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True or False....Larry Drew's offense can win a NBA Championship


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Now before ALL the LD haters immediately get on here yelling FASLE....let me make it aware that I said LD's Offense not his coaching ability which also is actually pretty good wheather you like it or not.

LD's offense is very similar to George Karls but is made more for jumpshots especially the 3. I have no problem with that in fact if this team had Dwight Howard (healthy that is) I would be screaming Championship about now! LD has a smooth motion flow with this offense and the hawks actually have an identity on the Offense side of the ball! I love how LD has gotten these players to buy into the system because as long as that ball moves I dont see them having too many problems with any team. We have enough shooters for a player or 2 to have a bad night shooting until they pick it back up!....LD gets alot of credit here! An have you noticed how well LD draws up plays after time outs I mean this guy is really showing out with the players he has!

I told you guys in my last post this team has 22 now 21 games remaining on their schedule that they SHOULD be able to win its just a matter of doing it and not losing to underachieving teams like the sixers/pistons etc. Anyways to answer my own question...TRUE!.....LD's offense is a beast when the players buy into it and if they had D. Howard right now many of us would be screaming....screaming...screaming Championship!

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The teams that win Championships in the NBA have atleast one SuperStar or in the example of the Detroit Pistons almost 9 years ago a team that plays great defense, have leadership (Chauncey Billups) and plays together....So it really doesnt matter about the offense to win titles..its about the team and/or superstar that you have to carry you to the top......In the case of the Hawks we DONT have a True leader nor do we have a Superstar..I would say Ferry is going to try to assemble a team that mirrors the Spurs and as Hawks fans we need to hope that Horford can be our version of Tim Duncan.

Just look at the last 10 years of NBA champions..out side of the Detroit Pistons every other team had atleast one Superstar

Miami-2012, 2006


Lakers- 2009, 2010, 2000-02


Spurs - 2007, 2005, 2003


Edited by wolvetigers
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The teams that win Championships in the NBA have atleast one SuperStar or in the example of the Detroit Pistons almost 9 years ago a team that plays great defense, have leadership (Chauncey Billups) and plays together....So it really doesnt matter about the offense to win titles..its about the team and/or superstar that you have to carry you to the top......In the case of the Hawks we DONT have a True leader nor do we have a Superstar..I would say Ferry is going to try to assemble a team that mirrors the Spurs and as Hawks fans we need to hope that Horford can be our version of Tim Duncan.

Just look at the last 10 years of NBA champions..out side of the Detroit Pistons every other team had atleast one Superstar

Miami-2012, 2006


Lakers- 2009, 2010, 2000-02


Spurs - 2007, 2005, 2003


I understand that no question about it in fact this is what I said......

"TRUE!.....LD's offense is a beast when the players buy into it and ifthey had D. Howard right now many of us would bescreaming....screaming...screaming Championship!"

but I guess I worded this wrong to where it isnt understandable and I apologize...what Im asking is that is it true or false that the hawks can win a championship (once we get a star that is. LOL) with the way Larry Drew coaches this hawks offense?

I said its obviously true we just need the star now. I dont think alot of pieces need to be moved if we get our hands on D12. Ld's offense is perfect for a player like howard since he doesnt have any offense inside game anyways.

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Poor topic.

Give Drew the Heat, Clippers, or Thunder roster...........and yes he could win a championship.

Love it! I'll take it!...all the knocks LD gets and we need a better coach talk stops right here......I agree it is a bad topic, I mean why do we have fans that so often talk about wanting a new coach when LD can win a championship with teams you mentioned.

its obvious that LD can handle a team that can compete for a title so why do we want to get rid of him as fans?

why do we say we cant get anywhere with LD so often?

It isnt a bad topic, its a positive topic about our coach who you obviously also think can win a championship with our hawks once we land a star.

Edited by JTB
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Love it! I'll take it!...all the knocks LD gets and we need a better coach talk stops right here......I agree it is a bad topic, I mean why do we have fans that so often talk about wanting a new coach when LD can win a championship with teams you mentioned.

its obvious that LD can handle a team that can compete for a title so why do we want to get rid of him as fans?

why do we say we cant get anywhere with LD so often?

It isnt a bad topic, its a positive topic about our coach who you obviously also think can win a championship with our hawks once we land a star.

The only criticism of Drew comes from those who put the blame on him for Josh's shot selection.

I do like Drew as a coach. He has done great with what he has been given. Last year Horford is hurt all year and this year we lose JJ and Lou gets injured............but his team doesn't miss a beat.

Edited by coachx
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The only criticism of Drew comes from those who put the blame on him for Josh's shot selection.

I do like Drew as a coach. He has done great with what he has been given. Last year Horford is hurt all year and this year we lose JJ and Lou gets injured............but his team doesn't miss a beat.

exactly we have a championship coach in the making...we just need that one star and we are good.

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True. I think any NBA coach can win with their offense. If they have the right personnel and talent. I doubt when Spolestra was spoon fed Bron and Bosh, to go with Wade, he figured his particular philosophy was the best. I think NBA coaches have to adapt to the players they have. I mean, look at Dantoni... He wanted to run constantly but it didn't take him long to figure out he just has all-star old heads that can't move like the 25 year olds...

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Yes drew's offense can definitely win a championship but his lack of commitment to offensive rebounding i.e. allowing his power forward to take long jumpers and drift behind the 3 point line will never a win Championships

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Strangely enough, most of us really would like for Atlanta to win

the championship, yet we can't figure out how we may obtain that

one missing piece, the super star.

Two things, problems really, that must be solved. This super star

we so desire must want to come here and play. Now, if we had this

super star willing to come here, how do we afford him?

We all know that, if we must lose several pieces off our current roster

in order to pay this super star, we will not have enough pieces left to

get the job done.

When the Heat put their team of all stars together, it was several players

willing to sacrifice money for the other benefits of winning. How do we

entice super stars to come and play for the Hawks?

Sure, if we had Superman and CP3 here and didn't lose any of our current

roster, we would have a winning team. Question. How do we do this??

Yes, we have a coach capable of winning it all. Right now, if all our players

are healthy and playing their very best, we are capable of beating any team

in the NBA.

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There are transition periods in the nba and this is one of them. In my opinion the only real superstars in the nba right now are Lebron and Durant. The rest are old, injured, or otherwise flawed. What that means is the door is open, maybe just for a year or two, for another team ball team to at least make a conference final. And if you make it that far who knows.

The other reason for optimism is that there is a big difference between this year's hawks and previous years and that is shooting ability. We have guys who can actually shoot the ball now. If you look at those champions its not just superstars but it superstars that can shoot and who are surrounded by guys that can shoot. You have to have an inside game sure but what puts you over the top is when guys like Kobe, lebron, pierce. durant, rip, billups, prince, sheed, ginobli are raining jumpers even when there is good d.

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The question was whether LD's offene was good enough to win a championship and the anwer is yes. Now whether other aspects of his coaching is at a championship level is debatable and I say no. But in usually Hawk fan fashion, this become a debate about other team's players. Poster continue to hang on to the notion that if we get these socalled superstar players, a championship is just a formality regardless of the coach which is funny to me. There are plenty of teams with great players on their rosters with worse records that our current team but that never stops certain posster from believing what they want to believe. Also there are more than a few team without these so called super star that do quite well. in fact, the team witht he best record in the league falls in that category! But back to the original question. It is not a poor topic and in fact it is a very thought provoking topic. Too bad there hasn't been enough though behind many of the responses.

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A post giving Drew some love is always welcome with me. He runs a fine offense. It all depends on the willingness and effectiveness of our post play: Al and Josh, to a lesser extent Zaza and Ivan. Smart teams will not help down low knowing how well Devin, Deshawn, Jeff, and of course Kyle are stroking the three. We simply move the ball to well. The hi-lo play is awesome and certainly relieves tons if pressure down the stretch, but having an in-out game that can also get at least a few easy baskets and free throw attempts is what I see missing. The spacing and attention paid to KK alone allows this, but our two headed frontcourt monster simply has to hunker down and force action around the 5-10 foot area when they're single covered. I haven't quite seen as much if that as I would like, in Josh's case for obvious reasons.

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