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Good to see Josh still taking lots of three pointers


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and LD wont do a damn thing about. It wasnt as bad in the beginning of the season but now for past couple of games he has been taking about 4 or 5 3 pointers a game and shooting like 20 percent it kills our offense.

tonight vs Wiz 1-4

vs utah 0-3

vs cleve 1-5

vs Min 2-4

vs Bos 1-5

vs det 1-4

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Something just isn't right/ They never say anything about his shot selection. Even Nique says "tough shot" by Josh when he should be saying bad or horrible shot. LD is afraid to reign him in becaue Josh was the one that helped him get the coaching job. Between the terrible jumpers and the turnovers what exactly is he bringing to the table that can't be replaced. This is a bush league organization that thinks that this guy is some kind of superstar that we have to bow down to. Superstar in Atlanta but 3-5 guy in another organization. I guess what do you expect when the high point of the Atlanta hawks organization is a game 7 shootout with the Celtics that we lost. They take pride in an ass whipping. God knows I get sick of hearing about that game on the broadcasts. We lost the game. Has that never bothered you all that they seem to celebrate that game like we won? We need to get rid of this guy to me that will say alot about Danny Ferry and where this team is going. Of course Josh wants to stay in Atlanta because no other coach or organization will allow his this much freedom to do whatever the hell he wants to do. All the freedom in the world but the guy has never made an all star team.

And he will be the one who costs him his job if he doesn't start disciplining him by benching him when he has these games with multiple blatantly bad decisions. Just imagine Josh doing what he does with a coach like Phil Jackson, Doc Rivers, Popovich, Sloan or Thibodeau. Now does anyone here believe for a second that any of these coaches would put up with Josh shooting so many long jumpers and three pointers? What about the high risk passes that often result in turnovers? I think we all know what would happen.

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and LD wont do a damn thing about. It wasnt as bad in the beginning of the season but now for past couple of games he has been taking about 4 or 5 3 pointers a game and shooting like 20 percent it kills our offense.

tonight vs Wiz 1-4

vs utah 0-3

vs cleve 1-5

vs Min 2-4

vs Bos 1-5

vs det 1-4

Wow - that is just BAD. 6-25 for a whopping 24%.

You would think with all of the "shooters" we have he would not do this, but, he doesn't care and we know the coach doesn't either.

And don't point out that some of these were at the end of the shot clock. He has no business standing out at the 3-pt line in the 1st place, how about maybe, just maybe cutting to the rim and maybe getting a pass for an easier basket.

How many times does he bring the ball up the court after a rebound (which slows the pace), then to top it off he passes the ball and just stands at the 3-pt line waiting for a pass during the ENTIRE offensive sequence, not once does his feet touch the paint.

If this is what LD's offense is designed for him to do, it's HORRIBLE. If he is doing it on his own, it's BAD COACHING.

Our pace of play has slowed considerably since the start of the season and a lot of that has to do with the lack of rebounding and the BIGS not passing the ball to the guards to push the pace.

Not so long ago there were those pointing out how his shooting % from 3 was great and so much better that his long 2 pointers - it was fools gold.


Edited by JayBirdHawk
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And he will be the one who costs him his job if he doesn't start disciplining him by benching him when he has these games with multiple blatantly bad decisions. Just imagine Josh doing what he does with a coach like Phil Jackson, Doc Rivers, Popovich, Sloan or Thibodeau. Now does anyone here believe for a second that any of these coaches would put up with Josh shooting so many long jumpers and three pointers? What about the high risk passes that often result in turnovers? I think we all know what would happen.

Phil has had trouble reigning in guys but he does that reverse psychology zen thing to get them to buy in without realizing they bought in. Doc is highly dependent on his vets on the floor to push his message. Popovich, yes. You can see him still tear into Parker's ass if he missed an assignment. Sloan controlled the entire culture in Utah and his reluctance to take up a job elsewhere tells me that even he knows he wouldn't enjoy the same authoritarian pull in a different locale. Thibs is TBD, his track record is that he'll play you 48 minutes on a bum knee if you give defensive intensity.Most important thing in all that beyond those coaches resumes is the job security they enjoy or enjoyed. You bring any guy in on a lame duck contract and he risks not retaining his job either by not addressing certain issues or losing support of the top player(s). Few to none of the GMs would ever pick a coach over a good player come contract time.Doesn't matter though. Woody is the ultimate players coach and LD made his name as being an even bigger softie for players to go to when they disagreed with Woody. Josh realizes too that it's his team and that he's the key to Dwight so why would he fear any consequences for his actions?
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Phil has had trouble reigning in guys but he does that reverse psychology zen thing to get them to buy in without realizing they bought in. Doc is highly dependent on his vets on the floor to push his message. Popovich, yes. You can see him still tear into Parker's ass if he missed an assignment. Sloan controlled the entire culture in Utah and his reluctance to take up a job elsewhere tells me that even he knows he wouldn't enjoy the same authoritarian pull in a different locale. Thibs is TBD, his track record is that he'll play you 48 minutes on a bum knee if you give defensive intensity.Most important thing in all that beyond those coaches resumes is the job security they enjoy or enjoyed. You bring any guy in on a lame duck contract and he risks not retaining his job either by not addressing certain issues or losing support of the top player(s). Few to none of the GMs would ever pick a coach over a good player come contract time.Doesn't matter though. Woody is the ultimate players coach and LD made his name as being an even bigger softie for players to go to when they disagreed with Woody. Josh realizes too that it's his team and that he's the key to Dwight so why would he fear any consequences for his actions?

Interesting take and I can't say I disagree. What will be interesting is what happens to Josh if Dwight doesn't come. Is he traded, let go immediately or are they truly committed to him?

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Something just isn't right/ They never say anything about his shot selection. Even Nique says "tough shot" by Josh when he should be saying bad or horrible shot. LD is afraid to reign him in becaue Josh was the one that helped him get the coaching job. Between the terrible jumpers and the turnovers what exactly is he bringing to the table that can't be replaced. This is a bush league organization that thinks that this guy is some kind of superstar that we have to bow down to. Superstar in Atlanta but 3-5 guy in another organization. I guess what do you expect when the high point of the Atlanta hawks organization is a game 7 shootout with the Celtics that we lost. They take pride in an ass whipping. God knows I get sick of hearing about that game on the broadcasts. We lost the game. Has that never bothered you all that they seem to celebrate that game like we won? We need to get rid of this guy to me that will say alot about Danny Ferry and where this team is going. Of course Josh wants to stay in Atlanta because no other coach or organization will allow his this much freedom to do whatever the hell he wants to do. All the freedom in the world but the guy has never made an all star team.

I have been singing this song for.............I don't know how long. We need a MAJOR culture change and I've been calling for it since the end of Babcock's era.

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Interesting take and I can't say I disagree. What will be interesting is what happens to Josh if Dwight doesn't come. Is he traded, let go immediately or are they truly committed to him?

Only time will tell but I'd say that Ferry would still retain him regardless of how the summer turns out. If it proves as beneficial as now (don't hold your breath on it "clicking" for Josh) then it could be longterm if not (and even if so) he could be shipped off like Nene was because he'd have a much greater trade market given that he'd be locked in longterm.

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He has been in the league for NINE YEARS and he still make bonehead plays. He has to know that his habits are bad. Im sure he has been told thousands of times by hundreds of reporters, coaches, and fans yet he still does it.

Im starting to wonder if smoove worries more about his image than doing the things that helps your team win games. It doesnt look cool to play like a traditional big man and it looks more cool to play more like a guard. So he wants to launch 3 point bombs, always go for the touchdown/highlight pass even though its a low percentage play, and handle the basketball like a point guard.

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and LD wont do a damn thing about. It wasnt as bad in the beginning of the season but now for past couple of games he has been taking about 4 or 5 3 pointers a game and shooting like 20 percent it kills our offense. tonight vs Wiz 1-4vs utah 0-3vs cleve 1-5vs Min 2-4vs Bos 1-5vs det 1-4

Good observation.He was 2 - 2 from 3 point range in that New Year's Eve loss vs Houston. If you add the New Orleans game to the list of games you posted, Josh is 7 - 28 from 3 point range in the last 7 games ( 25% ). So he's attempting 4 threes per game and just making 1. When he shoots a "timely 3 pointer", he's more likely to make the shot. But when he starts jacking them up just because he's open, that's when he gets in trouble.What may be worse than the 3's, is that he's also shooting 43% FT during that 7 game stretch as well.
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To say that a coach is just coaching in a way that they are trying to preserve their job is to say that they are under the management of a dumbass gm. Ferry would see through Drew just letting Josh do what he wants in a heartbeat. If anyone thinks that Drew not pulling the reigns on Josh will bypass Ferry's better judgement, then you are wrong. I would argue that a coach who stands up to a player who obviously needs standing up to will make a better overall impression on his resume than coaching like a vagina who just wants to ride the so-called star player on your team and live or die by him. If Drew is actually doing this, then shame on him and shame on Ferry if he doesn't see through it.

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You can tell a lot about how the organization thinks of players by listening to Dominique. Don't forget the guy is part of the front office.

He does call Josh out sometimes for not giving the ball up but only when it turns out bad.

He hardly ever says anything about his shot selection.

On the other hand, Teague misses a FT and he has something to say.

It has always been that way. The organization thinks too much of Josh and even Al on some levels. They don't think much of Teague that is why I don't see why he is even still here he can bring you something back.

I guess my point is Josh can do whatever he wants around here. He is not the only one though

Edited by MrMeltdown
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To say that a coach is just coaching in a way that they are trying to preserve their job is to say that they are under the management of a dumbass gm. Ferry would see through Drew just letting Josh do what he wants in a heartbeat. If anyone thinks that Drew not pulling the reigns on Josh will bypass Ferry's better judgement, then you are wrong. I would argue that a coach who stands up to a player who obviously needs standing up to will make a better overall impression on his resume than coaching like a vagina who just wants to ride the so-called star player on your team and live or die by him. If Drew is actually doing this, then shame on him and shame on Ferry if he doesn't see through it.

What's there for Ferry to see through? He's complicit in it himself. He came in and the first thing everyone asked him was "what about Josh taking jumpers" and what has he said in response? "He's a warrior" "I'd want him on my side" "he's talented in many aspects" "I'll let the coaches handle that" and everything imaginable to avoid addressing the elephant in the room.

He hasn't once publicly condemned it and most scuttlebutt has it that Josh is not in any trade discussions and that he's as good as guaranteed to be resigned. It's not some trade secret that Josh fancies his jumper, listen to any away announcing team, sport news outlet and blogger yet here comes a new GM and you think he's being hoodwinked by a coach? He knows but like I said, he doesn't care because this a league dependent on individual talent and this particular talent gives the Hawks a shot at an even greater talent come the summer.

Why would LD stand up against Josh if he doesn't have the backing of the GM and why would Ferry back up LD if Josh can say "f*** you guys" in 7 months kissing away any chance at a major free agent haul? Shame on you for not realizing that this is the NBA where the diva is king.

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I think Josh is being coddled for the time being, in the remote hopes that his being here might bring Dwight here. I'd hate for us to re-sign Josh to a ridiculous contract in hopes of getting Howard, and then Howard go somewhere else.

Tough situation.

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Simple situation. Trade him for young talent and/or picks. I'm starting to hate FAcy. 20 teams afraid to make moves in the event that Howard might choose them when it's highly likely that he stays in LA. Don't want him here anyway.I'd rather my Hawks beat them than trade for them...

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