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Just noticed something about the squawk.


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I used to think that people played favorites around here and you had Joe fans, Josh fans, Horf fans, Teague Fans, Zaza Fans etc.But what I have determined is that that's not the case...What you do have are:Anti-Josh people.Anti-Joe people.Anti-Horf PeopleAnti-Teague PeopleEverybody hates Marvin and Everybody Loves Zaza.But if you're on the squawk, you're probably one of these.So the Anti people come on the squawk and they spread their Anti feelings.. and as soon as somebody sticks up for said player, they are labeled a ______ Fan.What happens is that it creates a bad vs. good microcosm in the squawk whereIf you're for Josh, you're against Joe.If you're for Joe, you're against Josh.and it also holds true for Horf and Teague.Last year, the see-saw was Josh vs. Horf.This year, it's Joe vs. Josh.

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  • Premium Member

I used to think that people played favorites around here and you had Joe fans, Josh fans, Horf fans, Teague Fans, Zaza Fans etc.But what I have determined is that that's not the case...What you do have are:Anti-Josh people.Anti-Joe people.Anti-Horf PeopleAnti-Teague PeopleEverybody hates Marvin and Everybody Loves Zaza.But if you're on the squawk, you're probably one of these.So the Anti people come on the squawk and they spread their Anti feelings.. and as soon as somebody sticks up for said player, they are labeled a ______ Fan.What happens is that it creates a bad vs. good microcosm in the squawk whereIf you're for Josh, you're against Joe.If you're for Joe, you're against Josh.and it also holds true for Horf and Teague.Last year, the see-saw was Josh vs. Horf.This year, it's Joe vs. Josh.

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Actually I don't fall into any of those categories. I just love the Hawks, i don't care who plays good as long as we win. I want all of our players to do well, because if they do we will probably be winning.P

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I think a lot of people fall into those different categories. LOTS of them. I don't though. I love this team, I've watched it change over the past couple of decades, nearly three. I've watched this recent batch knock on it's ceiling. I remember watching Chill and Smoove in summer leagues, and reading their box scores when I couldn't. I can't hate on any of them and I never will. I'll always want them to play to their potential, so I'll always complain about dumb things they do or dumb ways they are used. But it's not hate. I'll give them credit for what they do. I won't sit here and say they "suck."My thing is simple... Despite how much I love my team and the players, I'm not going to fool myself. This team needs a face in the worst way. Call him a superstar, All NBA 1st or 2nd, elite, closer....whatever. My thing is that this team needs THAT guy. Until we have him, I'll always maintain that opinion (and we'll probably continue to burn out of the 1st and 2nd round too).

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I figured it was the other way aroundLots of smoove lovers are anti-horford because if one has to go they don't want it to be smoove

I'm quite the opposite. I see the success of the Hawks built on Josh at the 3, Horf at the 4, true defensive / rebounding center with 2 ball handling jumpshooters. I want to play winning basketball and to me that is playing pick and roll with Al, Josh moving without the ball. Offense based on using big men to draw doubles, with 2 long range shooters to make them pay. Defense based on owning the glass, owning the lane. I see JJ on this team as expendable simply because his game is diametrically opposed to this philosphy. Give me Duhon/Rubio, Al, Josh and the true defensive presence at the 5. Josh is my favorite player in the NBA but I'm not stupid...Al is a winner.
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What happens is that it creates a bad vs. good microcosm in the squawk whereIf you're for Josh, you're against Joe.If you're for Joe, you're against Josh.and it also holds true for Horf and Teague.Last year, the see-saw was Josh vs. Horf.This year, it's Joe vs. Josh.

Honestly, and I know I am new to these forums, but I love Horford & Teague and I don't hate Josh or Joe, but I feel Smoove doesn't want to be here anymore and Joe is way too inconsistent to be our #1 option. Teague and Horford are the future and it may be time to start over with these two...
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What Diesel has said is what i have been noticed. If you notice on here folks have guys they don't like. Benhillboy is a known Joe Johnson hater. Nbasuperstar40 make it known he doesn't like Teague but their is more Anti-Josh folks on here than any other player not named Marvin. People don't even bother to post about Marvin lol. Unfortunately the Anti-Smoove crowd are the ones that post on here every day, every thread and often. Buzzard, Supporter, Jody23, Nbasuperstar40, Watchman etc. Hell the Mobetta dude use to start threads about Josh in the first quarter after Josh shoots an airball lol. When those guys I named say something negative about Smoove TheCampster and AHawks89 feel that they have to defend him. Thats most of the negativity on this site.Overall this site is mostly negative. Some negativity is cool. Criticizing players is cool but it always turn out worse than expected.

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What Diesel has said is what i have been noticed. If you notice on here folks have guys they don't like. Benhillboy is a known Joe Johnson hater. Nbasuperstar40 make it known he doesn't like Teague but their is more Anti-Josh folks on here than any other player not named Marvin. People don't even bother to post about Marvin lol. Unfortunately the Anti-Smoove crowd are the ones that post on here every day, every thread and often. Buzzard, Supporter, Jody23, Nbasuperstar40, Watchman etc. Hell the Mobetta dude use to start threads about Josh in the first quarter after Josh shoots an airball lol. When those guys I named say something negative about Smoove TheCampster and AHawks89 feel that they have to defend him. Thats most of the negativity on this site.Overall this site is mostly negative. Some negativity is cool. Criticizing players is cool but it always turn out worse than expected.

Funny thing is, I'm okay with criticism - factual criticism. The board in general tends to lean toward hyperbole and exaggeration.
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Funny thing is, I'm okay with criticism - factual criticism. The board in general tends to lean toward hyperbole and exaggeration.

Like yourself, I too don't mind criticism. IF we were talking true Journalism... then Criticism would be a part. I mention Journalism because Blogs and Forums have their roots in guys trying to get out the facts (Journalism) and their opinions of the facts. I readily admit that I never liked Marvin. However, I also admit that in times past, I have gone overboard with my anti-Marvin persona. I think when you look around, there are a lot of squawkers who are that far overboard on our other players. Weather it's Joe because of his contract, Josh because of his bad decisions, Horf because of his daddy, or Teague because of his youthful mistakes, we have our niche's and a lot of us seems to be more tied to that than to seeing the Hawks succeed.We talk about the stock-market nature of this team. Well, it's essential message board is just as shaky and has just as many front-runners. I would like to get to the whys of this board. Why do some of you feel like the best thing to do is "Blow it all up"? Why do some of you doubt that new coaching won't change a thing? Why do some of you think that this team can't compete?I think as we finally get to the whys, a lot of it has to do with the perception that the media has overcasted on our beloved Hawks.You know what I say about that.F the Media.
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No surprise here that I don't like Josh as much as the other guys. Some call that anti-josh some call it the truth.

I am with you on this. If Josh played within himself he could be one of the most dominant rebounding PFs in the league. But instead he dreams of being Reggie Miller. After seven years of watching Reggie without a jump shot, I am pretty much done with him. Edited by Buzzard
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Sometimes, these Hawks play great and we all love it.Sometimes they play like crap and we hate that.True, some players we like more than others. That's natural.That means that there are Hawks we like less than others.Sometimes, we get carried away and hate on some players.But, usually, we're fans. Love 'em or hate 'em, we're fans.Lots of us were around when we won 13 games all season.Yet, they were "our Hawks" and we were fans then.The more games we win, the more things we find wrong.That's strange, isn't it.Any way, I love my Hawks - - All of 'em!

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