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Jeff Teague


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My definition of a troll is a person who continually picks on one issue and is also factually wrong with their opinion.I believe this qualifies. It seems we simply define the term troll differently.On Falcons boards there are Vick trolls. However the mods simply remove them b/c they bring nothing constructive to the site.On Braves sites there ar Chipper trolls.....even though he is the greatest Atlanta Brave of all time.etc,etc,etc.

I'm not going to censor someone on here who feels a certain way about a player unless it gets out of hand with the bashing and I don't see that being the case here as 1 or 2 threads do not constitute censoring someone. The only issue that I've had with NBAS are the OJ Mayo posts over and over and over and that's been dealt with.I must apologize to all as I should have taken this to PM. Coach / NBAS if you'd like to continue this then please use the PM system.
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Damn son, stop your bitching. You bitch more than I do in the chat.It's not factually wrong just look at the tape. The kid can't play PG as a starter. He doesn't get us into an offense. He isn't good enough scorer wise to justify getting those mins, and he doesn't have good BBIQ.This is all opinion based as it's a message board. If you want to take my posts as fact you can but I wouldn't if I was you. I wouldn't from no one, not even Sund. I would only be gathering opinions and thoughts. The only facts are stats but stats never tell the true story outside of maybe Baseball. Either way, you saw, you bitched, and failed. Bye.

Opinions can be factually wrong. People who are continually factually wrong, on the same topic, day in and day out, fit the definition of a troll based on every other forum that I have ever been a part of .I'm never in the chat part of the site. You must be confusing me with another poster.
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I do not get this comment by Nick. Josh's jumpers are not smart basketball and to be honest it is borderline insanity. You know, doing the same thing over and over again even though it is not working....

I don't know but surely I'm not the only one who heard that as it was from a week or two ago during a national broadcast. Josh's faults lie in the fact that he tries to prove people wrong too often and believes he can do things that he shouldn't do and while those are annoying I don't think they prove that he has a low basketball IQ.
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I'm not going to censor someone on here who feels a certain way about a player unless it gets out of hand with the bashing and I don't see that being the case here as 1 or 2 threads do not constitute censoring someone. The only issue that I've had with NBAS are the Hold the Mayo posts over and over and over and that's been dealt with.

Oh ya............the post about Mayo being a NBA PG...........which were also more post of saying Teague is not an NBA PG.....even though in reality he is a succesful NBA PG at only 23 years old.I just hate seeing the same non-sense day in and day out from the same poster. In some forums that is the exact definition of a troll and the masses speak out against it. But like you said, it is what it is. Each forum is unique. No problem. I tend ot over react when irritated.....especially after a long days work. Edited by coachx
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I don't know but surely I'm not the only one who heard that as it was from a week or two ago during a national broadcast. Josh's faults lie in the fact that he tries to prove people wrong too often and believes he can do things that he shouldn't do and while those are annoying I don't think they prove that he has a low basketball IQ.

Putting yourself before the team seems like low basketball iq to me. "believes he can do things he shouldn't do" .....need I say more
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Oh ya............the post about Mayo being a NBA PG...........which were also more post of saying Teage is not an NBA PG.I just hate seeing the same non-sense day in and day out form the same poster. But like you said, it is what it is. No problem. I tend ot over react when irritated.....especially after a long days work.

Certainly understandable! I've always considered you one of the most rational members of the site and more often than not tend to agree with you and also feel this way sometimes.Okay now moving on ...
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Putting yourself before the team seems like low basketball iq to me. "believes he can do things he shouldn't do" .....need I say more

Selfish, yes, but I still don't think that necessarily means he has a low basketball IQ. Granted, if I hadn't heard that LD and NVE both said that he's off the charts with how intelligent about basketball that he is I would have never believed that based on what you all are saying here, but I just don't see any reason why LD or NVE would go out of their way to say things like that if it weren't true.
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I think teague has been getting better and better. Until he peaks, I see no reason to get on his case. Just a year ago he wasn't even our starting pg. I think the vision and passing will come in time as the game stats to slow down for him. He is still a young player with a lot to learn. It took nash a while to succeed. Jason kidd could not shoot at all for quite a while.This is where we find out who he is though. Does he put in the right work in the off season to improve his game? So far, he has done just about all we could ask for him.this kid has started 2 playoff series, one against rose, one against rondo and he hasn't backed down.

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Honestly, this can be true but what ATF is saying is it's not valid. D. Wade failed his first year at Marquette. Smart NBA player.Josh Smith, honors at a private school. NBA dumbass.Rondo- Solid student. NBA smartest player.Kobe- Great student. Smart NBA player.If you are dumb person, you are likely a dumb player but to get to the NBA, those are normally weeded out.

You like to believe you're some expert talent evaluator, but you have already foolishly called Teague the dumbest player in the league and Rondo the smartest. Rondo consistently makes dumb decisions (terrible shots, passing up easy points for flashy points, over-dribbling, etc.), but he's such a gifted passer he makes up for it. I think you'll have a hard time even finding Boston fans that would call Rondo the smartest in the league. He's not even the smartest player on his team.Teague is both an efficient scorer and an efficient passer. Does he always make the right pass? No. Does he always push his advantages? No. But he's still very young and he is far, very far from the dumbest player or even the dumbest starting PG. He also has to cater to questionable coaching philosophies and questionable "leaders."Again, he's not even close to being the dumbest player on the team. Josh owns those honors.*every use of dumb or smart relates to BBIQ only Edited by High5
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Selfish, yes, but I still don't think that necessarily means he has a low basketball IQ. Granted, if I hadn't heard that LD and NVE both said that he's off the charts with how intelligent about basketball that he is I would have never believed that based on what you all are saying here, but I just don't see any reason why LD or NVE would go out of their way to say things like that if it weren't true.

Dolfan, Josh has low offensive BBIQ because he doesn't understand that he is hurting his team and he doesn't even know he is doing it. That is a sign of low IQ in general. That is something retards do. Like Buzzard said, it's insanity.
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You like to believe you're some expert talent evaluator, but you have already foolishly called Teague the dumbest player in the league and Rondo the smartest. Rondo consistently makes dumb decisions (terrible shots, passing up easy points for flashy points, over-dribbling, etc.), but he's such a gifted passer he makes up for it. I think you'll have a hard time even finding Boston fans that would call Rondo the smartest in the league. He's not even the smartest player on his team.Teague is both an efficient scorer and an efficient passer. Does he always make the right pass? No. Does he always push his advantages? No. But he's still very young and he is far, very far from the dumbest player or even the dumbest starting PG. Again, he's not even close to being the dumbest player on the team. Josh owns those honors.*every use of dumb or smart relates to BBIQ only

I do believe Rondo is the smartest and Teague is without a question the dumbest PG I've seen in the NBA. Rondo BBIQ is uncanny. I love CP3 but Rondo has him in terms of BBIQ. CP3 is flat out better.Teague is a solid scorer. Doesn't play outside of his comfort zone like Marvin and Chillz. Rondo does take risk that fail, that's part of the terrority (m/s).
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I don't know but surely I'm not the only one who heard that as it was from a week or two ago during a national broadcast. Josh's faults lie in the fact that he tries to prove people wrong too often and believes he can do things that he shouldn't do and while those are annoying I don't think they prove that he has a low basketball IQ.

I think it makes him stupid. Like me thinking I can drive a nascar vehicle or dunk. It would only take me a few tries to figure out I can't.
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95% of his posts are about Teague...it's not just 1 or 2 threadsIt's like diesel when he was at his worst with marvin

Agreed...even during the in game chat it's the same nonsense.
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95% of his posts are about Teague...it's not just 1 or 2 threadsIt's like diesel when he was at his worst with marvin

This is a front running post. No way is even 25% of all my post on Teague. I would bet the barn that most of my posts are on Josh, Al, and Joe. Teague really hasn't gotten much attention from me till after the deadline when I realize we needed a lot more from that position when D12 wasn't traded to Atlanta.
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Selfish, yes, but I still don't think that necessarily means he has a low basketball IQ. Granted, if I hadn't heard that LD and NVE both said that he's off the charts with how intelligent about basketball that he is I would have never believed that based on what you all are saying here, but I just don't see any reason why LD or NVE would go out of their way to say things like that if it weren't true.

I have to call you on this Dol.

I'm a Josh fan too.

However, what you say about Selfish and Low Basketball IQ not necessarily being related is Bunk.

Here's my test.

What Selfish player in the NBA has ever been said to have a HIgh Basketball IQ?

You ever notice how people talk about Michael Jordan reaching the next level because he became less of a ball hog and more of a team player?

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This is a front running post. No way is even 25% of all my post on Teague. I would bet the barn that most of my posts are on Josh, Al, and Joe. Teague really hasn't gotten much attention from me till after the deadline when I realize we needed a lot more from that position when D12 wasn't traded to Atlanta.

Ok, 95% of your posts in the last month or 2 is what I obviously meant
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Kobe is selfish, Wilt is selfish, Westbrook is selfish. There are a lot of selfish superstars. Diesel, good post.

Ok, 95% of your posts in the last month or 2 is what I obviously meant

Nope, maybe last two days and even that is pushing it.
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