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Too much standing around


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I was only able to see the last 3:30 of the 4tha and overtime and what Isaw was when we needed to run an offensive set...we gave the ball to JT at the top of the key and the other 4 players just stood around. No ball movement...no movement without the ball. It is not hard to defend a stationary object.

Why is Dion standing in the corner? If for some reason his defender left him open, he can not hit that shot. He should be cutting to the basket. What was that play where Dion came back past JT bringing his defender back to JT as well? Almost caused a TO.

Did we ever run pick and rolls with JT and SJax?

It appears we have no offensive strategy.

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The reason is because we DON'T have a gameplan. We don't have set plays. It is quite obvious that we did the SAME thing we did last year when we couldn't run.

JT would run around. Guys would stand there. JT would pass with little time left or would immediately give it to someone. Then they would be forced to create.

Dion looked AWESOME last night. Where did he fade to? Why was he removed from our gameplan? Why was Reef not involved more? He was not having his best offensive night... but neither was Davis (6-23). You feed the beast.


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The idea that a professional NBA coach goes into a game without a game plan is idiotic...we do have a game plan the problem is Stotts doesn't stick with it long enough before he goes to plan b.....we start with Dion handling up top running JT of screens....then we post S Jax ....then we run a motion O with Theo getting wide open jumpers. ....then we try to post Dion....then we let JT isolate.....then we run pick and Roll with Reef....then we post Reef. .......Stotts needs to find something we do well and stick to it....I'm not saying we should be a one trick pony...but we have to be defined as to what kind of half court team we are.

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