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Hawks insist Marshon Brooks included per ESPN


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I am not sure he started or not in that series. I barely remember it. I did watch the regular season games for Denver and he was rarely starting.

He didn't play many games with Denver after the trade from Washington
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Which is why I don't see them including him.

If they did, then I would hope Danny Ferry wouldn't walk away from the deal just because they didn't include Marshon Brooks. Marshon had some nice metrics as a college player. He was a very good spot up jump shooter who was also very good in transition and could make plays on defense. He was a high usage player in college as well, but he doesn't need to be a high usage guy in the NBA. He needs to have a role as more of a spot up shooter who will catch and shoot off the pick and roll instead of being run in isolation sets. His one below average PPP in college was in isolation, and I think the Nets ran him a bunch of times in isos this past year, which I think is why his metrics was low.
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Current reported deal on ESPN is now:

"The most recent proposal, sources said Sunday night, would call for the Nets to send the expiring contracts of Jordan Farmar, Johan Petro, Anthony Morrow and Jordan Williams along with the signed-and-traded DeShawn Stevenson and a future first-round pick to Atlanta in exchange for Johnson."

So this is probably Houston's pick next year (protected). The 4 players are about 12 million, Stevenson will probably sign for about 3-4 million per. So assuming Mike Scott makes the team, Jenkins signs as well, we are at 12 players, a banked pick and $58 million. Guessing we would then package Marvin, an expiring or two and one of the picks next year for someone else's problem of about 15 + million.

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WE MUST HAVE MARSHON BROOKS!!!! READ PEOPLE!!!! READ!!! No way this trade happens if they dont give us Marshon Brooks...Ferry basically says this in this article by ESPN http://espn.go.com/new-york/nba/story/_/id/8119934/brooklyn-nets-atlanta-hawks-talk-joe-johnson-trade-sources-say

"One big stumbling block, sources said, is Atlanta's insistence that Brooklyn include promising Nets guard MarShon Brooks in the trade to ensure that, in addition to shedding Johnson's hefty contract, it gets back at least one on-the-rise player."

Ferry wants this guy or it wont even go down! So the johnson lovers dont be down yet! LOL

What does Johnson provide for us more than anything?

Scoring right?!.....Correct!....I understand that Marshon is no where near as good as Joe Johnson RIGHT NOW! BUT man oh man this young guy has some promise! I see a young Kobe Bryant in his game. He wants to be a star you can tell by the way he plays! Now will he ever get to a Kobe level? Hell lets hope so especially if he's a Hawk by tomorrow assuming that trade goes through.

Who is Brooks?

To answer you question Brooks is a pure scorer with a canty of Iso moves! Im talking head fakes, dribble penetration, hesistation, fadeaways, floaters, crossover jumpshot, stepback jumpshot, you name it he got it!....I just took literally 5 hours and watched some games of Brooks on youtube of both his NBA and College career! and I see why Ferry insist that we get him back! I mean shit once again no trade if Brooks isnt in the deal! Its going to take Brooks some time but let me say this he may not ever get to an elite level but the guy does have a high chance to be a legit season by season 20 point scorer! I honestly think he will get there in another 2 years! I like this guys ability to create a shot. Losing Joe we will lose our only player on the team who can consistently create their own shot but as long as we get Brooks back somebody that also can create their own shot then we still have a scorer that can create for himself!

Why does Marshon matter so much to Ferry and the Hawks?

Honestly the only reason he matters is because if we give up a scorer we must retain a scorer. Now you as Hawk fans may not like the deal but the Ferry is thinking deeper than most of us on this issue Im sure. An though Brooks isnt quite there yet its more of a we give up a player who can create their own shot...then hell we gon need one back or atleast give themselves opportunity to get a good look in one on one ball! thats what scorers do! every team needs a scoring type player in other words an iso man.

You as a Hawk fan will learn to like Brooks once he's here!

Final comments

-We get more cap space as we all know

-We get Brooks who can grow and become a dangerous NBA scorer (Brooks has plenty of upside)

-Brooks could be a star

-this start over is good for the hawks cause the owners and Sund messed it up from giving Joe all that money from the get go...now ferry is fixing it!

-last thing....watch the videos below...Brooks is promising and thats why the nets want to hold on to him so badly but Ferry knows this and again like the title of the thread no brooks included no deal! I mean have you seen this guy play!....or are you so concerned about Johnson like "joker", "Diesel" amd many other posters that you cant seem to look past the now and look at who are future is! LOL Guys this dude has a great Scoring game and we NEED him in this deal no doubt!....watch closely on a couple of clips he gave Joe johnson some serious ass buckets in his face! check it out! please!


If you keep listening to the posters that say its a bad deal the hawks will never see a championship. An let me say this...I really hate to say it but the hawks are probably out the playoffs once Joe leaves but thats ok cause they now have cap space and promising players that will grow and get better. Oh and by the way if you dont care about Brooks than youre just plain crazy!LOL....Shit NO! Dont give the Nets our old superstar guard excuse me all-star guard with a massive contract and take the nets young promising guard with atleast 10 plus years ahead of him! knowing he can only get better! LOL Get real squawkers!

Best part about Marshon Brooks is that he has a 7"2 wingspan! thats 2" shorter than 6"11 Kevin Durant! Bring this upcoming superstar to the Hawks Ferry! and hurry! please!

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Kobe as a 6"6, 205 lbs 19 yo sophomore (truly 6"7, right?):26 minutes, .42% from the field, .34 from three, .79 from the line, 3 Rebs, 2.5 assists, half a block, a steal, 2 TO, 15 PPG.Brooks as a 6"5, 200 lbs. 23 yo rookie (haven't done the research, but why is he so old after 1 year at Providence?)29 minutes, .42 from the field, .313 from three, .76 from the line, 3 rebounds, 2.3 assists, a steal, .3 blocks, 2 TO, 12.6 ppg.Very similar, but again, comparing him to Kobe has to be paused due to the 4 year age difference. At 23, Kobe's knowledge of all the NBA's players and how to win is light years ahead of Brooks. I hope he has the desire to be as close to Kobe as he can be and if he's brought here, Ferry will instill in him that he has to work 3 times harder than he does now. He and Jenkins have to be known for working extremely hard to improve our culture. Not saying that Joe, Josh, or Al don't, but they aren't known for it. Having a confident one-on-one scorer and sharpshooter who want to make a name for themselves and willing to do whatever it takes to do so is exactly what I want.

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Was just about to post that. I think he got confused when on his profile it shows him as 1 year of experience after Providence.

True. ESPN needs to put the NBA experience on the next line. 4 years in college is impressive for an NBA player for sure when he could've left earlier. Did he graduate and what's his degree in?
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