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Holy Hawks!...what is going on out there?


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How do you come out in front of your home crowd on Saturday night - as a professional athlete - and get blown out by a team (primarily due to lack of hustle) when that team is missing their THREE BEST PLAYERS?

This is getting worse.

...and if we do lollygag our way into the playoffs...we have no chance. Nobody has a go-to move unless it's just jack threes. It wouldn't matter if Josh or AL even had moves in the paint - they would just be fouled and miss the free throws Posted Image .

This season is really looking like just "marking time" for our franchise. Maybe it's because all of the trade rumors have our guys upset - BUT - all that B.S. about "we're professionals" (we go to work every night) is horse-cr@p.

You get paid to go out there in front of your home crowd and put out an effort...the fact that guys like Ivan and KK are the ones the announcers mention are hustling and they are keeping us in games speaks volumes for our franchise and LD's coaching abilities.

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Edited by DJlaysitup
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Nobody likes losing games. Sometimes the other team plays better, sometimes things just don't go your way. Every team loses and when those two things happen you just accept it.However, I HATE losing games because of lack of effort. There is no excuse for our pitiful display tonight. Yeah, we missed some shots we usually make, but the effort was only there for tiny spurts of the game.I have never been a huge Drew fan, and it's games like tonight that remind me why I hate his calm and non-chalant behavior. His interviews filled with "um" and "uhh" have always made me feel he isn't confident enough to get across a point or inspire players to buy into what he says.

Edited by cam1218
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After the game was over, the first thing I said to myself was: "Outplayed, out-coached." We lost to a much better Bulls team. Rose being out means nothing to them. Their attitude is next man up and they have stepped up. The whole team plays hard throughout the game. We need a coach like Thibs and suspect Ferry already knows this.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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What's going on out there?

The team is winning enough to not get a great draft pick, but they do so many things that are so bad.

This franchise is nothing but a f*** up. That's all it is.

It could be worse.....

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or can it?

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Hawks cannot play well when they get "in your face" defense. Think back.

We've had this same problem all season.

Last night, we had that type defense and also very superior rebounding.

Those two things together spelled doom for the Hawks.

They had a one point lead @ halftime. The Bulls came out and kicked them

in the donkey to open the third and, we being in the sleepwalk mode, never

recovered from that.

PS - - Where was Scott? Against the Bulls in that terrible, one sided loss,

he was the leading scorer and we needed fresh energy to go with Ivan.

Oh well. The first half was not too bad. Not like the third quarter.


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The first response is to blame the coach by some amazing to me? Can Larry drew control effort. Go shout from the mountain tops "he should motivate them". Let me ask you this do YOu need motivation from outside to get up and go to work EVEryDAY and do your job and do it right? If you do there is a certain word that is considered slang that I think applies. IF NOT, as I suspect te case really is, this gives your answer to how much a coach should have to motivate

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We are outclassed by the elite, but we are better than the worst. Currently we're not quite at the head of the middle of the pack, but we're in the middle. At best, we will see the 2nd round and maybe a win or two. At worst, we'll flail out in the 1st round. We'll end up with a couple of draft picks in the middle teens and 2nd round - typically, these are not franchise changers (Ed Gray, Doug Edwards, Alan Henderson, Adam Keefe, Roshown McCleod, Priest Lauderdale, Donnie Boyce, Cal Bowdler, Hanno Mottola, Travis Hansen...etc.).

Rinse and repeat for 5-6 years and you'll have yourself a 50 win team that gives you an exciting 2nd round series...

Been singing this song since 1997. I know how it turns out.

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Pathetic effort last night, your at home wanting to well in front if the home crowd and you laid down. Why should the fan base support this?

Pathetic effort last night, your at home wanting to do well in front if the home crowd and you laid down. Why should the fan base support this? Edited by Vol4ever
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