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I think we all just need to take a breather, no need to tank


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Not saying we shouldn't go out and make some trades by Feb. 21st deadline but trading Smoove or firing LD midway through the season may not be the answer. Remember we were playing amazing just a few weeks ago, beating teams like Clips, Grizz, and OKC on the road. I agree we need some sort of spark, but I don't think we should go out and make some blockbuster deal and tank the season... Just doesn't make sense.

Guys we are still 21-16... Still a better record than I expected we would have this far into the season. The East is terrible guys, even if we blow the rest of the season we will probably still make the playoffs. Everyone is struggling right now, even the Heat. We are still 6th in the standings, only 3 1/2 games behind Miami for 1st place. We should consider ourselves lucky that we are not in the West.

We will be ok guys. No point in wanting the team to be blown up when we are still close to the top of the East. Especially considering how bad we've been lately.

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We were bound to have a losing skid like this at some point in the season. In fact, I was just wondering when it would happen. Let's face it. We are a really good shooting team but any team that relies on that so much is going to go cold every now and then. We could really use a legit post scoring threat and rebounder(preferably both in one player). If we are able to acquire this, then I truly believe we take a huge step in being a title contender. The problem is there aren't any such players available unless Sac. decides to trade Cousins or the Grizz dump Randolph to clear salary. I would take either one of those for any of our bigs now, including Al....but preferably Josh.

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We were bound to have a losing skid like this at some point in the season. In fact, I was just wondering when it would happen. Let's face it. We are a really good shooting team but any team that relies on that so much is going to go cold every now and then. We could really use a legit post scoring threat and rebounder(preferably both in one player). If we are able to acquire this, then I truly believe we take a huge step in being a title contender. The problem is there aren't any such players available unless Sac. decides to trade Cousins or the Grizz dump Randolph to clear salary. I would take either one of those for any of our bigs now, including Al....but preferably Josh.

I never want to see Al in another uni, no matter what. He has been my favorite player ever since his college days at UF. Al is a solid player, just needs to play PF instead of center. I really wish that we could land Cousins. A young, promising 6 foot 11 star ready to happen. If we could land him... would be really nice.

Edited by ATLscrubLove
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I want a good record in a good year. I want to be kicking ass...when the east is TOUGH. Struggling to maintain a middle of the pack team in a terrible year is nothing to be happy about.

Just saying....

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Guys we are still 21-16... Still a better record than I expected we would have this far into the season. The East is terrible guys, even if we blow the rest of the season we will probably still make the playoffs. Everyone is struggling right now, even the Heat. We are still 6th in the standings, only 3 1/2 games behind Miami for 1st place. .

We are 1 1/2 games frm falling out of the playoffs. This team does not have the pieces to make any noise in the playoffs. I would rather get a lottery pick, for the big picture, then fill myself with false hopes of playoff success.
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We are 1 1/2 games frm falling out of the playoffs. This team does not have the pieces to make any noise in the playoffs. I would rather get a lottery pick, for the big picture, then fill myself with false hopes of playoff success.

We aren't really known for A+ drafting when we have a lottery pick. We can run with any team in the East in the playoffs, aside from Miami and Boston ( just suck against Boston ).

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Carpe Diem! Seize the day! I watch the Hawks because I want us to win, every game. I can't help it, this tanking bullshit is a cop-out. We tank this year and its not gonna matter if we get the 10th pick in the draft next year. I know we're not winning a title this year... But I'm rooting for this team to succeed. And if that means making the playoffs and losing in the first round, so be it. That's better than getting another lame ass draft pick. Hell, what's been our two best draft picks in the last decade? Smoove and Horf. And nobody wants them here anymore.

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Smith isn't smart enough. It's not effort that counts, but results. He puts up numbers, but he's a team killer.I can't belive so many here are advocating either re-signing him or letting him walk. Got to trade him for some value...If you arn't going to win, you should be rebuilding. These Hawks aren't going to win...If we don't trade a lot of these expirings, we will be left with cap space to sign other teams rejects. Bad planMove Smith, Harris, Korver..Keep Horford and I guess Teague and try again

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We are 1 1/2 games frm falling out of the playoffs. This team does not have the pieces to make any noise in the playoffs. I would rather get a lottery pick, for the big picture, then fill myself with false hopes of playoff success.

We are 2 games ahead of 8th seeded Milwaukee and 6 games up on 9th seeded Philly. Not sure where you are getting 1.5 games from falling out of the playoffs?
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I also want my team to succeed. Right now. So I'd like to have a capable coach and to trade our consensus team killer for some help @ SF or C and go with it until the playoffs. Enough of this Howard nonsense. Do any of you really think the guy is coming to Atlanta to play for a LOUSY team that has just tanked a season? Not likely. I'll just post a trade I think we could get that would very likely solve our rebounding and lack of production in the paint.


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We are 2 games ahead of 8th seeded Milwaukee and 6 games up on 9th seeded Philly. Not sure where you are getting 1.5 games from falling out of the playoffs?

Exactly. We are way closer to being number one in the conference than we are to missing the playoffs. Like i said in another thread, i'm not sure there are 8 teams who want to make the playoffs in the east. Let's friggin just go for what we can get this year.

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I agree its not time to panic. Every team goes through skids.

I think firing LD would be a bigger panic than trading Josh. Josh could leave for nothing, so there's justification for moving him for the right deal. LD's contract expires at the end of the season, so he's not a necesarily going to be here anyway. And if the fire LD who's the interim coach? Weiss? No thanks.

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