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It's not a lie if a guy doesn't have a high pain threshold and stays out. This reminds me a lot of the Michael Vick ankle injury with Dan Reeves. Reeves thought MV7 could play. Doctor's cleared him. MV7 said he was confident in the injury. Donovan McNabb played on broken ankle. Some guys handle injury better than others. That's not calling him a lie. It just color's my opinion of his leadership for this team.

It has NOTHING to do with pain. That's what so ridiculous about all this hate. Horford personally said (and all medical info I've read confirms this) that the toughest part of recovery is first gaining strength back and then getting the flexibility back and that takes 4+ months. Nowhere does it talk about dealing with the pain at that point, it's all about strength and flexibility. You can look at Horford and see he's lost a lot of muscle and weight so he's clearly not ready to go in there and bang. He's also said that he can't hold his arms above his head for long because of the strength and endurance issue and he's also said that he's been unable to practice with the team and try taking on some physical contact. But yet you Hawksquawk Dr's want to call him out as if he's lying about this or not tough enough when the truth is that you don't know a damn thing (nor do I) about what he's going through. All I can do is trust what Al says and when the Dr's say that he's cleared to play in a game he will play in a game.
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Ridiculous statement. When guys like Eddie Curry are making millions for being 7ft tall? Chris Paul I see your point. Shawn Bradley not so much Posted Image

Training Staff Head Athletic Trainer Wally Blase Assistant Coach/Player Performance Pete Radulovic Strength & Conditioning Coordinator Chattin Hill Posted ImageMedical Staff Team Physician (Orthopaedic) Dr. Michael Bernot Team Physician (Internal Medicine) Dr. Scott Kleber Team Ophthalmology Dr. Eugene Gabianelli

Dr. Andrew Feinberg

Dr. Parul Khator Team Dentist Dr. Louis Freedman

So there's a foot dr, an eye dr, and internal medicine dr and a dentist. And that's your definition of a team of doctors and unlimited medical treatment??

Where's KB when you need him...

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So there's a foot dr, an eye dr, and internal medicine dr and a dentist. And that's your definition of a team of doctors and unlimited medical treatment??Where's KB when you need him...

I'm just showing you that there is yes, a "team" of medical professionals payed for by the team to keep a player healthy and able to play. Simply put if I get a toothache I have to hope my dentist can see me and work off over the counter Advil. If Horf gets a toothache he gets seen immediately and has a prescription for drugs that will make him forget he has teeth. It's not the same. I appreciate your defense of Al he seems to be a good guy. But, all the reports say "Al ruled himself out". Not the trainers, not the surgeon. When he first changed his mind to being able to play he said the Doc's told him all he was feeling was natural. That doesn't sound like they told him "Whoa Al, better sit out this series against Boston"
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I'm just showing you that there is yes, a "team" of medical professionals payed for by the team to keep a player healthy and able to play. Simply put if I get a toothache I have to hope my dentist can see me and work off over the counter Advil. If Horf gets a toothache he gets seen immediately and has a prescription for drugs that will make him forget he has teeth. It's not the same. I appreciate your defense of Al he seems to be a good guy. But, all the reports say "Al ruled himself out". Not the trainers, not the surgeon. When he first changed his mind to being able to play he said the Doc's told him all he was feeling was natural. That doesn't sound like they told him "Whoa Al, better sit out this series against Boston"

I guess I'm picturing a team of Dr's for a professional sports organization differently although you are technically correct that they are a team. My point is that it's hilarious to assume that the Hawks have a team of anything (when compared to other organizations) when we know how cheap they run the organization outside of player salaries.

This isn't a knee microfracture that he's recovering from so the Dr's aren't telling Al to stay out because he's very likely not in any danger of worsening the injury. It's easy to say that hey this is on Al and he's not tough if he's not out there but I'd like someone to answer this question for me.

What good does it do the Hawks for Al to be out there if he is unable to keep his arms up as a defender and if he only has 70% range of motion?

Surely that's going to affect his ability to shoot and score. I'm guessing that he's also down 15-20 lbs based on the video I've seen of him looking kind of frail compared to his normal look and I don't see him being able to do much in the way of playing center being so light in the pants.

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A long time? It was 4 months as of yesterday since the injury and they waited 2 weeks until he had surgery so it's been just under 3.5 months since the date of the surgery. Considering that "tough guy" football players have missed much longer than that I'd say that Horford is right on track.So how long after major kidney surgery was it before you returned to playing starting center in the NBA? Oh that's right you aren't an NBA player, you're just talking out of your ass here.

To answer your question, two weeks after my major kidney surgery I was swinging a baseball bat. Two weeks after that, I tried out and made Tucker High Schools JV basketball team. Which was the same year Keri Holding attended. And yeah, she was even hotter in her basketball uniform :)So yeah, I think I overcame a very serious medical procedure quite quickly. No I didn't have Horfords specialist or surgeon, but I had a pretty awesome team at Egleston.Now.. can you try getting your point across without being an egotistical a-hole? I mean, people do have opinions that are opposite from yours. Its not that serious for you to test everyone testicular fortitude. No ones afraid of Horford or anyone else. I would gladly tell him how a feel without an ounce of hesitation. Thank you :)
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The problem I have is people projecting that Al is lazy, scared, and a wimp because he hasn't regained enough strength and range of motion to return to the court. Each injury is different and are more or less challenging in different ways. The general medical advice posted on this thread related to this injury indicates a 4+ month recovery after surgery. That does not remotely put Al out of the timeframe in which many patients won't have recovered enough to resume professional basketball - which isn't a reflection of work ethic, bravery/pride, or tolerance for pain.I need to see more before I say that Al is someone who won't play with some pain. In three of his first four seasons, he missed an average of just over 2 games per season so you know he played through plenty of bruises, pulls, strains, etc. This isn't someone with a track record like Speedy Claxton.

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To answer your question, two weeks after my major kidney surgery I was swinging a baseball bat. Two weeks after that, I tried out and made Tucker High Schools JV basketball team. Which was the same year Keri Holding attended. And yeah, she was even hotter in her basketball uniform Posted Image

So yeah, I think I overcame a very serious medical procedure quite quickly. No I didn't have Horfords specialist or surgeon, but I had a pretty awesome team at Egleston.

Now.. can you try getting your point across without being an egotistical a-hole? I mean, people do have opinions that are opposite from yours. Its not that serious for you to test everyone testicular fortitude. No ones afraid of Horford or anyone else. I would gladly tell him how a feel without an ounce of hesitation.

Thank you Posted Image

I'm not making light of your medical condition and congratulate you on overcoming it, however, it's comparing apples and oranges. if you had the identical injury that Al did and came back to play at a high level in a shorter time period you might convince me that Al is dogging it but EVERY single instance I've read about a pro athlete suffering this injury has shown the same amount of rehab time and time to come back and play.

Why should I treat you any better than you're treating Al? I'm perfectly fine with people having their own opinions and I welcome them to be expressed on here but if you can't treat our players with respect then why should I go out of my way to respond to one of your ridiculous posts without being an egotistical a-hole as you put it?

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The problem I have is people projecting that Al is lazy, scared, and a wimp because he hasn't regained enough strength and range of motion to return to the court. Each injury is different and are more or less challenging in different ways. The general medical advice posted on this thread related to this injury indicates a 4+ month recovery after surgery. That does not remotely put Al out of the timeframe in which many patients won't have recovered enough to resume professional basketball - which isn't a reflection of work ethic, bravery/pride, or tolerance for pain.I need to see more before I say that Al is someone who won't play with some pain. In three of his first four seasons, he missed an average of just over 2 games per season so you know he played through plenty of bruises, pulls, strains, etc. This isn't someone with a track record like Speedy Claxton.

Careful using logic in here AHF. You'll notice that not a single person who is dogging Al can answer how him coming back early benefits Al or the Hawks and not a single person dogging him can medically show that he is. Sometimes I just don't get how people can hate on players who have been nothing but good to a franchise, city and it's fans.
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So there's a foot dr, an eye dr, and internal medicine dr and a dentist. And that's your definition of a team of doctors and unlimited medical treatment??Where's KB when you need him...

Just like Dolf listed above, these doctors are some of the best in Atlanta and I have had the pleasure of meeting with them at different seminars over the past on previous cases ( once again, doctorate in exercise physiology/biomechanics) . As far as Al Horford's injury, he is not quite yet into game shape. The endurance factor and range of motion are still his two biggest issues. If youre wondering how I know this we work out in the same gym in Buckhead and talked about this with him last week.
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It should also be noted that these doctors are on retainer. It's not as though they gave up their lucrative practices to be sitting behind the bench during games waiting on situations that meet their medical expertise. That's what the trainer is for and if he can't handle something then the players are given appointments at these doctors' practices just like anyone else with decent money or insurance.

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I don't know what an extra 2 weeks will do for Horford. I say go out there and see how his adrenaline rush carries him. Little as 5 minutes can make the difference against Boston.I mean he would most likely be going up against Steisma or the other scrub they just signed. The team is not asking him to bang with KG or Bass.

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Careful using logic in here AHF. You'll notice that not a single person who is dogging Al can answer how him coming back early benefits Al or the Hawks and not a single person dogging him can medically show that he is. Sometimes I just don't get how people can hate on players who have been nothing but good to a franchise, city and it's fans.

Honestly Dolf, I think the disrespect of Horford has little to do with the injury and whether he could play right now or not. I think it has more to do with Al stating his preference to play the 4. Josh Smith fans view that as a threat to their favorite player. Seriously, ever since Al said it, you've been seeing people all of a sudden questioning his toughnes, saying that he should just "shut up" and play, taking cheap shots at him, dreaming up fantasy trades to try to get rid of him and on and on. Some folks want the Hawks to win, but J Smoove absolutely has to be apart of it in their minds. For the record, so long as the Hawks win, you could have Foghorn Leghorn at the 4 and I wouldn't care. But some are real particular about who has to be on the team and where. I don't think you can build a truly successful team that way and certainly not a title contender. Edited by Jody23
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Honestly Dolf, I think the disrespect of Horford has little to do with the injury and whether he could play right now or not. I think it has more to do with Al stating his preference to play the 4. Josh Smith fans view that as a threat to their favorite player. Seriously, ever since Al said it, you've been seeing people all of a sudden questioning his toughnes, saying that he should just "shut up" and play, taking cheap shots at him, dreaming up fantasy trades to try to get rid of him and on and on. Some folks want the Hawks to win, but J Smoove absolutely has to be apart of it in their minds. For the record, so long as the Hawks win, you could have Foghorn Leghorn at the 4 and I wouldn't care. But some are real particular about who has to be on the team and where. I don't think you can build a truly successful team that way and certainly not a title contender.

I think it has to do with what he said couple weeks ago when he said he could play the game at the end of the regular season. So people automatically think that he's able to go in the playoffs. Then he came out recently and made a flip flop. This series will be at least 6 games so if hopefully he can go then.
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I think it has to do with what he said couple weeks ago when he said he could play the game at the end of the regular season. So people automatically think that he's able to go in the playoffs. Then he came out recently and made a flip flop.This series will be at least 6 games so if hopefully he can go then.

Not at all, it's the same contingent of people that already had a previous opinion on him continuing their said opinion of him. You forget, he mentioned he'd play the Dallas game, had a light practice with the team that week beforehand, even mentioned he made a few buckets but then the next day he had a setback and then ruled himself out. It happens with injuries, look at Lin even. He was all set to return himself for the Knicks and then had a setback even though he's physically "repaired".I find this fanbase to be eerily similar to the Golden State fanbase and their debates over Curry and Ellis. Ellis was the athletic, exciting, tatted up, stat sheet stuffing, mercurial combo out of highschool then the team drafts Curry, the 2nd generation NBA player with college accolades and a classic fundamental game and attitude......Sound familiar? A lot of their fanbase immediately took sides because each are best suited for the same position and are therefore a threat to the longterm future of the other. Curry even had an injury that many questioned because it was an ankle injury that he refused to play on because he recently had surgery on it then Monta gets traded for a great haul that will improve that franchise and half that fanbase still jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge because they always felt that Ellis was worthy of a superstar package.Is what it is, there are factions upon factions amongst the base and they will look at any opportunity to attack the otherside or promote their own.
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Can we please change the title to this thread? It's so stupid that we have to have members defending our own players (Horford mainly). If he could play, he would. Just last year, he was the guy that made the free throws to win a game after the hard foul from Griffin. He also showed his heart in the game at home against Chicago when we were down 15-2 or so? Those are just a couple quick memories while I type. Do our fans even care about our players? This thread should be about Smith and his injury updates. Instead I see a few guys defending our players because some people think Horford or even Smoove are soft? Seriously?If there is a new update about Josh playing Friday, hopefully somebody makes a new thread. Until then, get well soon Smoove, Boss and Zaza. Some of us do appreciate ALL of you.

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Can we please change the title to this thread? It's so stupid that we have to have members defending our own players (Horford mainly). If he could play, he would. Just last year, he was the guy that made the free throws to win a game after the hard foul from Griffin. He also showed his heart in the game at home against Chicago when we were down 15-2 or so?

Those are just a couple quick memories while I type. Do our fans even care about our players?

This thread should be about Smith and his injury updates. Instead I see a few guys defending our players because some people think Horford or even Smoove are soft? Seriously?

If there is a new update about Josh playing Friday, hopefully somebody makes a new thread. Until then, get well soon Smoove, Boss and Zaza. Some of us do appreciate ALL of you.

And that should be the sentiment of the entire board.
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I think it has to do with what he said couple weeks ago when he said he could play the game at the end of the regular season. So people automatically think that he's able to go in the playoffs. Then he came out recently and made a flip flop. This series will be at least 6 games so if hopefully he can go then.

I disagree. People were taking shots at him long before that. But say the roles were changed and instead of Horford suffering the injury, it was Josh (which I'm glad it's not). Do you honestly think Josh would be getting the same venom and disrespect? I seriously doubt it. People are out questioning the guys toughness when just last year, he took a brutal hit and fall from Blake Griffin. Al got up and made two free throws to win the game. And a couple years before that, in the Miami playoff series, he suffered a bad ankle sprain. Al came back after a game to help win the series and even played in the Cleveland series while still hurt. So I don't think all this hate is really about his toughness. We all know how valuable Al is. I think it's more about an agenda.
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