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If you could, would trade JJ for a lottery pick?


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Marshall (Maybe if get another pick, but wont be starting in the beginning)Machado (Same as above)Nash (I dont think so, he wants to go to a championship team or Toronto)Deron (Pipe Dream, for sure)S. Curry (GS isnt going to give him up since Ellis was traded, Curry is staying there)Rondo even though he is not a PnR PG (Boston wouldnt give him up)So at the end of the day, the available of PnR PG is slim to none and dealing the ASG, the chance because even smaller.

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Marshall will start day 1.Machado, probably not but does he need to if he is getting 24-28 mpg.Nash and Deron probably aren't coming.Curry and Rondo probably aren't coming.We don't get a PnR PG, we might as well say f it again, we don't have a shot in hell without one.

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Marshall will start day 1.Machado, probably not but does he need to if he is getting 24-28 mpg.Nash and Deron probably aren't coming.Curry and Rondo probably aren't coming.We don't get a PnR PG, we might as well say f it again, we don't have a shot in hell without one.

Marshall starts from Day 1??? You kidding right.You have to remember that this is going to be Coach Drew last year here for coaching and believe it or not, he would pull a "Woody" and give Teague all of the burn so he can keep his job safe. So if we did get Marshall (or a big man, that we need the most right now) he wont be starting from Day 1. Unless Teague is traded, would that happen.
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J Kidd?

J Kidd would honestly be a major addition. I just hate the fact that he is almost 40 years old.
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It is unfortunate we don't have the cap room to go after Dragic as I think he would be a good fit there. He definitely can run the PnR offense.

I am not the biggest Dragic fan but he can run the PnR like Lin can, in fact him and Lin are the same damn player in many ways.
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J Kidd would honestly be a major addition. I just hate the fact that he is almost 40 years old.

But, I believe he could be added for mid-level and not rock the boat too much. He'd give us an edge and increase our BBIQ by multiples.
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With J Kidd, we can run the PnR exclusively like we did with Bibby but J Kidd can create for others still. But I don't know, he really isn't good anymore. All he can do is create for others and spot up shoot. He is basically a better version of Atlanta's Bibby.

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With J Kidd, we can run the PnR exclusively like we did with Bibby

I am positive I am not reading this right but are you saying we ran exclusively PnR (i.e., no iso or other sets) with Bibby or that we only ran PnR when Bibby was in the game or something else? I don't know what the word "exclusively" means here.
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I am positive I am not reading this right but are you saying we ran exclusively PnR (i.e., no iso or other sets) with Bibby or that we only ran PnR when Bibby was in the game or something else? I don't know what the word "exclusively" means here.

I think he conjoined two thoughts there. Thought one. We ran pick n roll with Bibby and that worked well, better than our iso and rotation sets.Thought two. We should find someone capable of running it all the time since it worked well in Bibby's limited use of it. Damn if only Bibby was the younger, quicker, better defensive Bibby of 5 years previous.
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That one move there highlights the problem. The "win now" attitude pollutes all thinking toward winning. The idea of getting Hinrich was to win now. It was a good move, but making such a move requires making more moves down the road. Exercise good scouting with the 19th pick and you don't have to make a move later. The example is Josh Smith. Josh was a 17th pick, good judgement and good value at 17...much better than Chillz with the 6th in the same draft.I'm not saying don't pull the trigger on a deal to win, but I am saying you can't be so hungry to win now that you sacrifice the future.The same goes for mortgaging the present. I started this thread because of the "trade Josh for a pick" garbage. Honestly, I was suprised and relieved at those who almost unanimously understand the value in doing so with JJ would be.If Hinrich brings back 19 + Jordan Crawford, JJ should bring back a decent player (better than Crawford) and 6-10. It is a combination of keeping Smith, enticing others, planning for the future. If you want to know what top tier free agents truly value, it is a team with a plan. You have a plan to compete...a solid plan...and free agents will look at you because marketing and money follow the plan.

The difference between Hinrich and JJ is quite significant as JJ is older, has 5 more years and nearly 100 million owed to him. That alone will mean getting a lot less back than a player of JJ's skill should return.
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I think he conjoined two thoughts there.Thought one. We ran pick n roll with Bibby and that worked well, better than our iso and rotation sets.Thought two. We should find someone capable of running it all the time since it worked well in Bibby's limited use of it. Damn if only Bibby was the younger, quicker, better defensive Bibby of 5 years previous.

We ran it more than any other play is what I meant in reference to AHF, exclusively was the wrong choice of words.Bibby was washed up by that time but it still was our most functional NBA play by a mile. Edited by Joker
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We ran it more than any other play is what I meant in reference to AHF, exclusively was the wrong choice of words.Bibby was washed up by that time but it still was our most functional NBA play by a mile.

uh, no. We ran ISOJOE, ISOJamal more than anything else. We ran the curl plays at the top of the key more than PNR. We ran Bibby/Horf or Bibby Josh PNR or PNPop as the alt set when the curl wasn't working or to give the iso'ers a play off.This is why so many of us 2/3 years ago were screaming for the change to more pick and roll. It was highly effective.
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Guest Walter

Add Joe to Kyrie Irving and you have a good back court. IrvingJJGeeJamisonVarejaoIs a nice starting 5. Contender, no but back in the playoffs...probably. They have a second 1st round pick (24) and an early 2nd round pick. They need to sell tickets and have salary room.

Cleveland won 21 games. Yes shortened season but the JJ of today and likely the JJ of several years ago does not make them a playoff team. It does cost them another high lottery pick next year. Why would "a good backcourt" be an argument when it's not a good team?W
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Guest Walter

Walter, you don't think Toronto would make the playoffs if they added Joe, Valanciunas and had Bargnani healthy?Even though, they could probably get better i.e. Rudy Gay / Iggy

Alot of ifs but no, I don't think so. W
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Alot of ifs but no, I don't think so. W

If Toronto added Joe, they are a playoff team without question but adding that contract, Joe needs to do a lot more than just make the playoffs. They need to contend and since that's not happening, it's not a good idea for Toronto to land Joe.
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