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Spoke to Teague....


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Ok so i work at this nightclub and Teague comes in... He was with 2 of his homeboys... I came up to him and said whats up... (I ve already met him before).... So we talking and i ask him... "Why you only played 19 minutes last game"? One of his homeboys says "I know shit, that ain't right he was killing them"... Teague just smiled and said i don't know.... Than i aksed him if he had beef with the coach(LD) and he smiled again and said no... He didnt wanna say anything, but i can see he is not happy about it and his homeboy as well..... Nothing special just want to share with you guys....... cheers!

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I don't believe butTeague needs to be traded.Teague needs to grow out of the club lifestyle.Teague being with his homeboys instead of teammates is another thing that lets you know this team is still garbage off the court and when things start going bad they will clique up.Even though I don't believe you I think all the things you speak are possible.

Edited by MrMeltdown
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Popeye would have to be a pretty consistent liar to be coming up with the stories he has over the years about meeting players at his job.What's the issue, he talked to the guy and offered his interpretation of the conversation. He never said those words came out of Jeffrey's mouth.

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Popeye would have to be a pretty consistent liar to be coming up with the stories he has over the years about meeting players at his job. What's the issue, he talked to the guy and offered his interpretation of the conversation. He never said those words came out of Jeffrey's mouth.

Yep I tend to agree here. This isn't a NBASuperstar claim of knowing a rumor that the team is making a trade for so and so, this is just a simple hey I met a player thread, for which we've had many over the years from various posters. Hell I don't work in a club but I've run into several Texans, Rockets and Lastros players over the years here in Houston. If I were a fan of those teams you bet I'd be trying to talk to them and if they came into a place I was working and it was the right situation I'd definitely be talking to them. Thanks for posting this pops.
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Yep I tend to agree here. This isn't a NBASuperstar claim of knowing a rumor that the team is making a trade for so and so, this is just a simple hey I met a player thread, for which we've had many over the years from various posters.

Hey, watch your mouth when speaking of nbasuperstar40.
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Why are guys still talking about the Teague benching in the SAC game???

I feel BOTH ways about it...

1 - Teague killed in the 1st QTR and had a huge smile on my face ready to brag with my boys...But AFTER HE GOT BACK IN, he was outta control, forcing, throwing up bad shots, had 5 turnovers, did not control the flow of the team much at all, and on top of that had bad defensive breakdowns on Brooks during SAC's big run in the 2nd QTR. Be honest people, if you were coaching, would you let your PG continue playing like that??? Of course not.

2 - On the other side, DREW lets Josh play way worse and way more ineffective and hardly ever pulls him and NEVER benches him...You can't be like that with Teague, especially when you let Josh play like one of the dumbest in the league when he has pulling long jumpers at a horrible %...Teague has improved greatly this season...I'm loving the increased assist numbers (which I hope he can get up to around 8apg) this season...But Teague has to continue to pick his spots to be explosive with his speed and continue to use it to set up the others.

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Most folks in Atlanta would KILL to be friends or at least have contact with the athletes in the city, so when I read these threads about a member having the chance to chat with a player and members respond with "I don't believe you", it just sounds to me like they are jealous little green monsters filled with envy... FWIW, I believe you and think Teague said the right answers. I think Teague has a chance to become a top 10 PG in the league, but Drew hold him back like this is going keep him from achieving All Star status... I am just appreciative that he is a patient, team-first type guy, isn't voicing his displeasure, and putting in demands. Let the man play Drew!

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What is so hard to believe that we live in Atlanta where plenty atheletes and entertainers live and visit and that some of us are fortunate enough to run into them and talk to them. Quit the hate!! Popeye as a Hawks fan was just sharing information he received with a semi insiders tip. It should be appreciated. I run into people all the time some I get t talk to some I'm just in there presence. They don't live on mars they reside and go to some of the same places some of us are fortunate to be at!!

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I live down the street from David Price's parents and I've had dinner with the guy on multiple occasions and tried to do some recruiting of my own for the braves lol....and I'm not even in Atlanta, I'm in lil ole murdreesboro tn...so what's so hard to believe about a guy meeting Teague at a bar? It happens people

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