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Houston will pursue Josh Smith if they fail to get Dwight Howard


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You don't do stupid. That's the #1 thing you learn in life, you don't do stupid.

Stupid like trading Rasheed Wallace for the #17 pick in the draft? By that rationale, we would have let Rasheed walk and would never have had Josh in the first place.I am all on board with you that I think there are better deals than the #14 and an expiring Martin for Josh, but I get the idea that the dumbest thing we could do is let Josh walk away for nothing if we don't intend to resign him.
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I am not a fan of Joshs' game and less a fan of 1st and 2nd round exits. Josh wants out, then I want a mini rebuild. I am a fan just not of the two things I just mentioned. You wanting to hold onto Josh and let him walk, could easily be construed as you only being a Josh fan and most definitely not a tried and true Hawks fan.

You are a fan but you are a bias fan if you support an awful deal which would put us in a Milwaukee position just because you aren't a fan of Josh Smith. Look, Ferry is smart. I don't even know why I am still talking about this. He will make a good deal. He is not a Josh Smith hater who would trade him for a pair of Jordans.
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Stupid like trading Rasheed Wallace for the #17 pick in the draft? By that rationale, we would have let Rasheed walk and would never have had Josh in the first place.I am all on board with you that I think there are better deals than the #14 and an expiring Martin for Josh, but I get the idea that the dumbest thing we could do is let Josh walk away for nothing if we don't intend to resign him.

Rasheed Wallace was not even in this time period. Those times, they were trading VC for a scrub center. Toine for JT. Not even the same era of Basketball in terms of GMing. Let's talk about this era. Mike Miller traded for 5th pick. Gerald Wallace traded for 6th pick. Budinger traded for 18th pick. You want Josh in this market. It will cost you a top five pick or two mid first and a decent player. Just the market of today. If you think otherwise, you are naive. Edited by Joker
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That was arguably the dumbest trade of the decade, IMO. You hope for that kind of good fortune but only a moron GM plans around getting that lucky. When Wallace walks, NJ is going to be the laughingstock of the NBA and a cautionary tale for the rest of the league.

The decade? I think it is one of the worst trades in any sport of all time. They gave up their best chip to get Dwight Howard on an aging wing player with a player option for less than half a season on a team that didn't even make the playoffs. Insane doesn't even begin to describe how bad that trade was.
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You are a fan but you are a bias fan if you support an awful deal which would put us in a Milwaukee position just because you aren't a fan of Josh Smith. Look, Ferry is smart. I don't even know why I am still talking about this. He will make a good deal. He is not a Josh Smith hater who would trade him for a pair of Jordans.

Ferry will get as much as he can. And I do not want a player playing for my team who is ATL team hater. Josh does not want to be in the ATL, let the hater go for the best deal we can get for him.This is the first season you will ever find a post of mine that we should trade Josh at all cost. This is also the first season Josh has said he wants out. Ferry will show him the door, and I say good riddance.
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Why do you keep bring up Wallace? In that era, malcontent got traded .10 on the dollar. VC, Sheed, etc. Nowadays, coaches get fired. GM's aren't traded malcontents no more if they are good.

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Rasheed Wallace was not even in this time period. Those times, they were trading VC for a scrub center. Toine for JT. Not even the same era of Basketball in terms of GMing. Let's talk about this era. Mike Miller traded for 5th pick. Gerald Wallace traded for 6th pick. Budinger traded for 18th pick. You want Josh in this market. It will cost you a top five pick or two mid first and a decent player. Just the market of today. If you think otherwise, you are naive.

I think you are overvaluing Josh, but I hope you are right!The fear in not taking the best available offer is that Tyson Chandler and David West were both lost this past offseason and their teams got a grand total of squat.
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Ferry will get as much as he can. And I do not want a player playing for my team who is ATL team hater. Josh does not want to be in the ATL, let the hater go for the best deal we can get for him.This is the first season you will ever find a post of mine that we should trade Josh at all cost. This is also the first season Josh has said he wants out. Ferry will show him the door, and I say good riddance.

You are right unless he doesn't like any of the deals and he will keep Josh and make due. You DON'T TRADE TO TRADE. This is why GM's are paid big bucks. Edited by Joker
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The decade? I think it is one of the worst trades in any sport of all time. They gave up their best chip to get Dwight Howard on an aging wing player with a player option for less than half a season on a team that didn't even make the playoffs. Insane doesn't even begin to describe how bad that trade was.

Agreed. As I said the other day, that trade was "fire the GM" worthy. Just so dumb on every level. You can't bank on that kind of stupidity but you take advantage of it any chance you get.
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I think you are overvaluing Josh, but I hope you are right!The fear in not taking the best available offer is that Tyson Chandler and David West were both lost this past offseason and their teams got a grand total of squat.

New Orleans has Anthony Davis and Dallas is about to land Deron Williams. I hope Josh walks then.
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New Orleans has Anthony Davis and Dallas is about to land Deron Williams. I hope Josh walks then.

I hope you know that we won't be picking near the top of the draft or attracting a major UFA in the foreseeable future. That is why the "let him walk" option is scary - we have very little chance of acquiring significant talent outside of our draft picks and trade of one of our core players. Letting him walk so we can be a borderline playoff team without the assets we could have acquired is not an exciting option.
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I just find it unreal we have someone that seems to have some understanding of the game of basketball that insists that losing a player for literally nothing is better than having a one year rental and a mid teen first rounder. My mind is in fact boggled.

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I think we can all agree that Wallace and Mike Miller have inferior value to Josh Smith. I think we can all agree that Chase Budinger has inferior value to Jeff Teague. Just saying. This is the type of deal you trade Jeff for.Jeff for 14 and 18. That would be a good deal. That's how silly this whole thing is. We are talking about Josh Smith. On here, Josh Smith is a scrub.

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Agreed. As I said the other day, that trade was "fire the GM" worthy. Just so dumb on every level. You can't bank on that kind of stupidity but you take advantage of it any chance you get.

I honestly think the only reason King got away with it was because the owner is in Russia and has clearly distanced himself from the franchise when they struck out on the big names. If King did that with an owner within choking distance he would never had pulled the trigger on it.
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Chase Budinger is more valuable on here than Josh Smith. Marvin is a superstar, Josh is a scrub. Collins>Josh Smith on here.

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I just find it unreal we have someone that seems to have some understanding of the game of basketball that insists that losing a player for literally nothing is better than having a one year rental and a mid teen first rounder. My mind is in fact boggled.

He may change his mind. As time has progressed, Josh has gone in the mind of a certain basketball wise poster from trash to a real treasure and so may the view for the future change if that poster was confronted with a total lack of the highly attractive options that he thinks will inevitably materialize.I am with Joker right now on not doing the Houston deals because I think the reward of waiting and beating the bushes outweighs the risk, but a deal like Martin/14 for Josh becomes more attractive as you run out of options.
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I think we can all agree that Wallace and Mike Miller have inferior value to Josh Smith. I think we can all agree that Chase Budinger has inferior value to Jeff Teague. Just saying. This is the type of deal you trade Jeff for.Jeff for 14 and 18. That would be a good deal. That's how silly this whole thing is. We are talking about Josh Smith. On here, Josh Smith is a scrub.

But what if that is the best deal we can get for him? Let's conjecture and say the best offer Ferry gets is Martin/14 for Josh. You would rather let Josh walk for nothing than take that deal?
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Martin/14 is never attractive. That would get a hell no for Jeff Teague.

You want to know what I think about it.

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