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Hawks - Warriors


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It's great watching this Warriors broadcast. As far as they're concerned the game has been over since the 2nd quarter. They can't be bothered to call the game. Seems like they're just now figuring out in the middle of the 4th quarter that Ivan Johnson should be a person of interest.

That whole segment when Nelson was in the booth was strange, they completely ignored the game. Nelson didn't seem to care about it either.
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Just a terrible game all around. Shouldn't have even been that close. I'm still willing to give Drew a little slack on his rotations this early in the season, but come on dude. Lou was a disaster out there (before the last minute) and Teague was wasting away on the bench. And people want to point to our lack of size when it comes to rebounding, but our lack of effort and focus is a bigger problem.

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Just a terrible game all around. Shouldn't have even been that close. I'm still willing to give Drew a little slack on his rotations this early in the season, but come on dude. Lou was a disaster out there (before the last minute) and Teague was wasting away on the bench. And people want to point to our lack of size when it comes to rebounding, but our lack of effort and focus is a bigger problem.

Usually I'd be with you, but I'm not sure THIS is the game where I'd be calling for more Jeff Teague. Wasn't this his worst game of the season? 33% shooting, 9 points, 4 assists.
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WHAT’S GOOD: Good question. I guess I’m gonna put it on Kyle Korver and Ivan Johnson for their excellent offensive efficiency. Dudes carried the Hawks to the bitter end. This was a terrible overall performance by the Hawks, though, so I’m going to keep this section short on principle.

WHAT’S STANKIN’: Basically, everything else. Nobody else could shoot. We got out-rebounded about as bad as we did against the Rockets. We missed crucial field goal attempts, free throw attempts, and defensive rebounds in the late stages. Jeff Teague was at a season worst. Just a raggedy ass game by all parties involved.

I’m going to try doing this recap a little differently. Below are my stream-of-consciousness thoughts from the game, based on crude notes I jotted down while watching. We’ll see how brutal this turns out to be.

    [*]I wrote this in my notes: “pachulia takes a hard no-call, has to leave the game to get stitches; ivan johnson to replace him – oh you done stepped in it now”

    [*]Korver is so pretty. To watch! To watch, I mean. His basketball is what I meant…

    [*]If you watch opposing teams’ broadcasts it’s clear they have no clue who ANYBODY on this team is. That is, except for Josh Smith. Everybody knows Josh Smith, but that ain’t necessarily a good thing. It’s the same way you’d pass that one girl in the hall back in school and would say, “Oh EVERYBODY knows Super Soaker Suzy.”

    [*]Mid-way through the 2nd quarter and 11 out of 12 guys (including Mike Scott) have gotten PT. The one exception? John Jenkins. He’s behind more guards than the POTUS. Wouldn’t surprise me if he was D-League bound.

    [*]First half, hands down, belonged to Mr. Ashton Kutcher. Perfect from the floor, perfect from the stripe.

    [*]Tonight it was clear Atlanta really missed Al Horford. Hawks had their worst rebounding game since opening night against the Rockets. Losing Zaza Klitschko for awhile with that giant cut above his eye didn’t help either.

    [*]By my count Jeff Teague put up three airballs. THREE. A man should never have more airballs than regular balls, which is why if you ever play pickup basketball with Lance Armstrong, make sure he’s on your team.

    [*]Korver seemed to disappear in the 2nd half. Maybe Golden State focused on locking him up? I didn’t notice if they did. But overall it was Korver and Ivan Johnson carrying the offensive load, combining for 29 points on 12-for-14 shooting.

    [*]Zero three-point attempts and zero missed free throws by Josh Smith tonight. Unfortunately, Josh will never stop shooting long 2s. I’m gonna need to come up with a nickname just for that shot. Dumbpers? Fail Marys? Josh Smiths?

    [*]Ivan missing that dunk and BOTH free throws in the last three minutes was like when I found out there was no Santa. So disheartening.

    [*]Lou Will came on real strong at the end of the game but it was too little, too late. Hawks looked like they were not at all prepared to help him out on the last possession.

Miserable, miserable game. Couldn’t even get excited about the failed comeback attempt at the end. One night off and then over to Sacramento to wrap up this West Coast swing against the even more terrible-er Kings.

I need a drink. Get me out of here.

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Usually I'd be with you, but I'm not sure THIS is the game where I'd be calling for more Jeff Teague. Wasn't this his worst game of the season? 33% shooting, 9 points, 4 assists.

If Teague and Lou are both playing poorly, I want Teague on the floor. But admittedly I was distracted during the middle quarters and looking back over the play-by-play I misjudged things. So my bad.
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Is Drew fired yet?These Hawks are maddening, but we all figured they would be...especially with Jekyll and Hyde Josh and that clown Larry "I Dress for my Funeral" Drew.I said before the season that we'd have to probably score 100 points per game if we were going to do anything better than tread water this year (.500+), ya know, with this "defense" and all. And we aren't. Would you be surprised if I told you that, from a team ranking standpoint, our defensive efficiency is outperforming our offensive efficiency (points scored or points allowed per 100 possessions)? Yep, our offensive efficiency ranks 21st in the league at 98.1, while our defensive deficiency ranks 14th at 98.6.If we are going to win more games than we lose, our overall rebounding rate (21st), defensive rebounding rank (25th), and offensive efficiency are going to have to quickly improve.Of course, it wouldn't hurt if Josh played to his strengths and Drew--oh I don't know--had a clue. But a man can dream, right?

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Didn't get to watch the game. Watched the highlights this morning. Saw a highlight of Smoove making a nice basket around the rim. Thought, ah, we must have lost the shooting battle or something. Looked at box scores, noticed Smoove with 6 for 16 shooting... what?Looked at shot chart for Smoove. About 12 shots that could have been jump shots. Of those 12 he made 3.Josh, the jump shooter, Smith showed up tonight.Side note, this team can't rebound. The Bobcats have a better record than the Hawks.

Edited by ATLSmith
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  • Premium Member

Didn't get to watch the game. Watched the highlights this morning.

Saw a highlight of Smoove making a nice basket around the rim. Thought, ah, we must have lost the shooting battle or something. Looked at box scores, noticed Smoove with 6 for 16 shooting... what?

Looked at shot chart for Smoove. About 12 shots that could have been jump shots. Of those 12 he made 3.

Josh, the jump shooter, Smith showed up tonight.

Side note, this team can't rebound. The Bobcats have a better record than the Hawks.

Alas, it seems like that is the only Josh that exists right now. Aka = the worst offensive player in the NBA, maybe in the history of the NBA. He makes Dennis Rodman look like Alex English.
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I moved out of Atlanta and had to get league pass to see us play. I know I'm not the only one that does this, but it's funny to hear opposing announcers talk about us. Not that it wast obvious that Josh takes bad shots when watching the ATL broadcast. It is just amazing how these other teams announcers feel like it is a defensive win when Josh starts shooting his jumpers. I mean really, how can he just keep throwing it up? We should start adding it to our turnover totals.

I have International League Pass, and you're right on. It's impressive how the announcers ALWAYS say "Now that's the shot they want Josh Smith to take" when he launches his horrendous jumpers. Every single game the commentators (other than Bob and Nique of course) repeat that. It's already a staple.
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