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AJC Article on Jeff Teague


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But you've got to admit that it is a sad state of affairs when the PG has to "steal" the ball from a teammate in order to do his job.

IF he had to, then absolutely yes that would be sad. But he hasn't had to do that, he's just been passive in sitting on the other side of the court and not going after the ball like a PG is supposed to do.
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I still sand by my earlier statement. "You've got to admit that it is a sad state of affairs when the PG has to "steal" the ball from a teammate in order to do his job." It is a pathetic job of coaching in that this issue even has to be thought of, to say nothing of the idiocy of the players to whom it applies. The only way Teague can get the ball from Smith is to "steal" it from him.

1) That isn't the case. 2) How is it that Josh has managed to assert himself over others? This is what gets overlooked, Joe has been the man but Josh has clawed his way up that totem pole to even take that position away from Joe last season......and according to the Squawk Joe doesn't pass to anyone lol. When it comes to guys like Josh and even Kobe when he's bricking 30 jumpers they still get the ball. Not because they go out and rebound it (come on now, Josh aint exactly getting 30 rebounds to control every possession that isn't a made basket) but because they assert themself to get that ball. They don't say "okay I'm open, maybe you should give me the ball" in a Droopy Dog voice, they absolutely demand the ball even to the point they say "throw me the f***ing ball!" That's the attitude Jeffrey needs. If the coach is saying "get Jeffrey the ball" "Hey Jeff, go get the ball" but the other players are saying "Hey coach, it don't look like he wants the ball".........what else is there to do from a coaching standpoint?
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1) That isn't the case. 2) How is it that Josh has managed to assert himself over others? This is what gets overlooked, Joe has been the man but Josh has clawed his way up that totem pole to even take that position away from Joe last season......and according to the Squawk Joe doesn't pass to anyone lol. When it comes to guys like Josh and even Kobe when he's bricking 30 jumpers they still get the ball. Not because they go out and rebound it (come on now, Josh aint exactly getting 30 rebounds to control every possession that isn't a made basket) but because they assert themself to get that ball. They don't say "okay I'm open, maybe you should give me the ball" in a Droopy Dog voice, they absolutely demand the ball even to the point they say "throw me the f***ing ball!" That's the attitude Jeffrey needs. If the coach is saying "get Jeffrey the ball" "Hey Jeff, go get the ball" but the other players are saying "Hey coach, it don't look like he wants the ball".........what else is there to do from a coaching standpoint?

Easy. Sit and/or fine Smith every time he refuses to give up the ball and insists on bringing it up himself.
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Easy. Sit and/or fine Smith every time he refuses to give up the ball and insists on bringing it up himself.

You are missing the whole point being made by MC in all of this......Jeffrey isn't asking for the ball and when he does he's not doing it in a confident manner. It's one thing if Jeffrey is in Josh's face demanding the ball and Josh still freelances but it's an entirely different thing when Jeffrey is continuing what it is he actually does.....which is run away from the ball. No one is going to run after him and place the ball in his hands, either he wants it or he doesn't. The glaring point in MC's piece is that he'll have to finally show that he does now.
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We can all agree that Jeff can be more assertive but some if it falls on LD to empower Teague to be the leader of the team and he hasn't done that. That is the difference between a great coach in Doc Rivers and LD. He empowered Rondo by giving him the ball even though he had a team full of veterans and HOFers.

"It’s was Rivers’ decisions to give point guard Rajon Rondo control of the offense and to move Allen to the sixth-man role that motivated Allen to move on, Rivers acknowledged. Many league observers believed Allen’s contentious relationship with Rondo was the key factor, which Rivers far from denies.

Doc Rivers says he is probably a bigger reason for Ray Allen's departure than Rajon Rondo. (AP Photo)

"People can use all the Rondo stuff—and it was there, no doubt about that — but it was me more than Rondo," Rivers told Yahoo! Sports’ Adreian Wojnarowski. "I'm the guy who gave Rondo the ball. I'm the guy who decided that Rondo needed to be more of the leader of the team. That doesn't mean guys liked that —and Ray did not love that — because Rondo now had the ball all the time. ... ”

.It's alright for LD to say "Go get it Teague" but if he isn't telling the rest of the team it's pointless.

Doc Rivers: In the opening speech I make every year, I tell the team: 'Every decision I make is going to be what's good for the team, and it may not be what's good for the individual.'"

Edited by JayBirdHawk
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I still sand by my earlier statement. "You've got to admit that it is a sad state of affairs when the PG has to "steal" the ball from a teammate in order to do his job." It is a pathetic job of coaching in that this issue even has to be thought of, to say nothing of the idiocy of the players to whom it applies. The only way Teague can get the ball from Smith is to "steal" it from him.

OMG read the article. Joe and Josh were trying to push, Teague was being passive. Teague admits as much.

Some of you blame Drew for that but, from my seat near Atlanta’s bench, I can tell you that Drew regularly barked “Go get it, Jeff!” when Josh Smith, Joe Johnson or Al Horford collected a rebound. Drew wanted the ball in Teague’s hands so the Hawks could play faster (at least until it became Joe’s show late in games).

Instead, Teague usually would stay on his side of the court and wait for the ball to come his way or make a halfhearted effort to convince his teammate to give up the rock. He’s got to demand the ball if it’s going to be his show.

I took some heat for my Harris starts over Teague if we only run one at a time comment. But this is it right here. If you are Jeff, you go get it. You run the show. If you don't display confidence that you can get it up the court and give it back to the finisher, he will never give it to you. Point Guard is a floor general, not an errand boy.
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OMG read the article. Joe and Josh were trying to push, Teague was being passive. Teague admits as much. I took some heat for my Harris starts over Teague if we only run one at a time comment. But this is it right here. If you are Jeff, you go get it. You run the show. If you don't display confidence that you can get it up the court and give it back to the finisher, he will never give it to you. Point Guard is a floor general, not an errand boy.

Ever heard of an outlet pass? BTW, you are not pushing the ball if you are waiting for the PG to come and take the ball from you. Pass it.
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Drew is not Jeffrey's daddy, he's not going to walk on the court each time and personally place the ball in Jeffrey's hands after a rebound.

If only he was, he could call his coach and let him know that his son is quitting on the team.
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I took some heat for my Harris starts over Teague if we only run one at a time comment. But this is it right here. If you are Jeff, you go get it. You run the show. If you don't display confidence that you can get it up the court and give it back to the finisher, he will never give it to you. Point Guard is a floor general, not an errand boy.

Even if Jeff fails on being assertive enough, why would a coach tolerate a PF who is not a good ball-handler bringing the ball up the court? If Harris has what it takes to get the ball away from Smith, fine, play Harris. I don't care which one starts. I just don't want PFs bringing the ball up court, when you know that more likely than not, it won't end well.
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This article confirms what i've seen in Jeff. He's a shy guy that really isn't a leader. He's simply too passive to be PG. I like that Ferry brought in guys to push Jeff. Maybe Jeff will become more assertive, but it is relatively rare that passive guys develop an assertive streak (ahem, Marvin). I would love to see Jeff become the PG this franchise has sorely missed since Mookie, but Jeff's lack of leadship abilities make me doubt that he'll rise to that challenge.

On the other hand, Devin Harris really could fill the role of starting PG and solidify this team. He is assertive and will get guys to give him the ball. On the offensive end, he'll work with Josh and Al to get them the ball where they want it.

Josh Smith came into this league shy. Now he has no problem being vocal or a leader. Experience and familiarity can give you the comfort needed to step up into a bigger role. Obviously Teague knows his capabilities and was even cocky enough to jokingly call out putting Joe in an iso!! We've been crying for an elite point guard for so long that some of us forgot to wipe our eyes and realize we might have a developing one (see Rondo) that is only gone to get better(barring injuries)!!
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