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X' and O's (for Swole's Sake)


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Okay, let's start something positive here.

We lost game one. Fine. I think our veteran club made some rookie mistakes. Our rookie head coach made some rookie mistakes. Fine.

We can move on. Learn from this.

We can learn that when things start getting out of hand, we need to slow it down and regroup. We can't give up an ENTIRE quarter. We beat NO each and every quarter except the 3rd.

We can learn that one-on-one basketball is NOT going to cut it. Get the ball in low and let's work off of it.

Coach can learn about what lineups work and when to call a TO and regroup.

Going into tonight, I hope to see a little bit more intesity (sustained throughout the game). I expect to see better spacing and more fluid offense, as this Chicago club does not have near the team-oriented defense that NO does.

I we can get some motion from Dion, Reef and Jackson... it should open up the post for the latter parts of the game. The team will be forced to tightly gaurd Jackson and Dion, which will leave Reef a little more open.

Personally, I feel we would best be served by slashing. I think this plays to the strengths of Glover and Jackson. It also allows Reef some outlets when he gets the ball in the post.

What do you guys think?


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I think we should be an inside out team also. But I do like the pick and roll at times.....and we should try posting Dion and S Jax when the match ups are favorable.

Needless to say we have to cut out the turnovers....I actually don't mine the TOs in transition when we are trying to force the break ...but we must cut out the half court set TOs and handle the full court pressure better.

Our guards and S Jax definately should look to penetrate whenever possible to get big men in foul trouble...that would make it easier for Theo and Reef...I think JT Dion and S Jax could get in the lane with regularity.....makes it easier on our bigs because the opposing bigs would have to help....we could get some cheap O rebounds and stick backs....

I have to say that the NOs game was almost playoff intensity..especially late.

Good to see Reef down there mixing it up with NO they are as physical as it gets.

Chicago will be hungry tonight.

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I really can't speak on what Stotts will do. But, like you I agree with the spacing aspect of this team. It was awful last game.

I think everything should run through Reef. But the supporting cast needs to be better spaced. Case in point in the N.O. game Reef was about to spin off his man and Wesley made the critical steal in over time. Reason: spacing was bad. Wesley came off his man and got to Reef. Better spacing will either allow Reef to score or recognize the double teams quicker.

I also like the pick and rolls utilizing Reef.

The reason I have everything running through Reef is simple he is our only low post threat that also can step outside and make a shot.

I would like to see us to continue to run when we have the opportunity. Keep up our defensive style as well.

We need this team not to get down when a team makes a run at them. They have to learn that is part of the game as well. Every team makes a run.

Other than that I didn't have a problem with their intensity, heart and hustle.

Those are my thoughts on the offense.

I must add when someone is hot on offense they should keep feeding them. That is obivious, but sometimes we get away from that. Weather it was Glover last game or S Jax after he had 3 out of 4 3's. Sometimes you have to feed the guy that is hot.

Also, probably most important, cut down on the TO's.


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I liked Jackson posting up. That was nice to see the other night.

It was one of the few set plays that looked "professional".

But, we never went back to it.

I like it for a couple reasons. It disrupts the defensive flow. The defense is CENTERED around Reef. If Reef moves out, with Jackson in... then they could get confused. If they double on Jackson, Reef can hit the midrange jumper with consistancy. If they don't, Jackson can overpower his man.

I think Reef sits at the three point line, because they triple him when he is down low. We need to switch that up - somehow.


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I like the pick and roll, except Reef doesn't run it properly. Neither does JT for that matter.

Reef needs to stick the pick and ROLL! JT needs to slide.

But what happens is Reef fakes the pick and runs around for a second and JTs man is NEVER forced to make a decision on who to gaurd or is forced into the mismatch.

I think it stems from Reef. He never ran the P&R correctly.


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