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Yardbarker: Kevin Garnett Says He's Fueled by 'Owners Who Talk Too Much,' Likely Taking Jab at Hawks Owner (Video)


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It's been almost a month since Kevin Garnett and Atlanta Hawks co-owner Michael Gearon Jr. took some jabs at each other, but Garnett might not be over it. Garnett was interviewed by ESPN's Doris Burke after the Celtics' Game 5 win on Tuesday night, and among the questions Burke asked was what fuels the veteran after 17 years in the league. "The competition. The naysayers," Garnett responded, before turning to the camera. "The owners who talk too much. The people who don't think that a 36, 35-year old can do what I do. I take a lot of pride in...View the full article

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I saw that and absolutely loved it. Gearon is ruining this franchise by being a total fanboy and had the nerve to take a verbal shot at a guy whose a future hall of famer and champion. I'm glad KG essentially punked him AGAIN on tv. What will Gearon do about it? NOTHING but talk about how much he likes the "core" and Josh Smith is somehow comparable to LeBron James. LMBO.

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It's been almost a month since Kevin Garnett and Atlanta Hawks co-owner Michael Gearon Jr. took some jabs at each other, but Garnett might not be over it. Garnett was interviewed by ESPN's Doris Burke after the Celtics' Game 5 win on Tuesday night, and among the questions Burke asked was what fuels the veteran after 17 years in the league. "The competition. The naysayers," Garnett responded, before turning to the camera. "The owners who talk too much. The people who don't think that a 36, 35-year old can do what I do. I take a lot of pride in...View the full article

Kevin Garnett says a lot of things.
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I saw that and absolutely loved it. Gearon is ruining this franchise by being a total fanboy and had the nerve to take a verbal shot at a guy whose a future hall of famer and champion. I'm glad KG essentially punked him AGAIN on tv. What will Gearon do about it? NOTHING but talk about how much he likes the "core" and Josh Smith is somehow comparable to LeBron James. LMBO.

WHAATTT??? Who's side are you on here?? Gearon called Garnett a "dirty player" (true) this is known throughout the NBA. If Garnett chooses to use that a motivation, then so be it, that is good for him, but for you as a "hawks fan" to enjoy....im sorry LOVE IT, just speaks to how much of a fan of this team you really are. What is wrong with an owner sticking up for his team???? This is the team that he owns, that is what he is supposed to do.The refs and the NBA even admitted that we got "jobbed" in this series.Since you like KG and the Celtics so much maybe you should move there! That way you can go listen to KG curse, pound his chest and say stupid sh*t every time he goes up and down the court.
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Edit: and to whoever else agrees with Jody, please make up your minds. When our players, coaches, and owners don't say anything we talk crap about them and call the too nice, nonchalant, or say that they really don't care, but when they do say something, "they just need to shut up and do their jobs" "he/she talks to much". Why don't you shut up and let them be them.Sorry for the rant I am just in a bad mood and Im sick and tired of this fickle fan base, it drives me crazy. I have never experienced a fan base like this (other than miami).

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WHAATTT??? Who's side are you on here?? Gearon called Garnett a "dirty player" (true) this is known throughout the NBA. If Garnett chooses to use that a motivation, then so be it, that is good for him, but for you as a "hawks fan" to enjoy....im sorry LOVE IT, just speaks to how much of a fan of this team you really are. What is wrong with an owner sticking up for his team???? This is the team that he owns, that is what he is supposed to do.The refs and the NBA even admitted that we got "jobbed" in this series.Since you like KG and the Celtics so much maybe you should move there! That way you can go listen to KG curse, pound his chest and say stupid sh*t every time he goes up and down the court.

First of all, it ain't that serious.Second, there's a difference between "standing up for your team" and assaulting someone elses character or profession by slinging mud on it and that's what Gearon did by calling him the dirtiest player. The comment was disrepectful and as a man, I had no problem with KG answering it. Afterall, other than hearing Ivan say it, what credibility did Gearon have to make that comment? Does he lace em up and play? No. And whether you like KG or not, he's undoubtedly a champion and future Hall of Famer. What has Gearon or the Hawks accomplished in comparison?.......Exactly.Lastly, I'm a basketball fan and so is everyone else on this board. My favorite team happens to be the Hawks. But that doesn't I'm supposed to blindly stick up for everything they or their representatives do especially when it's wrong. I do that for no one. Having the Hawks as my favorite team also doesn't mean I'm incapable of appreciating good basketball, no matter the source. I'm not a Celtic fan, but I can appreciate what they've done as a franchise and in the playoffs. That's all I have to say.
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I don't have any issues with what Gearon said. I do have a problem with him going into hiding and not facing the media after he said it and leaving his coach and the players to address it.

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First of all, it ain't that serious.Second, there's a difference between "standing up for your team" and assaulting someone elses character or profession by slinging mud on it and that's what Gearon did by calling him the dirtiest player. The comment was disrepectful and as a man, I had no problem with KG answering it. Afterall, other than hearing Ivan say it, what credibility did Gearon have to make that comment? Does he lace em up and play? No. And whether you like KG or not, he's undoubtedly a champion and future Hall of Famer. What has Gearon or the Hawks accomplished in comparison?.......Exactly.Lastly, I'm a basketball fan and so is everyone else on this board. My favorite team happens to be the Hawks. But that doesn't I'm supposed to blindly stick up for everything they or their representatives do especially when it's wrong. I do that for no one. Having the Hawks as my favorite team also doesn't mean I'm incapable of appreciating good basketball, no matter the source. I'm not a Celtic fan, but I can appreciate what they've done as a franchise and in the playoffs. That's all I have to say.

Look....the difference between you and myself is that I don't mind what either one of them said. Whether you, I, or Gearon actually "lace the up" or not, Garnett is known to be a dirty player, or use "dirty tactics, and as an owner Gearon has a right to call the refs out for letting him get away with it. On that same note, Garnett has a right to fire back, I would have too, but for him mention it every time he has a good game is a bit childish, and it bothers me that a NBA/Hawks fan would "love it". Just because Garnett is a champion and future hall of famer does not mean that our owners or players should bite their tongues when something isn't right, Garnett is still human.Question: would you be saying the same thing if Mark Cuban said what Gearon said?
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What does "having money" have to do with anything?? Are you saying that Cuban gets a pass because he has the money to get whatever player he wants?

He didn't when his teams were crappy. He does now. #lifeAgain, having money means nothing for your mouth if you don't put it where your mouth is. They all have money. There's a reason why the Maloofs didn't come to mind when you posed your question.~lw3 Edited by lethalweapon3
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He didn't when his teams were crappy. He does now. #life

Again, having money means nothing for your mouth if you don't put it where your mouth is. They all have money. There's a reason why the Maloofs didn't come to mind when you posed your question.


You lost me bro. What you just said doesn't really make sense. I will ask again, what does money have to do with this conversation??? Edited by CODHAWKSFAN
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