? Would love to grab Milsap/Favors.

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Nancy Regan taught me this in the 80's "Just say NO" Please don't trade for a soft and washed up Gasol. That's all I can say. There is no value in that trade for the Hawks and you don't think alot of people come to Phillips now it will be even less after this trade.

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Might be the dumbest trade I've seen in a longtime if Sund agrees. Why would we trade for an old soft jump shooter? And like always the Lakers bring some good bourbon to the meeting and leave out sober while the other drunken idiots leave out scratching their heads. How's it even possible for teams like the Lakers to continue butt raping other teams with lop-sided trades! This beyond me!!!

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I think Gasol is a great fit here. He is a low post scorer who could command a double team (freeing up Joe), he is an excellent rebounder, he has size, high bbiq, an excellent passer and his defense is underrated.

Yes, he is 31 but he still has gas in the tank. Also, Josh is leaving after next season anyway. He wants out and he has been hinting in his interviews that he will see what next season brings.

Josh needs a new environment and with a personality like Kobe it would be perfect for him.

I know Garnett is slowing now but he came to the Celtics in his 30s and that franchise turned around. Gasol would fit here very nicely.

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I hope so, Jody.

I'd be suprised if it wasn't. Josh Smith isn't the type of player the Lakers usually go for as they don't seem to like undersized players. This also doesn't smell like the financial type deal the Hawks are probably looking for.

Edited by Jody23
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Well, it's news that Boston would have taken Gasol for Rondo!!! But the Lakers wouldn't do the deal.

This is what I think will happen... IF we deal with LAL...

I know you're dying to trade Marvin but you could have made that much more simple and realistic, realistic assuming that there is anything to this Pau for Smith rumor and that the Celtics wanted Pau for Rondo. http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=89qdmjh

Rondo / O'Neal to ATL

Pau to BOS

Smith / Hinrich to LAL

Simple and cuts $4 million off of the Hawks payroll this year. Now I'd rather include Marvin and keep Hinrich but I'm trying to stick to the original rumor posting.

I'm also not crazy about this one but Rondo is a star PG signed for 3 years / $35 million total after this year, which is very reasonable and I think we could get a quality player for Teague.

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I know you're dying to trade Marvin but you could have made that much more simple and realistic, realistic assuming that there is anything to this Pau for Smith rumor and that the Celtics wanted Pau for Rondo. http://games.espn.go...tradeId=89qdmjh

Rondo / O'Neal to ATL

Pau to BOS

Smith / Hinrich to LAL

Simple and cuts $4 million off of the Hawks payroll this year. Now I'd rather include Marvin and keep Hinrich but I'm trying to stick to the original rumor posting.

I'm also not crazy about this one but Rondo is a star PG signed for 3 years / $35 million total after this year, which is very reasonable and I think we could get a quality player for Teague.

Rondo/Allen/Bass/JO for JJ/Smith/Teague

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