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The powerlessness of the NBA.


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What makes this a Hawks topic is that we have been screwed by the refs in last years playoffs (most recently).My point is Basketball refs are the worst. They suck.. some are blind and some outright cheat. After the cheating scandal, you would have thought that the NBA would have cleaned house and created some type of review for refs. Instead, Stern does nothing but deny, deny, deny.Football on the other hand bring in bum refs and after 2 weeks of bad calls, those guys are tossed.Roger Goodell wishes he had Stern's power.Hence, the Hawks will continue to be screwed in playoff play.

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Nice try Diesel, I just don't think this is a relevant topic though. You probably won't get much response and it is a shame because this board has been dead for weeks. At least you are trying.One more month, come on NBA season!

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At least they're cleaning up the flopping now. I'm sure the refs still won't call it though.

"If you continue to do this, you may you have to suffer some consequences," Stern said about flopping during the NBA Finals. "What those exactly should be and what the progression is, is to be decided, because ... we just want to put a stake in the ground that says this is not something that we want to be part of our game, without coming down with a sledgehammer, but just doing it in a minimalist way to begin stamping it out. And I think there are ways we can do that and we'll have to wait and see exactly what we come up with."


Edited by AHawks89
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We may have a little less flopping...maybe, but if a flop occurs during a game and a player is called for a foul and the flopper gets free throws, how does that help the immediacy of the in game action...flooper gets free throws he shouldn't, player may foul out when he shouldn't. Monetary punishment after the fact is lip service to the problem.

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We may have a little less flopping...maybe, but if a flop occurs during a game and a player is called for a foul and the flopper gets free throws, how does that help the immediacy of the in game action...flooper gets free throws he shouldn't, player may foul out when he shouldn't. Monetary punishment after the fact is lip service to the problem.

and you know the league will enforce selectively on the floppers. wade and bron aren't going to be paying any extra. players on minimum level contracts are going to feel it the worst.
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and you know the league will enforce selectively on the floppers. wade and bron aren't going to be paying any extra. players on minimum level contracts are going to feel it the worst.

Exactly. They say they will review all the flops after the game and will fine them. Hmmm... NBA is now an acting try out. We'll see who the best actor is (or who Stern favorite players are).
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they said the samething last year and nothing changed. I agree with OP the nba refs are the worst. The game is supposed to be called down the middle. the same foul call on Zaza should be the same for Kobe.

This is my point. You have two NBAs. IF your name is Lebron or Pierce you get this call. IF you name is Smoove or Horf you don't. This has gone on in the NBA for decades and nobody has said anything about it. Not just in Small games. Miami won it's first title because of lopsided officiation in a pivotal game. We lost this last series with the Celts in part due to some lopsided calls at pivotal times. In football, the scrunity is too high for refs to do it.. in Basketball, it's part of the norm.
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Stupid thread. Try being a ref before you judge. Fast pace judgement calls are the hardest to make. We didn't get screwed, there's a million other things that happen in a basketball game that could change the outcome of a game. Stop complaining and get ready for this season.

The only thing stupid about this thread is your post. Why don't you try reading? Why should there be some type of protection for referees who consistently blow calls and make games lopsided by giving players "Star treatment". My point is and was that the reason we have the type of reffing we have in basketball is because there's not enough fan power getting behind the game.... Not the refs.. not the owners... not even the players... THE GAME. If you don't pay attention to the past my friend, you're doomed to relive it.
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