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Fixing the problems with the Hawks.


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Diesel, how can you talk about Problems after a win? Well, the win helps me see the solution to the problems.

Here's the problem. The offense doesn't run smoothly with JT at the PG. I know it's only 1 game, but I haven't been wrong so far.

Here's the solution. Pull a play out of the playbook of Mussleman. We should have designated times when JV runs the point with the rest of the starters and JT sits the bench. There are actually 2 solutions, the other being bring JT off the bench... However, this one is a little more personality friendly. IF we played say the first Qtr with JT, then about a qtr into the second Qtr, we ought to have substituted until we have JV, Glover, Jackson, Reef, Theo in the game together. JV is a pure PG. He directs, he comes to the ball, he handles the tempo well. Last night, he did all those things very well. Not only that, but JV has a hellavu Court Vision. Did you see the pass to Nazr to end the Half. As I watched, I said to myself... NO WAY in [censored] JT ever makes that pass. JT would dribble the time out...

Anywho, Get JV some times with the starters. It doesn't have to be 24 minutes, but let him in there just to give our offense some poise. Because that's what happened last night. Even when we went through the drought (which I believe is a result of us not making Adjustments at the Half and beggining of the 4th) JV came back and played steady. It wasn't a case where we shot three after three trying to get something going. We showed Poise. THen came the big Defensive stop... Stinger said, "The Hornets looked like they wanted to PUNT" and it was true.

For Now, I say NO TRADES. I think we have everything we need. Nazr is great off the bench. Nailon is good off the bench. Even Diaw looks good off the bench. IF a trade comes along, hopefully it's a trade that would rid us of CC's contract.

When DD gets healthy, I say that CC is the odd man out. He's not injured but he's not part of the game plan either. His time is over here. It's sad but true. We need another PG more than we need CC.

The sadest part is that I would keep Ekiezie over CC. ANd I know Ekiezie won't play another minute this season.

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I'm not sure I want to dismiss Chris Crawford that quickly. He did have his moments last year when he wasn't hurt. Give him a legitimate shot before we cut bait. I do agree the Hawks looked the best they ever looked last night and Jacque does not make as many mistakes as JT, but JT is the better shooter. I definitely want to see more JV, however. The Hawks move better with him running the offense.

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That's all I seem to hear lately...

"JT shoots better, but the team does run better with ______ as PG".

The fact that JT is a good scorer is an aside when compared to JT as PG. JT is not a PG. He doesn't have INSTINCT 1 of what a PG should have. That's why Journeymen like Jacque and Mike Wilks can walk on, be given the same playbook that JT has had all season and Run the offense much better. It's not a case of them knowing the plays, it's a case of them knowing what to do with the plays.

All that said, I'm not for getting rid of JT. I'm for playing more of JV and having Dion develop as a Ball handling 2 in the process of waiting for JT to advance.

Will JT learn these PG instincts... I doubt it.

However, I think as a team, we can do what we can to overcome his shortcomings which is what I think Stotts is doing. However, for the team sake, JT shouldn't play more than 32-35 mpg. I think there should be time for JV to come in and for Diaw to come in.

The interesting thing is that if Dion keeps getting better, then there will be little firepower for the argument that JT is a better SG than Dion. Dion is doing it all. Both ends of the court. Ball handling. Etc. If all JT brings to the table is Shooting, then in the offseason, he might make good trade bait. However, I think for now, we should let this squad develop together. Let JV run more of the pG duties at specific times...

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I don't know why everybody is lauding Dion. Other than a few great tipins off misses. I thought SJax played a better overall game. Dion almost cost us this one when NO was coming back because he was contributing to their run by holding on to the ball and forcing up bad shots. Dion turned the ball over 5 times. SJax turnover's are 1.3 per game in the 3 games since his 7 turnovers in game 1. (The problem in that game was JT deferring to him every trip down the floor, facing the pressure from NO guards).

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Dion was trying to get to the hoop and draw fouls because no one else could score a point in the 4th.

Dion won this game with his D on Baron late in the 4th...Baron is probably one of the hardest players to guard in the league and Dion put the clamps on him.

Dion had TO's because when we went into offensive lulls he tried to get to the line. They way to break out of lulls is go to the basket.

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#1, he's a power guard who is slowly making the transformation to all around guard. Jackson for all of his ability is still somewhat one dimensional. I do like the fact that he can take a handoff and pass, but mostly, when he handles the ball, TURNOVER. Still, he's a steal for us and HE wanted to be here.

I think that Dion on the otherhand, has showed much development in the first 4 games. He's been there for Big Shots. He's learned how not to fire from the 3pt line but to step up and fire. He's learned how to draw the defense and pass. He's playing some of the best defense i've seen at the 2 guard position recently. If his progression continues, I see MIP honors coming his way.

Jackson, His game is Shoot the three. He has taken some bad ill timed shots. He has made some timely threes. He's a guy who has become our third scorer and defensively, he's not that bad. He brings heart to our heartless team. It's like Jackson and Dion kind of feeds off of each other on the floor. Dion especially with his nack for "the putback". That's the part of his game that's so unpredictable and helpful to our team. We are not a good rebounding team, so to have a 2 guard going up and slamming the offensive board is good. It makes the other teams defense change... For now they have to box out and that's hard when there are 2 hardcharges like Reef and Dion on the boards.

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Heres my problem with Dion he still gets out of control at times and he cost us. He also settles for the jump shot way to often. He doesnt need to be out there chucking jump shots at the end of the game like he was against new orleans. We need to be feeding the ball Reef in the post. And if we are going to go to Dion at the end of the game i would prefer to see him in the post. Using his bigger body against smaller guards like Wesely and Davis.

I love how some of you are so critcal of JT but act like

Dion does no wrong. If you are going to rag on players do it equally. There is plenty blame to go around and I have a list for all of them.

Once again the search for this years scapegoat has started and it looks like your the the concensus pick JT so look out.

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What we need is an all around player here. Somewhat of a star, get it done guy. Not a superstar but let's see, someone who could get 15 points and say 6 boards and 3.5 assists per game from the shooting guard spot...oh wait, we have one.

here's the stat line for Dion in the first 4 games.

15 points, 6 boards, 3.5 assists, 1.3 steals, .3 blocks, 2.5 fouls and 3 turnovers. Shooting percentage is down (34.3 %) but that is due in large part to him takeing 15 3's already and only making 4 and to him going to the basket too much (since Terry and Jackson aren't penetrating. One many of his misses on offense he's going to the freethrow line instead.

Dion is not and will not ever be a problem. Last year he got 25 minutes a game. These averages are in line with what he did last year per MINUTE. The only difference is his shooting percentages are down..those will improve, it always equals out. If his percentages improve to last year's numbers, and he keeps getting 35-39 minutes a game he'll actually go up by 3 or 4 points a game.

19,6,3.5 from a shooting guard is bench reserve all star numbers guys.

Now the best thing about last night's game is this. Terry saw that he doesn't have to be mini Jordan for this team to win. And let's face it, that's how he plays. He tries to be the 6 foot incarnation of Vince Carter. His handles, his skills, his intensity are all good, but his self image is all wrong. Instead of trying to be Vince or Micheal or His own image of JT, Jason should look to another great of MJ's generation and emulate him. Isiah Thomas.

In Isiah's career averages you see alot of JT.

19.2 points, 3.6 reb 1.9 steals, .25 blocks, .759 FT %, .452 FG %, 9.3 assists.

Terry last year.

17.2 points, 3.4 reb, 1.56 steals, .17 blks, .835 FG%. .430 FG%, 7.4 assists.

What's the difference, virtually nothing. Both are 6'1", 180 exactly. (though terry's bio says 6'2"). Rebounds and steals are virtually identical and Terry's boards, blocks and steals were up this year and his scoring is up to 22.7...what's the difference. Assists. so far this year his assists are down to 6.3 a game.

And I'll tell you why...his eyes. Watch film of Isiah and you'll see his eyes go up and scan the floor, even when pressured before he hit's the half court line. He's looking at the other 9 people on the floor and looking at everyone else's lanes to the basket. Terry picks up his eye's (especially under pressure) just after the half court line and his first glance is always the front of the rim (ala Michael and Vince)...

Jason is far too good a talent to let go, but perhaps last nights game will help him see who he should want to be like. Not Mike, but Isiah. Thomas has a gift wrapped invite to the hall of fame and it was for looking at offensive players far inferior to himself on the court. John Salley and Bill Lambeer.

If Jason will pick up his eyes a little, Vaughn can hopefully come off the bench where he belongs and hopefully last nights game showed JT that.

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In reply to:

I love how some of you are so critcal of JT but act like

Dion does no wrong. If you are going to rag on players do it equally.

First of all, Dion has problems. Secondly, Dion's problems are not as destructive to team chemistry as JT's. JT is the PG. He is responsible for TEMPO, he is responsible for offensive ball movement, he is responsible for a lot. The fact that JT comes down court and defers his offensive responsibilities to the likes of Jackson, Grob, and even Rider is sad. Every year he talks the talk of how he wants to lead and be the team leader. Yet, every year he finds himself giving the ball off to the new guy and going off and setting up for a three pointer. The only time the new guy was able to help was when the new guy was Toni.

The praise of Dion is simply due to the fact that unlike Terry, Dion's game is growing. That's not to say that Dion doesn't make mistakes. Even the title of this thread is "the things I like about Dion". If you want, you can start a thread about the things you dislike about Dion... But don't be surprized when the forum calls you negative.

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