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Very Important question about Dwight Howard as it also pertains to our Hawks


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Do you truly still want Dwight?.....Why?


Have you not seen Dwight Howard this year? That injury is clearly bothering him as he can't even really jump no where near like he use to! In better words we are seeing a Dwight Howard at the age of 26 play like a Dwight Howard that is 33!

-no lift

-never had offense

-hardly ever dunks anymore

-defense is no where near the same

-rebound average is up there in the top 5 but its clearly not how he rebounded in Orlando. Im surprised D12 hasnt posted at least the 3 or 4 twenty rebound games by now

-he's not blocking shots like he use to either

I mean we can easily say its the Back injury right?....


Do you really think Howard is still the best center in the NBA because it seems pretty clear to most that he isnt?

How can you really be happy with Ferry for going after a guy that can't make the same impact on a BIGGER stage like the staples center, like he did in orlando?

Most important question Do you really know how bad Howard back injury is? I have talked with a good friend of mines who's actually in Doctor field of study and he told me that Back injuries can be the worse and many times they are never cured! As a Hawks fan knowing D12 will get a 100 million dollar contract you are ok with Ferry giving him that deal with Back issues that are basically unknown at this point?

Of course I still would like to have CP3 though its probably unlikely but my opnion on getting D12 to change this franchise has changed! I think howard is great with he's not injured but Howards kind of injury scares me! He has that Tmac injury and it just hasnt been said yet!....Im off the D12 bandwagon until I hear good news about the Back injury! Or at least see him return to his old self.

Edited by JTB
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Never been a fan of the clown, and he's from down the street. Van Gundy pointed out how his energy on he defensive end is directly tied to his touches and opportunities on the offensive end. Not that it's uncommon or wrong, it's human nature. But the efforts are directly proportional in his case, and for someone who has been DPOY as many times as he has, that's pathetic. If D'Antoni happens to call action 4 or 5 times down the court that doesn't involve a big (which could happen 4 or 5 times a game), Jason Collins would be more useful defensively in the paint. Dwight loses all focus and professionalism. Alley oops abound, backdoor layups, failed rotations, failure to take a single step toward a wide open PG coming off a clean screen for an uncontested free throw line jumper, the flood gates just open up around him. Can't stomach the guy. His whole game in Orlando was predicated upon his wide shoulders, jumping ability, and dominant strength. He's never had to box out and doesn't know how to now he's physically hampered. All he's doing now is rapidly decreasing his stock, and it has as much to do with his mental health as physical. You can't pay top dollar for a guy who has absolutely no leadership value. That's not even taking into account his offensive game, which is why he doesn't get touches. Even dumb D'Antoni knows he can't catch, dribble, is poorly coordinated around the basket, and historically poor free throw shooter. Not much you can do with a player like that.

Edited by benhillboy
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Do you truly still want Dwight?.....Why?


Have you not seen Dwight Howard this year? That injury is clearly bothering him as he can't even really jump no where near like he use to! In better words we are seeing a Dwight Howard at the age of 26 play like a Dwight Howard that is 33!

-no lift

-never had offense

-hardly ever dunks anymore

-defense is no where near the same

-rebound average is up there in the top 5 but its clearly not how he rebounded in Orlando. Im surprised D12 hasnt posted at least the 3 or 4 twenty rebound games by now

-he's not blocking shots like he use to either

I mean we can easily say its the Back injury right?....


Do you really think Howard is still the best center in the NBA because it seems pretty clear to most that he isnt?

How can you really be happy with Ferry for going after a guy that can't make the same impact on a BIGGER stage like the staples center, like he did in orlando?

Most important question Do you really know how bad Howard back injury is? I have talked with a good friend of mines who's actually in Doctor field of study and he told me that Back injuries can be the worse and many times they are never cured! As a Hawks fan knowing D12 will get a 100 million dollar contract you are ok with Ferry giving him that deal with Back issues that are basically unknown at this point?

Of course I still would like to have CP3 though its probably unlikely but my opnion on getting D12 to change this franchise has changed! I think howard is great with he's not injured but Howards kind of injury scares me! He has that Tmac injury and it just hasnt been said yet!....Im off the D12 bandwagon until I hear good news about the Back injury! Or at least see him return to his old self.

Did you really just criticize a player shooting 56%, averaging 17+ppg, 12 rpg, 2.6 blocks while injured.

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I have never heard, seen anything that leads me to believe that D12 wants to join the Hawks. He may not want to be in LA, but he doesn't want to be in Atlanta either. However, if he wants to come to Atlanta as a free agent why would Ferry past that up. He is clearly still not fully recovered from the back surgery (said as much at the start of the season). His Doctors said that by playing he would not make it worse IMO I think he came back too soon.

His strength and explosiveness is not where it was - will he fully gain it back or will he be grounded like Larry Johnson was after his back injury - only time will tell. This version of D12 at the center position is still better than most.

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I have never heard, seen anything that leads me to believe that D12 wants to join the Hawks. He may not want to be in LA, but he doesn't want to be in Atlanta either. However, if he wants to come to Atlanta as a free agent why would Ferry past that up. He is clearly still not fully recovered from the back surgery (said as much at the start of the season). His Doctors said that by playing he would not make it worse IMO I think he came back too soon.

His strength and explosiveness is not where it was - will he fully gain it back or will he be grounded like Larry Johnson was after his back injury - only time will tell. This version of D12 at the center position is still better than most.

and if he is grounded like Larry Johnson, your willing or hoping Ferry takes a chance on that giving D12 a 100 million dollar deal?!

Not knowing the true status of his back issue!...Sorry but he isnt worth anything when he's not healthy! His WHOLE game depends on his atheletic ability and his strength! I dont see why we would take an injured D12 over even a MAXED Joe Johnson like we once had!

I sure hope Ferry isnt leaning towards D12 until his back issue becomes clear on wheather its really minor or major.

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Did you really just criticize a player shooting 56%, averaging 17+ppg, 12 rpg, 2.6 blocks while injured.

LOL...uhhhhhh yes I did, thank you. Dont let those stats fool you my man, everybody thats an NBA fan can clearly see that D12 isnt the same player since that injury. He has no lift, he isnt as powerful as he once was its clear! ALL Im saying or really asking is.......

Do you believe D12 back injury is minor or really major? At this point it looks like it could be a major issue and if so why would Ferry or any other GM want to give top dollar to an injured player who's dominance depends on his athleticism and he's not even healthy!


is Dwight Howard next?

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and if he is grounded like Larry Johnson, your willing or hoping Ferry takes a chance on that giving D12 a 100 million dollar deal?!

Not knowing the true status of his back issue!...Sorry but he isnt worth anything when he's not healthy! His WHOLE game depends on his atheletic ability and his strength! I dont see why we would take an injured D12 over even a MAXED Joe Johnson like we once had!

I sure hope Ferry isnt leaning towards D12 until his back issue becomes clear on wheather its really minor or major.

Well, you can already see that he is not grounded like LJ was, he may not be as explosive as he was, but I still contend that he still is not 100%. He is not injured, I would say he is still RECOVERING from the back surgery. We are just past a 1/3 of the season completed and I contend even at less than 100% he is still better than MOST starting centers. Of course Ferry will do his due diligence on D12 and his back, does that even need to be said.

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Because of several factors, his health included, I prefer we not

sign Superman.

Even with him 100% healthy, he's not worth all that $$$ he would demand.

When he doesn't want to be here, and I believe that is true, what would

he really do? Would he preform at his max ability? No. He would be

doing just enough to get by and planning his escape as he did when

he went to the Lakers. We don't need that.

There are some other centers around, maybe not as great as Superman,

but their salary is reasonable. We don't need another case of one player

sucking up all the payroll.

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As campster said, the guy is clearly only 70% yet he is still averaging a double-double on a team where Kobe takes the majority of the shots. Dwight has always been a clean-up man on offense; he gets a lot of his points off of offensive rebounds, something the Hawks need to improve. Really, I only have two questions when it comes to signing Dwight... 1) How bad is that injury and 2) with our cap space eaten up w/ Howard's deal, who is going to be our closer. Who is going to be the guy who'll put the team on his shoulders and win the game. As I said, Dwight's game is defense, rebounds, and dunks, not the hand you want to have the ball in when you need a guaranteed hoop. This is why I wish we could afford Iggy or Paul too, but the cap will prohibit that if we are to build a respectable bench... And it's not like Danny won't take the necessary precautions before signing him. He'll have to pass a physical and other tests... but I believe injured or healthy, Dwight is definitely somebody you take a chance on. He's worth the risk. Chris Paul won't win us a championship. Dwight Howard could win us championship.

I have never heard, seen anything that leads me to believe that D12 wants to join the Hawks. He may not want to be in LA, but he doesn't want to be in Atlanta either. However, if he wants to come to Atlanta as a free agent why would Ferry past that up. He is clearly still not fully recovered from the back surgery (said as much at the start of the season). His Doctors said that by playing he would not make it worse IMO I think he came back too soon.

His strength and explosiveness is not where it was - will he fully gain it back or will he be grounded like Larry Johnson was after his back injury - only time will tell. This version of D12 at the center position is still better than most.


Howard used to regularly attend Dream games at Phillips Arena during summers. Witnesses tell me that Howard would tell anyone who would listen that Philips is supposed to be his house but “they don’t know how to act.” And by “they” he of course means the team’s owners and management.

Now that the ASG has backed off and Ferry is running the show, Dwight's biggest riff with the Hawks has been cleared up and with the cap space gained in the Joe trade, Dwight can now call the Philips "his house". The perception with Howard/Smith was that the Hawks as franchise was poorly ran by the ASG (which they were w/ Gearon Jr. at the forefront) and that they weren't worth the headache, but since Ferry was given full-control of the show, Josh has rescinded his trade demands and his having an "understanding" with Danny should tell you a lot about the current perception they have of the Hawks. I believe Dwight wants to be here and now that Danny has righted the ship, I believe the homecoming will happen. All that's left is the dollar and cents of the issue...

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His game was always predicated around pure physical ability. Not a great Basketball player. He also reminds me of Josh mentally. Early in his career, he had a pretty good team around him and a very good coach and wasn't able to win a Championship.I also think I'd rather see someone like Pekovic and another good player for the money Howard would command.

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