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My Take on the EC...


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(somewhat of a repost)

and people's/fan's outlook on this team...

Playoffs? Well, IMO the locks are NJ, Detroit, Indy, and the Magic...

as for the rest (ourselves excluded)

For the first time in two seasons, no one is expecting "great things" from this team, however...

in actuality, we have more stability and fewer questions marks than most of the other "questionable" teams in the East ~ With the exception of SJax, our starters and most of our bench know each other, and know our coach and hopefully his "system" (and that there is one). We're younger and more athletic, and actually really aren't playing anyone out of position

-Boston's got to figure out their front and how to get along without Walker, their highest asst. man the past two years. Is LaFrentz their starting PF, with Battie the C and Baker the bu pf/c + stop gap? Hope Kedrick's ready, cause he hasn't looked it before....here's to PP dropping 28 a game and struggling to make the playoffs

-Chicago: Cartwright appears to be a coach to some degree at least. Are Curry (esp), and Chandler...and Crawford (to a lesser degree) ready to maintain the con

-CLE: nice assembly of talent and great coaching, combined with Wagner's health issues which actually helps figure out the rotation for quite some time...they'll be fine, just probably not this year. Playoffs are actually a possibility if Silas can maintain happiness, as Bron seems willing to dish to those who are "on" (aka Ricky and Big Z). PS - don't forget how not so long ago BigZ's feet were a major issue...

-Miami: a talented team, of sorts, but many questions arise, such as: when did Odom become a pf? Wade a pg? Time will tell if this "let's just assemble talent and let them play small ball" scheme works...it's a departure from Slick Riles' defensive teams of the past 15 years, reminding one to a degree of the more "showtime Lakers"

-NO: stability on the court, but lost key 6h man in Alexander, and, more importantly, their meistro Silas. Was Chicago that talent-depleted? Floyd will let us know...ps, their two best players are great, but quite injury prone. Should be a playoff team, but who knows if they'll have the players' health, leadership, or coaching...thanks to the owners for the last two.

-NY: More questions than any other team, simply due to a) Deke - can he still play or is he fossilizing? b) Is McD coming back? c) how's KVH feeling? and his confidence? d) can Chaney actually coach? how can we tell? e) who's there pg....on the other hand, they could put together a superiorly sized team with solid players at every position but the point...emphasis on could...(and the NY media's never been kind to slow starts).

-Philly: AI's great, and locked in longterm, as is his perfect backcourt mate Snow...but there's so many questions on this team, from Ayers (I admit, I know nothing about this guy or what he focuses on in coaching) or how GRob will fit in on a role playing D team (hopefully Ayers emphasizes this). They shouldn't be listed with the questionables...

-TOR: who knows if they'll even have this assembly before long? ONeil's what this team needs, a kick in the @ss after Lenny, but how will the troops handle it? Oh yeah, is Vince healthy? Is Bosh ready...one thing's for certain, MoPete's happy to be back to playing second fiddle and seeing a climb in his percentages again

-WAS: the GSW of the East? couldn't have siad it better myself. Stack's on the or table again, Arenas is scoring, but has no one to dish to, and the setting couldn't be better for Kwame....or Hayes, or Heywood, or Jeffries, or Hughes...the list goes on. Expect them to abdicate the "best home attendance thrown"...a good Jordan, but the wrong one's on the bench.

-not included: Milwaukee - cause they dont' have a shot. I gave the Magic a break with TMac's health, everyone playing out of position...but they've got TMac, a solid coach, and loads of talents...just at the wrong spots...

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You guys refuse to look at toughness, defense or anything

other than on paper. I think any team in the east can con-

tned for the playoffs if they play tough and hold oppenents

to like 93PPG.. Doing so means you are always involved in

low scoring close games.....

This team lacks the toughnes more than anything. Sure it

isn't over talented...But the biggest reason we'll fail to

compete is because of lack of toughness and defense.

New Orleans and Boston aren't more talented than the

Hawks. But they've been better on defense, aswell as

they have been tougher.

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I really feel that the Magic are going to surprise some people. You've got TMac of course. But Gooden is pretty good at SF and now they've got Juwan Howard at Pf.. I say really their only weakness is center which has been that way for awhile.

But I think they are going to surprise alot of people. I say my pick for the finals but going to get beat because of the center situation.

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