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Hawks.com got a nice looking facelift


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http://www.nba.com/hawks - Looks pretty good to me! Side note: Has anyone seen photos of our new players in Hawks uniforms? I'd like to be able to update Hawksquawk and get the old players out of there but don't have anything with the new players to use.

Hawk.com is looking better, but for the pics to update the Squawk with, you'll probably have to wait until a few preseason games get played at the soonest. There are pics of Jenk and Scott in a Hawks uni, but they are just rookie shots. John Jenkins Rookie Shoot Edited by PSSSHHHRRR87
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Those are definitely a start, thank you guys! The photos don't have to be action shots, at least for now, so those kinds of media day photos are fine. Just sad that you can't go to the Hawks Photos section on the official site and see those photos... at least not that I can find.

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I know I am nit-picking here, but shouldn't the Hawks player be on the left with the oppsing player on our right? I thought that was common when refering to who's the home and away team. Posted Image

^^Just in case, COD's comment is in reference to the Hawks.com page, not the 'Squawk.


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I know I am nit-picking here, but shouldn't the Hawks player be on the left with the oppsing player on our right? I thought that was common when refering to who's the home and away team. Posted Image

I agree and thought that was weird as well. Then again they can't offend the King by putting him after his own personal mini-me version!
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I am of the impression that most American sports have the Away @ Home type of reference. For a score during a game, it is always left (top) Away and Home right (bottom). For soccer and other sports outside of the US it seems to be reverse. Although with those leagues they hardly every use "at" to denote a game but rather Home versus Away.

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I know I am nit-picking here, but shouldn't the Hawks player be on the left with the oppsing player on our right? I thought that was common when refering to who's the home and away team. Posted Image

Why do they even have a player from another team on the site and just as large. I've taken the time to go through all of the other teams pages and they only show their own players (except Bucks but the scale is smaller). Why we gotta do this?SMH - why not put Al on the other side or even the rook. This is like selling the Lakers jersey at Phillips...oh wait, they did do that.
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