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Where are the PUNDITS???


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Yeah Yeah Yeah...and if you aunt had balls she would be your uncle.

We are not talking about some mythical team that has all the parts we want and need....you spend a lot of time talking about what we need ... we need this we need that.....

I'm talking about the Hawks team...TODAY...the team the plays every night.....

S Jax is a better player for this team...he is not perfect but he IS a better all around player than DOG

You keep talking about 20 and 6....basketball is more than 20 and 6....how about not giving up 20 and 6 to the cat you are guarding. Or taking a charge ...or [censored] getting back on D.....or going to the rack and drawing fouls on opposing big men....

Oh we are talking about Dog here....he'll just force up 26 jumpers and maybe he can get his 20 and 6

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It's funny....

I offer up that had we had a Better PG, big Dog wouldn't have been a problem and you say...

In reply to:

We are not talking about some mythical team that has all the parts we want and need.

However, wasn't the push to get rid of Big Dog part of thinking that if he wasn't here we'd be better??

Facts are that while big Dog was here, Reefs FG% went up. That's because Teams couldn't focus on Reef. I suspect that until Dion or Jackson steps up in a consistent way, that Reef's FG% will be down because he will be the focus of the other teams defense.

Facts are that the game that JT missed and Wilks played in his place.....

Big Dog scored 33, Reef scored 24, and Wilks had 10 assists as we beat Philly in Philly.

Call it what you want to call it. Given the right coaching and good PG play, we could have done alot more with Dog than we will with Terry.

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"Facts are that the game that JT missed and Wilks played in his place.....

Big Dog scored 33, Reef scored 24, and Wilks had 10 assists as we beat Philly in Philly. "

And the other game the Hawks played in Philly, they won with Dog scoring 37, Reef scoring 22, and JT as the PG. (8 ast).

And another game versus Philly was won at the Phil, in which Robinson did not play.

The Wilks example (**one game**) is pretty meaningless. As is the "same problems" nonsense after one game, which we lost in OT to New Orleans on the road, as opposed to losing in regulation like we did on the road in NO last year.

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Pleassse Swole..

What Has JT done in the Last 4 years but authored some of the worse seasons in Hawks history???

I have no doubt about Grob's ability. He's been an allstar. He's been deep into the playoffs. He's been a goto guy.

What has JT been??

Check the facts and get off JT's left nut.

He's done NUTHING as a Hawk.

Nuthing but get his agent to LIE to get us to put up Big Money for him??

It's amazing. Every year, you watch this guy flip flop from PG to SG... He doesn't know what the [censored] he is... But all the sudden it's everybody else's fault.

Let's look over the Victims of the JT blame game...

Since he's been here:

1. It's JR Rider.

2. It's Lenny.

3. It's JJ.

4. It's Deke.

5. It's Lo Wright.

6. It's Toni.

7. It's Lon

8. It's Grob.

Next... It will be SAR I supposed.

The problem is just like Last night. I see JJ playing very good Basketball. I see Deke in the Finals with Philly. I see Lo Wright doing OK with Memphis. I see Toni as a good player with Milwaukee. Soon, I betcha, Grob will be back to Allstar form with Philly.

And you guys will still be saying How good it is to have JT??

Have you ever watched JT?

Don't tell me what he can do. What has he done?

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BIG DOG IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JT IS STILL ON THE TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Man. what the [censored] are you talking about...I'm on nobodys nuts ....i see the faults in JT just like I see the faults in

all these mofo's

Look at this shyt JT has played with and for....how can you blame JT for all the Hawks problems..

It's JR Rider. Psycho

2. It's Lenny. Lost just as many as he won...shyt if I coach for 90 years I could win some games too.

3. It's JJ. Been on 42 teams ...if he is so good why can't he stick

4. It's Deke. One dimensional...59 year old center who can't catch

5. It's Lo Wright. Inconsistent at best

6. It's Toni. Injury waiting to happen...more time off the floor than on.

7. It's Lon ...nba coach...yeah right.

It's Grob. One dimesional selfish fat no d jump shooter

But it is all JT's fault....[censored] the only other consistent player for the Hawks the last 4 years has been Reef.

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Some of the comments in this thread make me wonder, do you guys really watch the games? Because if you did, nobody would suggest that this team would be better off with J. Vaughn running point and JT coming off the bench. The team played worse with Vaughn running the point. And would the request for Wilks please stop. The guy was horrible, he couldn't hit a jumper if the rim was as big as Oprah's ass. There is a reason why he can't stick with a team, HE STINKS!!!

How in the [censored] can someone sit here and say Andre Miller is not a true point guard? He ran the show in Cleveland with no help. [censored], he led the leauge in assist 2 years ago. He cannot be blamed for what happened in LA last season, because most of that team was selfishly playing for contracts.

One game, and everyone is knocking Stephen Jackson. Several of his turnovers were not really his fault, like the inbound pass from Diaw which I'm sure was charged to Jackson. Also there were a couple of miscommunications between Jackson and his NEW teammates. Jackson is a much better ball handler than Big Dog, a much better defender than Big Dog, plus he gives the Hawks another guy who can get out on the break. After 1 game I was impressed that this team was able to hang in there, and actually should have won a game on the road, where their two leading scorers were less than stellar.


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as good as Big Dog. It's RIDICULOUS that we are even having this discussion! If we are talking about Dog for $10 million versus Jax for $1 million, then yeah, there is a heck of an argument there for sure. But take money out of the equation and its not even close! Dog is CLEARLY the superior player. Jax had his BEST season last year while averaging 11.8 ppg and shooting 43.5% from the field (32% from 3). Dog had his WORST season last year while averaging 20.6 ppg and shooting 43.2% from the field (34% from 3). Dog was also a FAR better rebounder.

All that said, stats don't mean everything. The proof is in what GMs around the league think you are worth. Dog might be overpaid but he DEFINITELY would have commanded a deal starting above the veteran's minimum if he had been a FA this past off season. Jax couldn't even get a deal starting at $2 million a season! We were able to pick him up and pay him $1 million this year because NOBODY thought he was that good. NOBODY! We are the Hawks, not LA! NO FA of note has spurned better offers from other teams to come sign with us. NONE!

I hope that Jax comes in, improves, and becomes the steal of the decade. It could happen. But right now, saying he is better than Dog is RIDCULOUS!

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