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Korver Open to Returning to Bulls


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Yea, I have no idea. My question was for the experts around here. I'm certainly no expert, just a fan.

That's why I like this board. I can post my clueless questions and typically get a great answer (and a bit of ribbing). Posted Image

Well it depends on a lot of things, so hard to say right now. They will have some version of the MLE available, but we won't know until the Luxury Tax line is set as well as how the Bulls deal with their FAs (Rip has a non-guaranteed $5 mil next season, will they keep him or let him go?).

The relevant Coonology is: http://www.cbafaq.com/salarycap.htm#Q25 which pretty much says if the Bulls stay below $4 million over the LT line (this being a HARD cap if used) then the starting salary would be ~$5.15 mil for the non-taxpaying MLE. To say in other terms, if the Bulls use what is called the non-taxpayer MLE then they are Hard Capped at a level defined to be "Luxury Tax line + $4 mil". No ifs ands or butts. So this includes the use of that particular MLE.

Now they could use the taxpaying MLE and not worry about being hardcapped. However, this exception is only available when a team's cap salary results in them being $4 mil over the Luxury Tax line after the taxpaying MLE is used. So the team needs to have a decent chunk of change already spent. This taxpaying MLE starts at a value of ~$3.183 mil.

A shortened version would just be to say: Let's wait until the offseason so I don't have to talk about hypotheticals that may be irrelevant.

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The Jazz addressed their outside shooting issues by signing Randy Foye last summer. But if the Jazz are looking for help again this offseason, Kyle Korver could be an option.

Yes, Korver. The popular former Jazz forward said Wednesday that he would be open to returning to Utah in free agency.

"I would definitely listen to Utah if they came to me with an offer," he said. "I have a lot of respect for the organization, and it’s just a great place to live life and play basketball."

Korver averages 11.4 points per game for the Hawks and leads the league with 46.4 percent 3-point shooting.

Korver, who signed with Chicago in 2010 before being traded to Atlanta last summer, remains involved in Salt Lake City community events. A division of the Kyle Korver Foundation has installed 116 wheelchair accessibility ramps for families in need of them.

Korver was unequivocal in his appreciation for Utah, including the fans.

"Man, this home crowd is amazing," he said. "We walked in and were talking about the seats and how they are right down here on the floor. It’s just a really fun place to play."



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Sounds like Korver really hated the "Let's Go Heat!" chants in the Philips the other night... That's twice now that Korver has pointed out how great the fans are in other cities. Wish C-Viv or Aldridge would get asses an interview with KK just so we can hear him say something about the Hawks... I really want to see KK in a Hawks uni for the long term. He is a great piece to bring off of the bench with Lou.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Sounds like Korver really hated the "Let's Go Heat!" chants in the Philips the other night... That's twice now that Korver has pointed out how great the fans are in other cities. Wish C-Viv or Aldridge would get asses an interview with KK just so we can hear him say something about the Hawks... I really want to see KK in a Hawks uni for the long term. He is a great piece to bring off of the bench with Lou.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well maybe thats his way of pointing out how bad the fans are in Atlanta. I dont know why everyone is going crazy, if he leaves, he leaves this is a business. Hopefully Ferry can work out his magic. But I can tell you this winning in the playoffs cures all of that

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It's leverage. He's in his free agent year, probably his last significant contract. He's 31, and has played well. He's not stupid... Of course he's going to spew to the media of his old teams how he respects them and would listen to offers. It's shrewd business on his part. I don't read much into it... If the cash is there, and DF wants him, he'll be back next year.

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It's leverage. He's in his free agent year, probably his last significant contract. He's 31, and has played well. He's not stupid... Of course he's going to spew to the media of his old teams how he respects them and would listen to offers. It's shrewd business on his part. I don't read much into it... If the cash is there, and DF wants him, he'll be back next year.

buckeye nailed it. People are reading too much into these comments and his compliments to the fans. His message to every team right now is:

"I'd totally consider playing in [FILL IN NAME OF CITY]. [CITY] is a great community and [iNSERT TEAM]'s fans are incredible. Please make me an offer and let's get a healthy bidding war going because this is my last shot at a stack of NBA money."

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I agree it is leverage.

I hope we do bring him back...I wasn't happy when we first acquired him but he has become my fav Hawk after Horford.

His hustle is something most players could learn from.

As for comments about the fans...well Utah and Chicago appreciate their teams and come out and support them. Atlanta fans are among the worst for supporting their teams ... they come to cheer for the other teams. I wish this would change but I never see it happening as it was the same during the nique era too.

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There is truth the idea that Utah and Chicago have better fan bases, but I think it is our insecurity talking that turns Korver's remarks praising those fans into backhanded slams on the Atlanta fans. He is just making nice with other teams and their fan bases. I don't read that at all to mean that he is crossing Atlanta off his list of suitors -- just that he is trying to make sure he does everything to ensure that his list of suitors is as robust as possible.

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