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    Lang Greene - Smoove doesn’t have a Dwight Howard-esque request list. Retaining (or losing) Smoove will likely come down to dollars and (common) sense.

LA in LA

Hey Greene, I have a question

1) What’s gotten into Al Horford lately? I’m happy to see him producing cause of always admired him. I noticed in Feb his FGA went up by about 2 per game. Is that just him being more aggressive or is Coach intentionally feeding him more? He avg 21ppg on 63% FG, 11rpg and 1.8 blks.

    Lang Greene - Well there are a couple things here. First, I think Al is finally getting back to a healthy spot from his injury last season. Earlier this season he talked of trying to regain comfort in his body and his release mechanics. It also was an adjustment period for most guys on the team living without Joe Johnson who routinely attracted double teams every night. Now this is my personal theory … the timing of Al Horford’s game raising came in the month of February … which is the host month of the … you guessed it … the trade deadline. I do think the Hawks evaluated offers for Josh Smith and in the process probably decided to take a look at Al Horford as the centerpiece of the offense during this time. Call it due diligence. Good question. Thanks.


Lang whats going on with you brother. Here we go.

1. Kover is a freeagent this summer i think he should resign if possible, think he’s an asset(pure shooter) you thoughts
2. If Drew is not the coach of the Hawks next season then give me your top three that might be
3. Whats the sales pitch that would get a major free agent to sign here in Atlanta, what do we have to offer

    Lang Greene - 3Q!1. Korver has been lights on this year. No doubt, but the Hawks have to watch what they spend on him … he’s getting up there in age so you can’t afford to overpay. I think $4-$6 million per season is solid for three years.
    2. First, Drew has done an outstanding job and proved a lot of people wrong. Respect to LD. Lots of good candidates out there, I would give Nate Mc a call. I could see Mike Brown also getting a call based on his previous connections w/ Danny Ferry.
    3. Six straight playoff appearances. Plenty of cap room. And an All-Star sidekick (Al Horford) ready and waiting to rumble.

Read more at http://www.hoopsworld.com/nba-chat-with-lang-greene-3613/#QMqeDEshcbkRz22W.99

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So glad that we didn't do that deal as Evan is way too inconsistent and Hawes doesn't offer much more than Zaza does.

That was probably the only deal I wanted to make (that seemed realistic). Both guys can be inconsistent, but they do have some upside.

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I would have liked Turner, but I'm biased... Watched every game he played in college. He did show flashes of being a 15,6, and 4 guy in Philly. Spencer wouldn't have been a terrible gamble either. But for Smoove, I'll take the chance of re-signing him... Or the cap space. I think DF made the right move there...

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Turner is going to have to improve his J or evolve his game. He and Josh shooting jumpers would be a constant Posted Image

36% from 3 is not that bad. At 24 he has a good probability of bettering his game. I agree his 42% FG% needs to improve but for a SG / SF its not that much below the norm.

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He did show flashes of being a 15,6, and 4 guy in Philly. Spencer wouldn't have been a terrible gamble either.

Well he is a 14 ppg / 6.7 rpb / 4.5 apg guy now at 24 and should get better.

On Hawes.......I do like him for what he is. He is one of the last guys on that 76ers team who is still playing hard for Coach Collins. Like ZaZa, he has trouble finishing at the rim in traffic b/c he lacks lift. He is not quite the banger that ZaZa is on defense but he makes up for it with more length then ZaZa. He definately has more offensive skill then ZaZa as a passer, shooter, and has a little post game.

They are not bad pieces to have.

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36% from 3 is not that bad. At 24 he has a good probability of bettering his game. I agree his 42% FG% needs to improve but for a SG / SF its not that much below the norm.

Sounds like what we said about Marvin for too many seasons.

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Exactly what I was thinking! Turner is more coordinated and more aggressive but that's about the only differences.

Marvin was never the all around player that Turner is. Marvin can't dribble or pass at all......those are pretty big differences to go along with the being more coordinated and more aggressive. Bascially every weakness Marvin has is not a weakness at all for Turner.

The only thing they share in common is being the 2nd overall pick.

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Marvin was never the all around player that Turner is. Marvin can't dribble or pass at all......those are pretty big differences to go along with the being more coordinated and more aggressive. Bascially every weakness Marvin has is not a weakness at all for Turner. The only thing they share in common is being the 2nd overall pick.

What has that better ball handling done for Turner though? They also share being draft busts and underperformers relative to their expectations.
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Well he is a 14 ppg / 6.7 rpb / 4.5 apg guy now at 24 and should get better.

On Hawes.......I do like him for what he is. He is one of the last guys on that 76ers team who is still playing hard for Coach Collins. Like ZaZa, he has trouble finishing at the rim in traffic b/c he lacks lift. He is not quite the banger that ZaZa is on defense but he makes up for it with more length then ZaZa. He definately has more offensive skill then ZaZa as a passer, shooter, and has a little post game.

They are not bad pieces to have.

You sure? Because Spencer was one of the guys that Collins called out during his meltdown presser for getting outrebounded by Vucevic 20 to 1.

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