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Glenn Robinson Contributing in Philly...


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whether getting rid of him was the right move. I personally think he will do well in Philly. If he does I will be very interested in seeing what people on this forum will be saying then.

If he doesn't then all of the people who said he was trash would be right. But again lets play the season before we make any analysis of his worth.

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If he "does well" in Philly, it will just mean his FG% has gone up to his career average, he is getting 8 lazy rebounds a game, and 2 lazy steals a game, by playing off the guy he is supposed to guard, who puts in 20, usually above his average. I will be shocked if he earns his stats. Ricky Davis reminds me ofDog. Milwaukee fans tried to tell the league about Dog, and now most of us Atlanta fans sound just like them. Thats because its true.

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That sounds more personal than objective. If he is successful in Philly then it is a matter of the system he played in for Atlanta, and based on our teams success that system (Whatever it was?) sucked!!

We never had a team identity to say whether he fit in Atlantas system or not. This team has never had a definative identity. So if he works in Philly maybe the problem was with the Hawks and not Glenn Robinson. Ever thought that??

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last year. Our PGs outscored other teams' PGs by 0.1 ppg last year. Our PFs outscored the other teams' PFs by 3.2 ppg last year. Our SGs were outscored by other teams' SGs by 3.6 ppg last year. Our Centers were outscored by other teams' Centers last year by 2.8 ppg.

The bottom line is that at least from a scoring standpoint, our SFs basically held their own against the other teams' SFs. The same can not be said for our SGs or our Centers.

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It was Dog's fault that the team was more productive when he was on the floor than it was when Ira was on the floor. I mean hey, Dog must have been doing SOMETHING when he was on that bench to mess the team up! I know what it was! The team was so happy to see Dog sitting that they got too excited and turned the ball over as a result! No? Maybe they were so excited that the ball hog was off the floor that they tried to rush their shots before he came back! Yeah, that must have been it!

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You guys who wanted "addition by subtraction" were quick to call GRob "the problem".

However, if Grob goes to Philly... Shines... and if we continue in our same old ways, it's evident that he wasn't "the problem". I happen to believe that there were a collection of problems... Starting with Blueprint. On to coaching. Then to Leadership and Point Gaurding. The only thing we changed was Coaching. We haven't done much to better ourselves...

There's a whole lot of crow to eat for the naysayers.

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The only reason Dog might be better is that he won't try to be the man in Philly...he came to Atlanta thinking he had to carry us and the only way his limited game could do it was to shoot jumper after jumper....when his jumper went south all his faults were in the spotlight....the fact that he couldn't play D or even get back on D...the fact he couldn't dribble...the fact he jogged up and down the court...all of this stood out because is shooting became avg.

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Can we have the discussions of Philly players and the accompanying "told you so"s moved to the right forum? Some of us come here for Hawks chat and would rather not be subjected to what is an old, worthless, irrelevant debate.

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so you're saying that yo'ure "all-star" SF who's primary asset is scoring should be equaled on most nights by the other team's sf? in the East?

ps - not standing up for GRob, but his boards and steals aren't due to laziness...it's lack of athleticism...but that's a story for another time and a road we've been down before...

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