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Local vs. National Broadcast: What's your preference?


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I usually like to watch the national broadcast to get an unbiased perspective of the announcers (unless we are getting drilled like in Game 4), but in this postseason it seems like the TNT announcers, specifically d*ck Stockton, have been going out of their way to take jabs at us""atrocious shooting by the Hawks""Garnett obviously read the scouting report on Horford as he allows him to take that 18 foot jump shot"Those are two quotes that stand out from Game 5. Seemed like Stockton was extra critical of us throughout the night even though we led for a majority of the game. I ended up tuning in to hear good ole Dominique and Bob in the second half. I found myself getting a lot less frustrated. I think I'll roll with Sports South for the entire game tonight.

Edited by ahlthe3rd
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Gotta go national. Just an overall better telecast. Bob is a homer to a fault, and Nique's commentary is just too plain and simple. It's usually a "the Hawks need to play with more energy" or "they're taking too many jumpshots" and that's as far in depth as he can go. ESPN does come up with some great stat digging that is relevant to the game, and I don't have too much of a problem with the national bias against us (hell, we're against us more than anyone else) as long as they aren't going overboard like Crippled Kenny and Dumb Chuck. I do notice the national cameras on Joe sulking on the bench a whole lot more during a bad performance, and it's an awful look to say the least. It promotes the negative national sentiment about this team more than anything else, and that I could do without.

Edited by benhillboy
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I have to go local so i don't blow a friggin gasket. I've got too much stress in my life already. I think Rathbun is excellent. In fact I rank him very high in all time favorite atlanta broadcasters.Nique's commentary isn't that insightful but he's kind of funny sometimes and well he's Nique.Did anyone notice as we were making big plays to close out the last game that they'd show our bench and they just sat there with no reaction? WTF? I don't think this team is very cohesive. I think they get along ok but there doesn't seem to be any excitement.

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I know this may be bad, but I choose to watch the national broadcast because the picture quality is so much better, or at least it is on my HD. If the announcers to get too unbearable, I do click back over to the local broadcast though.

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I was gonna ask this over on another forum. I usually go with the regional, The national seems too much like "meet the Hawks", and refreshing folks who hadn't seen them in weeks against their teams. I'll stick with Bob & Nique's familiarity.Depending on how things are going I'll tune in to the national broadcast.

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I watch the national games because I listen to Bob and Nique most of the year so its nice to hear something new.

The national commentators do get on my nerves sometimes when they get so excited about a Celtics play and when the Hawks turn around and do the same thing 3 times in a row they're so blase' about it. But overall, they aren't too bad.

Nobody beats Bob and Smitty though... They were so entertaining to listen to.
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I like national because of the unbaised calling, then again mostly everyone on the national side favors the Celtics....but I do love listening to Steve Holman! He calls it as it is!

Edited by Pmeehan
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My only choice is national, but I'm kind of a sucker for the fancy graphics and stuff anyways. Also depends on who we get as the play by play/analyst. Not a fan of CWebb or Doris, but I like Hubie, Kerr, and JVG. I'm sure I"m leaving a few out.

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Bob Rathbun is so underrated as our broadcaster. The guy does favor the home crowd, because that is what he's supposed to do. However, he gives every single player - home or visitor - their due. He does his homework and I appreciate him.

That being said, I always pick the local broadcast. I hate the media bias. They call the game fairly, but I hate the way they glow over any team that we play. The lack of respect on the sideline is as apparent as the lack of respect in the studio and on the web. Bleh. I'd rather not listen to the homer side, but I just can't stand the media bias for certain teams.

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