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Smith for pau gasol?


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I agree we do not have those three but when you start dogging all star players vs our non all star players I still have to question your reasoning. I have seen both Boozer and Gasol play, and nothing about their games has ever equaled or come close to what Turk is right now.

Its like comparing Bibby of just last season to Lowry. No Lowry is not Kobe, Rose, or Dwight but he is off the charts better than Bibby is now....that is why I question you. You want to tell me Gasol or Boozer is not what they were 5 years ago, I know that also. But saying they are like Hedo is either BS...or you just really do not know basketball.

Whether you know enough about basketball or not, Gasol will be in the HOF one day

Josh Smith would be an All Star in any one of those cities. I will bet money on it. Atlanta votes rate as some of the worse in the league. Toronto players get more fan support.

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You guys are really starting to get on my nerves. We got three very good players. Well two since Joe regressing a little. But are these guys you want to trade for are not that good. They aren't even better than the guys we have. Just because they look better with a superstar. Well s**t, that's why they play with them. My goodness, let's put Horford with Nash. In fact trade him to Phx. Watch how stupid each one of you would look. I will laugh because I know these guys games inside and out. I don't even like Smith but I know what he does is very impactful. He has a lot of talent. We aren't good enough to trade him unless we can get a serious impact boost back. Gasol is not an impact boost. If you hate Joe, you will really hate Pau. Even more so because you traded him for Smoove who's much better with Kobe and Bynum than he is with us. Stop being dumb, we don't fit but Gasol is not a fit either. He's another Robin.

Everybody on here has their opinion about certain players, we are all basketball fans, some more knowledgeable that others, but there is no need for you to get annoyed at others and have this holy-er than thou know it all attitude than everybody.

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Yes that is what we are saying genius. If Kobe and Rose were the only reason they have put up solid numbers their whole career they would have sucked during the other 70% of it for Gasol and 90% of it for Boozer.

They did not suck before that, its why LA went after Gasol because he was extremely good, and it is why the Bulls went after Boozer. Do you really watch basketball at all?

He was Joe in Memphis, that's why he was traded for Kwame Brown. Boozer was better with D Will since he's a PnR PF with a PnR PG, even we Rose, he still gets open shots, they just don't run many plays for him. In Atlanta, we would have to play in an offense with no spacing almost ever. I can't imagine him in that setting. Look at Amare in that setting, he's lost.

Everybody on here has their opinion about certain players, we are all basketball fans, some more knowledgeable that others, but there is no need for you to get annoyed at others and have this holy-er than thou know it all attitude than everybody.

Call me what you want, say I think highly of myself with this, fine. But at the end of the day, if Atlanta does something stupid, everyone suffers, not just me.

Ya'll act like Atlanta is a normal Basketball team. We have no center. No PG. No #1 option. No spacing. Really tho? Defense is really all we got. Teague, Joe, Marv, Josh, Horf, and Zaza can all do at least that.

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Josh Smith would be an All Star in any one of those cities. I will bet money on it. Atlanta votes rate as some of the worse in the league. Toronto players get more fan support.

Whatever, do you work for the ASG?

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He was Joe in Memphis, that's why he was traded for Kwame Brown. Boozer was better with D Will since he's a PnR PF with a PnR PG, even we Rose, he still gets open shots, they just don't run many plays for him. In Atlanta, we would have to play in an offense with no spacing almost ever. I can't imagine him in that setting. Look at Amare in that setting, he's lost.

You make zero sense. Boozer in Cleveland was a up and comer who got a huge offer to move to Utah. Who was his pg in Cleveland? Amare is having a bad year now...last year same team, same system he was not lost, and his numbers were very good even after getting another #1 scoring option with Melo. What is your excuse for that?

You are a hater man. Gasol is considered one of the most dominant scoring bigs over the last decade by anyone with just half a brain and all you can do is hate on him...blows my mind.

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He was Joe in Memphis, that's why he was traded for Kwame Brown. Boozer was better with D Will since he's a PnR PF with a PnR PG, even we Rose, he still gets open shots, they just don't run many plays for him. In Atlanta, we would have to play in an offense with no spacing almost ever. I can't imagine him in that setting. Look at Amare in that setting, he's lost.

Call me what you want, say I think highly of myself with this, fine. But at the end of the day, if Atlanta does something stupid, everyone suffers, not just me.

I don't see how trading Josh (I would prefer he stays) for Pau would be stupid if:

1. Josh asked to be traded

2. If the ASG know they would be unable to resign him.

You are talking as if Pau is a Kwame Brown kinda scrub. There is value in a 7'-0" who can score in the post and shoot from mid-range, defend, rebound and pass. Granted, Pau's contract is huge but if you might be losing Josh in a year anyway.....?

Pau's age is a non-issue. How many championships are won by young teams?

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You make zero sense. Boozer in Cleveland was a up and comer who got a huge offer to move to Utah. Who was his pg in Cleveland? Amare is having a bad year now...last year same team, same system he was not lost, and his numbers were very good even after getting another #1 scoring option with Melo. What is your excuse for that?

You are a hater man. Gasol is considered one of the most dominant scoring bigs over the last decade by anyone with just half a brain and all you can do is hate on him...blows my mind.

Zero sense? Really? Utah overpaid for Boozer greatly, thankfully they landed Deron which made Boozer worthy of his deal. To say he was an up and comer would be true but still doesn't make him more than he what he is. I been telling you guys that he's not better than Smith or Horford for years but no one bit till he ended up in Chicago. It's clear you are going to play dummy with me. You need to see Al in another uni with a PnR PG to believe me. You need to see Smith with a superstar to see he's more impactful. It's cool man. I understand. I just don't understand why you want the Hawks to get worse. Gasol is far from a dominant scoring big. lol, that was hilarious. Then you call me a hater. Wow, I got to go, you have anything else stupid you want to say, PM me.

I guess Joe is now D Wade. I remember some poster the yr Miami messed the playoffs that Joe Johnson is better than D Wade. I called him an idiot and he argued with me. It might have been Buzzard, that degree of stupidity wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I don't see how trading Josh (I would prefer he stays) for Pau would be stupid if:

1. Josh asked to be traded

2. If the ASG know they would be unable to resign him.

You are talking as if Pau is a Kwame Brown kinda scrub. There is value in a 7'-0" who can score in the post and shoot from mid-range, defend, rebound and pass. Granted, Pau's contract is huge but if you might be losing Josh in a year anyway.....?

Pau's age is a non-issue. How many championships are won by young teams?

1. Josh is under contract. Damn Josh Smith if he wants out. He's not Dwight. He's not selling out Phillips.

2. ASG can resign him because who wants him at a high salary. He might be able to get it but it's not likely. He would have to prove it elsewhere first. In Atlanta, that's not happening.

Pau's age, role, health, motivation, and what not is an issue. You are acting as if Pau would be happy to be a Hawk. This is the same guy that b*tched his way through the 2nd half of last season because Shannon sexed his fiance. She wasn't nothing, Pau could get another one. He's a NBA player.

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Zero sense? Really? Utah overpaid for Boozer greatly, thankfully they landed Deron which made Boozer worthy of his deal. To say he was an up and comer would be true but still doesn't make him more than he what he is. I been telling you guys that he's not better than Smith or Horford for years but no one bit till he ended up in Chicago. It's clear you are going to play dummy with me. You need to see Al in another uni with a PnR PG to believe me. You need to see Smith with a superstar to see he's more impactful. It's cool man. I understand. I just don't understand why you want the Hawks to get worse. Gasol is far from a dominant scoring big. lol, that was hilarious. Then you call me a hater. Wow, I got to go, you have anything else stupid you want to say, PM me.

I guess Joe is now D Wade. I remember some poster the yr Miami messed the playoffs that Joe Johnson is better than D Wade. I called him an idiot and he argued with me. It might have been Buzzard, that degree of stupidity wouldn't surprise me one bit.

1. Josh is under contract. Damn Josh Smith if he wants out. He's not Dwight. He's not selling out Phillips.

2. ASG can resign him because who wants him at a high salary. He might be able to get it but it's not likely. He would have to prove it elsewhere first. In Atlanta, that's not happening.

Pau's age, role, health, motivation, and what not is an issue. You are acting as if Pau would be happy to be a Hawk. This is the same guy that b*tched his way through the 2nd half of last season because Shannon sexed his fiance. She wasn't nothing, Pau could get another one. He's a NBA player.

You call me stupid then act as if this is some child's game where if we tell mommy and daddy we want it we get it. Smoove asked for a trade and he is a UFA after next season. Mommy and Daddy cannot fix that for you lmao.

Take the best deal we can get and move on.....

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Zero sense? Really? Utah overpaid for Boozer greatly, thankfully they landed Deron which made Boozer worthy of his deal. To say he was an up and comer would be true but still doesn't make him more than he what he is. I been telling you guys that he's not better than Smith or Horford for years but no one bit till he ended up in Chicago. It's clear you are going to play dummy with me. You need to see Al in another uni with a PnR PG to believe me. You need to see Smith with a superstar to see he's more impactful. It's cool man. I understand. I just don't understand why you want the Hawks to get worse. Gasol is far from a dominant scoring big. lol, that was hilarious. Then you call me a hater. Wow, I got to go, you have anything else stupid you want to say, PM me.

I guess Joe is now D Wade. I remember some poster the yr Miami messed the playoffs that Joe Johnson is better than D Wade. I called him an idiot and he argued with me. It might have been Buzzard, that degree of stupidity wouldn't surprise me one bit.

1. Josh is under contract. Damn Josh Smith if he wants out. He's not Dwight. He's not selling out Phillips.

2. ASG can resign him because who wants him at a high salary. He might be able to get it but it's not likely. He would have to prove it elsewhere first. In Atlanta, that's not happening.

Pau's age, role, health, motivation, and what not is an issue. You are acting as if Pau would be happy to be a Hawk. This is the same guy that b*tched his way through the 2nd half of last season because Shannon sexed his fiance. She wasn't nothing, Pau could get another one. He's a NBA player.

Pau's age is not an issue when his contract will expire in two years, Pau's role - post, defend, rebound, health - how many games has he missed. Pau may not be happy as a Hawk but neither will Josh so half dozen of one, 6 of the other.

Pau had a bad 2nd half last year- what is he doing so far this year? Way to bring up a guys personal life, just because he is an NBA player he has no feeling or life outside basketball...smh.

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