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What would make this a Successful Season?


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What's up hawks fans? I don't post a lot, but I have been around for a while and have seen the Hawks at several stages of development. From the Nique days to the Smith, Mutumbo, Blaylock days to the GRob, Terry days to the Harrington, Walker days. Not trying to list all the generations of Hawks teams, but suffice it to say that this team has gone through many iterations of rebuilding and reloading as we, I assume, attempted to win a championship. But as of yet, we have not gotten there (recently)So I'd like to get your feedback on this topic. What would make this a successful season? Are you just happy that we have cleared cap space this off season and it does not matter how many games we win? Or, do you have specific goals for the team as it is currently formed? Other positions? OGrat

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Proper evaluation of players. That can only be done with trades. You have to get Al to PF, even if you have to trade Josh. If you think they are both PF's then you have to trade one. You can not properly evaluate Josh and Al if you are hell bent on playing 1 or both out of position because Al Horford is not a championship caliber Center

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That word, "potential," keeps popping up in my mind. With it comes, "Maybe we can!"For the first time in a long time, Hawks have a first round pick and a second round pickand both will make the roster. That's not just because they are draft picks either. Bothare going to be pretty good NBA players.This team doesn't have a bench full of old guys hanging on for another year or so. We haveplayers with that dreaded "Potential" name hanging onto them, even some of the veterans.We have speed, quickness that we haven't had before and are planning on using it to it's fullpotential. We are overloaded in the back court and a little short up front. That leaves thepossibility, but not the demand, for a trade or two.Hawks now have the ability to get to the basket and draw the foul for some of those "and one"opportunities. We have all those three point specialist. They may not play great defense, butthey are working hard to improve this. Swapping 3's for twos is a winning combination.I'm excited about the upcoming season and fully expect to win over 50 % of our games andonce again make the playoffs. Once there, we will be scary to any opponent, ready to explodeevery time we take the floor.GO HAWKS!!

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2nd round of the playoffs would be a success, but i'm also looking to see if this team has some entertainment value. The last 3-4 years whatever little buzz this team had totally disappeared. If these guys can come together as a team we have plenty of good young players to generate some interest.

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Fast, running, gunning, exciting games. Josh making the all-star team averaging a double double. Teague dishing out 12 and 7 a night. 40+ wins. Making it to the 2nd round.

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Fast, running, gunning, exciting games. Josh making the all-star team averaging a double double. Teague dishing out 12 and 7 a night. 40+ wins. Making it to the 2nd round.

Yea, I like this. Especially the part about Josh making the all-star team. The only part I disagree with is making the 2nd round. I think just making the playoffs is a success this year. Anything less is a failure, anything more is just gravy.
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I'm (much) more excited about next offseason than this treadmill season we're about to go through. Will we go for superstars or will Ferry settle for playoff mediocrity by signing guys like Al Jefferson or James Harden to max deals? Will we try to trade for a superstar? Will we keep Josh?All more interesting than watching a team of three point shooters with no size on expiring contracts. I hope we make the playoffs and all that jazz but I'm not getting excited over the dregs we got from the Joe trade.

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If my enthusiam and excitement does not wane throughout the season - like going to games, live chatting during the games with the squawkers, if the games are competitive (even in a loss) and of course making it to the playoff - then for me I consider it a success.

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I'm with Soth on this one. Where are we going with this rebuild? I'm curious as to how Ferry will fix the roster, because its a bit of mess right now. Wins aren't as important to me this year as they were the past couple of years. However, if a major move is made in season to get a significant piece, then wins become much more important.I'm just not clear on what Ferry's goals are, but they seem to be to find a mix of talent that works well together. Thus, my expectations are set to what it appears Ferry wants to achieve this year. Over the next couple of years, however, my expectations will increase--significantly.

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The last four years consisted of a good team that had hit their ceiling. We now of a fresh start with good talent. As a few have said, a successful season to me would one that shows progress. I'd like to see LD get a grasp on this team. I'd like to see Teague learn from Devin and take another step forward. I'd like to see how Morrow, Williams, Deshawn, and Korver all find their niche on this team. I'd like to see Horf and/or Smith on the All-Star team. I am interested to see if DF pulls the trigger on any more deals. A first round exit isn't a bad thing to me. 2013 will be make or break for this team, not 2012.

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I'm (much) more excited about next offseason than this treadmill season we're about to go through. Will we go for superstars or will Ferry settle for playoff mediocrity by signing guys like Al Jefferson or James Harden to max deals? Will we try to trade for a superstar? Will we keep Josh? All more interesting than watching a team of three point shooters with no size on expiring contracts. I hope we make the playoffs and all that jazz but I'm not getting excited over the dregs we got from the Joe trade.

I am pretty excited to see what this season brings and what difference some quality depth can make. I am expecting one or more moves during the season as well so that will be interesting. Making the playoffs is my expectation. This season may signal where the Hawks will go with Josh Smith which is a huge question for our future and I am very interested to see that play out. Next offseason is a definite highlight time. For me, Harden is a max player (top 3 at his position for both current production and future projections) but Jefferson is not at all. What evaluation Ferry makes could shape this team for the next decade so that is a very high point of interest.
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I am pretty excited to see what this season brings and what difference some quality depth can make. I am expecting one or more moves during the season as well so that will be interesting. Making the playoffs is my expectation. This season may signal where the Hawks will go with Josh Smith which is a huge question for our future and I am very interested to see that play out. Next offseason is a definite highlight time. For me, Harden is a max player (top 3 at his position for both current production and future projections) but Jefferson is not at all. What evaluation Ferry makes could shape this team for the next decade so that is a very high point of interest.

Not to derail this thread but since you mentioned it I hope we avoid Harden like the plague. It will take nothing less than a max deal to get him and the only way this guy scores at his rate and efficiency is by having two superstars to take the double teams and pressure away from him. Harden is Joe Johnson 2.0 without the defense or size or handles. Some other team is going to waste a max deal on Harden and I don't want it to be us. We need superstars not B list players.
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Oil & water - - - They don't mix. Super stars & Atlanta Hawks - - - - They don't mix. We may gather up some very good players. We may draft some very good players. Hoping we sign a super star or else is fool's gold. In our heart, we have to know that that isn't possible. How many super stars exist? Not a lot. Our success can not, must not depend on that elusive super star coming here. Not every chanpionship team in history were always lead by a super star. Really, however, that was before players decided to band together, abandon their home teams and form their own super teams. This is, in essence, destroying the competetive part of the NBA. Who really wants to follow their team when the super team is a guarantee to win it all. Sure, fans will come out when the super team comes to visit. That's all. Oh, well. Enough of this bitter stuff. GO HAWKS!!
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People will accept whatever this season brings, because if we're sorry, they'll be happy with a lottery pick. If we're good enough to win 50 games, they'll be happy with that too, even if the ceiling of team's past was around the 50 win mark.The vast majority of fans know we can't get to the EC Finals with this squad, which was at least the goal of the past 3 Hawks teams. But that's OK now. Even missing the playoffs is OK.The season will be successful, regardless of the outcome of the season.

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Not to derail this thread but since you mentioned it I hope we avoid Harden like the plague. It will take nothing less than a max deal to get him and the only way this guy scores at his rate and efficiency is by having two superstars to take the double teams and pressure away from him. Harden is Joe Johnson 2.0 without the defense or size or handles. Some other team is going to waste a max deal on Harden and I don't want it to be us. We need superstars not B list players.

I have to agree here. Harden is good, but clearly is not a max player. This team needs a TRUE number one and number two option, neither of which is currently on the roster, so I sincerely hope Ferry doesn't make the mistake of paying a max type contract to ANYONE on this present roster. Regarding the season, I'll be most interested in what goes on off the court. I want to know what Ferry intends to do to make the Hawks a TRUE championship contender.
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Oil & water - - - They don't mix.

Super stars & Atlanta Hawks - - - - They don't mix.

We may gather up some very good players. We may draft some very good players.

Hoping we sign a super star or else is fool's gold. In our heart, we have to know that

that isn't possible.

How many super stars exist? Not a lot. Our success can not, must not depend on that

elusive super star coming here.

Not every chanpionship team in history were always lead by a super star. Really, however,

that was before players decided to band together, abandon their home teams and form

their own super teams. This is, in essence, destroying the competetive part of the NBA.

Who really wants to follow their team when the super team is a guarantee to win it all. Sure,

fans will come out when the super team comes to visit. That's all.

Oh, well. Enough of this bitter stuff.


I know that you know I truly like and respect you as a poster and as a fan GM but I can't disagree with this enough. Who said the Hawks can't have superstars? Who said the Hawks can't sign or trade for one? Why not? Because we're Atlanta and not NY or LA?

Get out of here with that nonsense. The only way we become champions is with superstar players. You said not "every team" had a superstar to win a title. Yep, you are right: the 2004 Pistons and the late 70's Sonics. Those are the only two teams in NBA history to win a title without a superstar.

I'm not great at math but something tells me if you do the math two times in however many seasons the NBA has had doesn't come up to a good percentage. The facts speak for themselves: you either have superstar(s) and a chance to win or you have virtually no chance.

Frankly as a fan I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching other teams win titles and actually have a shot to win titles. Ferry has to break the thinking you expressed that Atlanta isn't, I suppose, "good enough" to get superstars. Yes, we are and Yes, we can!

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Overall, I feel optimistic about the team this season. There's something about the "unknowns" that gets me excited to see the Hawks play this season. But if this thing goes South, I'm all in favor of tanking if it gets us Shabazz Muhammad. I hope it doen't come to that though.

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I have to agree here. Harden is good, but clearly is not a max player. This team needs a TRUE number one and number two option, neither of which is currently on the roster, so I sincerely hope Ferry doesn't make the mistake of paying a max type contract to ANYONE on this present roster. Regarding the season, I'll be most interested in what goes on off the court. I want to know what Ferry intends to do to make the Hawks a TRUE championship contender.

I definitely agree that we need a number one option. On the other hand, I am optimistic about this season because the Hawks is seemingly a different organization with DF at the helm. I actually feel like we are in it to win it (long-term), not just to make the playoffs. A successful season for me would be one in which the team's image continues to change for the better. If we are able to sign Harden (not debating if he is a number one or not) or one of the leagues premier free agents next off season, to me that is a sign of positive image change. Like Grey Mule has stated, we have not had much luck bringing in premier talents in the past. I like the positive press the team is getting, but a successful season to me depends on next offseason (as many have said). I'd like our organization to garner enough respect due to its moves going into next season, so that we are no longer a surprise when we do something positive. I want other teams and GMs to envy what the Hawks do, like the Lakers and the Spurs. OGrat
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