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Atlanta "fans" are the worst


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I'm almost postive no true Atlantan would cheer for the Lakers and boo Kyle at the line. I just look at it as lots of people move from their bum cities to be in the A. If they outnumber Hawks fans when the stars come to town, so be it. Just an embarrassing predicament we're in. The marketing and PR department is just awful. They should've come up with a way to cater to Atlantans and Georgians by now, especially with a winning team and getting rid of Joe who no one cared for. It's just a testament to how great Atlanta is that people run from LA, Chicago, NY, and Boston for better quality of life here, sans the traffic. How about putting up huge billboards as you enter downtown advertising half off tickets for wearing a Hawks jersey, something. We can totally forget Kyle coming back, which is a damn shame. That first missed free throw had nothing to do with Kobe toeing the line. He was in utter disbelief at the boos, and how can you blame him? Chicago and Utah's crowds would literally ignite a brawl if opposing teams fan's were that loud. Actually, The Madhouse on Madison would take it a step further and start shooting outside.

Edited by benhillboy
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Just had another thought. I don't listen to commercial radio so I wouldn't know. But is Ryan Cameron still on the radio? If so, I would appreciate it if he blasted the city for allowing stupid, fair-weather fans from bum cities to control our fu$kin arena.

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Yes, Cameron took over for Frank Ski in the mornings on V-103. I rarely listen to the radio unless it's sports talk (thank GOD for Pandora and Tune In) but Mrs. Dejay and the girls love his show (go figure).

As for the game and the 'fans' that attended, well, it is what it is. If you have extra tickets and could sell them for 10x the face value (at least) like many Hawk season ticket holders do when the superstars and/or marquee teams (Kobe, Team Voltron, Durant, Knicks) come in town, you've basically made up most of the cost of buying those seats in the first place. And ask yourselves, how many of them will be coming back to watch going nowhere teams like the Suns, Bobcats, Wizards, and Sixers?

As I've stated for years, since the AJC forum days, the way the Hawks do business isn't condusive to garnering fan loyalty; not in this city. In transient places like this one, you not only need a marquee superstar to entice casual fans into buying in but that superstar must also be surrounded by enough talent to make deep runs into the postseason EVERY YEAR he's in the uniform. Having a superstar on your roster or being a serious contender makes it that much easier to acquire that talent because, well, who doesn't want their team leading off Sportscenter? What NBA player of worth doesn't want their team playing the 'main event' Sunday afternoon game on ABC? You're not going to convince a lifelong Celtic fan into putting away his Paul Pierce sweatsuit when Joe Johnson is the best you've done in 15 years. And you're not going to talk a bunch of casual basketball fans who've seen Kobe, Lebron, DWade, CP3, KG, Dwight, Rose, Melo, et al a billion times a day on every media outlet available into rooting for the likes of Johan Petro and Ivan Johnson to win the day. That 'root for your all-the-time underdog' thing may work in one-horse towns like Sacramento, Salt Lake, Portland, and Memphis; you know, places that don't have REAL playoff contending NFL teams, baseball teams, and the SEC to deal with. It doesn't fly here, especially when everyone knows that the local product could've been in waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy better position had there been a more competent front office in place over the last, I don't know, 30 years plus.

The 'win without losing' philosophy they've held onto with grips of steel is the reason why we've only had one of those marquee players here for any length of time (Nique) and they still managed to bungle that by sitting on their hands while watching Detroit, NYC, and Chicago pass them by. That doesn't get people motivated to buy tickets and root for your team, especially when their watching expansion teams and moved teams play into June.

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Getting a top 10 superstar is easier said then done.

Yes, Cameron took over for Frank Ski in the mornings on V-103. I rarely listen to the radio unless it's sports talk (thank GOD for Pandora and Tune In) but Mrs. Dejay and the girls love his show (go figure).

As for the game and the 'fans' that attended, well, it is what it is. If you have extra tickets and could sell them for 10x the face value (at least) like many Hawk season ticket holders do when the superstars and/or marquee teams (Kobe, Team Voltron, Durant, Knicks) come in town, you've basically made up most of the cost of buying those seats in the first place. And ask yourselves, how many of them will be coming back to watch going nowhere teams like the Suns, Bobcats, Wizards, and Sixers?

As I've stated for years, since the AJC forum days, the way the Hawks do business isn't condusive to garnering fan loyalty; not in this city. In transient places like this one, you not only need a marquee superstar to entice casual fans into buying in but that superstar must also be surrounded by enough talent to make deep runs into the postseason EVERY YEAR he's in the uniform. Having a superstar on your roster or being a serious contender makes it that much easier to acquire that talent because, well, who doesn't want their team leading off Sportscenter? What NBA player of worth doesn't want their team playing the 'main event' Sunday afternoon game on ABC? You're not going to convince a lifelong Celtic fan into putting away his Paul Pierce sweatsuit when Joe Johnson is the best you've done in 15 years. And you're not going to talk a bunch of casual basketball fans who've seen Kobe, Lebron, DWade, CP3, KG, Dwight, Rose, Melo, et al a billion times a day on every media outlet available into rooting for the likes of Johan Petro and Ivan Johnson to win the day. That 'root for your all-the-time underdog' thing may work in one-horse towns like Sacramento, Salt Lake, Portland, and Memphis; you know, places that don't have REAL playoff contending NFL teams, baseball teams, and the SEC to deal with. It doesn't fly here, especially when everyone knows that the local product could've been in waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy better position had there been a more competent front office in place over the last, I don't know, 30 years plus.

The 'win without losing' philosophy they've held onto with grips of steel is the reason why we've only had one of those marquee players here for any length of time (Nique) and they still managed to bungle that by sitting on their hands while watching Detroit, NYC, and Chicago pass them by. That doesn't get people motivated to buy tickets and root for your team, especially when their watching expansion teams and moved teams play into June.

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Disagree. I don't buy the transplant BS that is supposed to make us feel better. I'll bet most of these fans were from Decatur, Marietta, anywhere in the SWATS, etc. The same phenomenon happens to the Falcons when they don't have a competitive product on the field.

The Hawks have been a mediocre franchise for my whole life (born in '81) and really since they've moved to Atlanta. They don't have that cache around here. This city is full of front-runners for whatever reason, and the Hawks are viewed as a 'loser' product. Call a spade a spade.

This comes up all of the time. To be relevant in this city you must be either 1) championship elite (Falcons now) or 2) very good/2nd tier with a superstar (Vick-era Falcons).

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Getting a top 10 superstar is easier said then done.

Not really. We had our shot(s) at acquiring top-10 talent and came up snakeyes. The Hawks are simply paying the price for allowing Bobby Sura to play for his stats and win needless games instead of sit out the season in an Armani suit (which he's done his entire career), which cost them a shot at drafting Dwight Howard. He's a top-10 talent, last I checked. They're paying the price for allowing Billy Knight to draft (insert lottery stiff here) instead of REAL players. You're telling me that having some combination of Chris Paul, Al Jefferson, Rudy Gay, Deron Williams, Andre Iguodala, and Luol Deng wouldn't have made the difference between selling out the building EVERY NIGHT and what we have now? If any three of those guys were here and they still had 12-15,000 'Laker' fans in attendance last night, I'd see thing Capstone's way; but they don't.

You simply can't expect fans to pay filet mignon prices for cube steak and bologna sandwiches. They had their chances, blew them all, while the entire basketball world bore witness. It's like taking out $100k in student loans, getting a degree in Latin or Early Childhood Development instead of one that pays, and getting sticker shock when Sallie Mae sends those invoices your way...

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I moved to GA in 1993, to Atlanta in 1998 (grew up in a different country). I rooted for teams I saw the most on TV since I didnt much of other teams - Bulls, Braves, Duke. Since moving here I am all about rooting for all things Atlanta and have my daughter rooting for them to - she's been pumping her little fists saying "lets go Hawks" and "defense" since she cud talk. She is 4 now and a diehard hawks fan.My brother in law is from Atlanta and I am more of a hawks fan than he is - his explanation: it was tough being a hawks/falcons growing up cuz he went to school in the gear and was teased about it. The kids only wanted to root for the teams that won.Tis a shame.

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First off, I want to say again that I feel sorry for our guys out there. We may complain about things, but we love our team and it's shitty that we don't have control of our own arena. Dejay...man, I'm sitting here freaking out like...did I black out and post on here with a alter-ego? Couldn't agree more with you dude.

The transplant theory explains SOME of it, but motheFUCKERS come ON.... You're rolling out a lame-duck produce for 30 something years...you are one of TWO sports franchises IN ALL OF PRO SPORTS that cannot reach the final four...you have ONE truly remarkable player in the past THIRTY damn years...and you blame the fans?

No............................... Just no.

You have to win GAMES. People need a reason to talk and they need a reason to remember. What do you remember about the Hawks over the past 30 years? Mutombo? Laetner? Hendu? Who other than Nique has made an SI cover? Who was that incredible draft pick everyone was talking about? Where is our MVP? Our All Star Starter?

What have we done? Nothing.

These wins don't mean shit...and it's still like, some people don't get it. Until you put a true winner on the court, you're not going to win big games and you're not going to win this city. These people are watching basketball (and football and baseball). They're just watching the teams that are winning. and the teams that have been HISTORICALLY WINNING.

That's not us.

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Sadly, the exact same thing happened with the Thrashers. The ownership and management made the same mistakes, and blamed the fan disloyalty on the fans. The reason the arena was packed with opposing fans was exactly the same as for Hawks games. The only difference was that the owners bought into the "hockey can't work in the South" bullshit that the media said anyway, which was a betrayal to the die-hard fans here. Thrashers still hold the record for attendance for an expansion NHL franchise, and the owners spent the next 10 years convincing local AND transplant fans that showing up was a waste of time. At least ASG isn't purposely sabotaging the Hawks like they did the Thrashers. In the case of the Hawks, they only care about breaking even on marquee games like this. Imagine this team with an owner that gave a shit like Hawksquawk does. Completely different gameday experience, and the city would actually start to give a damn too.

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I moved to GA in 1993, to Atlanta in 1998 (grew up in a different country). I rooted for teams I saw the most on TV since I didnt much of other teams - Bulls, Braves, Duke. Since moving here I am all about rooting for all things Atlanta and have my daughter rooting for them to - she's been pumping her little fists saying "lets go Hawks" and "defense" since she cud talk. She is 4 now and a diehard hawks fan.My brother in law is from Atlanta and I am more of a hawks fan than he is - his explanation: it was tough being a hawks/falcons growing up cuz he went to school in the gear and was teased about it. The kids only wanted to root for the teams that won.Tis a shame.

I live in Columbus and I can tell you that I grew up with the same thing...even when Nique was playing. It's a sports thing in Georgia to pick a winner like you pick out your clothes. Seriously. Whatever is in style, you pick that and you put your style against someone else's. And the radio promotes this same mentality. You hear these guys talking about their fashionable picks.

Man.....man....man.... I'm gonna say it and I'm going to say it loud.


I have been telling people this since the 90's - even back then when we had discussions about attendance and why we didn't get national coverage and why we could sign the right free agents (like Rick Fox). You've got to put a winner on the court and you've got to get yourself a franchise talent. You can't settle for just winning games. It's not going to work and it has NEVER worked. It will only result in more of the same.

If we fail to turn this culture around before this arena deal expires, then I'm pretty sure that we're looking at losing our basketball team.

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Good God Almighty, Wretch. Again, I've been preaching this sermon for well over 20 years now. It's good to see a few folks rise from their seats and give an amen.

Say what you want about Vince McMahon but even he isn't dumb enough to headline Wrestlemania with mid-card talent. If a wrestling promoter could easily grasp this concept and make billions, why can't a professional basketball franchise that's been in business for over 50 years?

Again, I say to ANY person on this board who still want to clown the fans here for having the gall to root for someone with cache when the local product have pissed in your face while telling you it's just rain, give me a Hawks moment. You know, one that doesn't include some gimmick, like a Slam Dunk contest. A moment that moved casual fans into calling about season tickets. A moment that ESPN led off Sportscenter with. A defining playoff series victory that made the TNT guys stop and take pause. A moment that ABC guys like Wilbon, Magic, and Simmons stopped and said, 'you know, the Hawks are a team to look out for. I wouldn't be surprised to see them come out in the East'. I dare you; I double-dog dare you mo-fos to find one.

Their act simply gets old. It's gotten old. The Falcons, after suffering through 30+ years of the Smiths, are a marquee team now under Blank. National folks actually pay attention when they make a move as opposed to rolling their eyes while trying their best not to laugh out loud. They actually, get this, have a winning record under Blank's watch (100-75-1), which understates how good he's really been when you factor out Vick's injured 2003 season and the lost year of 2007. Factor that out and the record is 91-52-1; that's almost as many wins as they had in the '70s and '80s combined. And, big surprise, free agents want to come here now (salary cap notwithstanding) when in the past, they had to overpay; you know, like a certain basketball team we're discussing right now. And do I need to bring up the Braves and the success they've had, despite having a penny-pinching ownership group running the show? You think the Upton brothers bother coming here if they were mediocre like the Padres or the Mets?

I'm tired of hearing about how hard it is to attract marquee players. I'm tired of watching one franchise after another make runs to the conference finals and beyond every effin' year while our guys dial up travel agents in June. I'm tired of our team getting picked on by Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, Chris Webber, Reggie Miller, Shaq, and so on whenever they're mentioned on their show. I'm tired of ESPN making up 163,469,793 excuses why (insert superstar's team here) lost some fluky game to our squad, while rebutting that they wouldn't win a single game if put against them in a seven-game series. Aren't you?????

It's time for this franchise, for once in their miserable Atlanta existance, to stop with the crying, stop with the belly-aching, stop with the moaning, the bitching, and excuse making, and start doing something about the results. That's all sports fans care about...

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If we fail to turn this culture around before this arena deal expires, then I'm pretty sure that we're looking at losing our basketball team.

There's no way in the hell the NBA moves a team from the Black Mecca. The league only cares about superstars, and most of these so-called "Atlantans" are star-struck. If they were smart, they'd do all they could to make the team competitive, so they could have another regional rivalry to drive ratings and attendance.

Edited by Bahamut
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There's no way in the hell the NBA moves a team from the Black Mecca. The league only cares about superstars, and most of these so-called "Atlantans" are star-struck. If they were smart, they'd do all they could to make the team competitive, so they could have another regional rivalry to drive ratings and attendance.

You would think and I agree. It's one of the arguments I used again people saying that this town just doesn't care about basketball and would never support a local team...BULL-SHIT. But if they have to sell this thing and Vegas or Sacramento come knocking...while we continue to FAIL at attracting fans... I believe that we're in trouble.

Yeah, it's nice that we sell out Kobe and LeBron. That'll never change. But in between those games, we got a lot of "MEH..." going on. Anybody looking to move this team to a new city is going to have a strong case.

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First off, I want to say again that I feel sorry for our guys out there. We may complain about things, but we love our team and it's shitty that we don't have control of our own arena. Dejay...man, I'm sitting here freaking out like...did I black out and post on here with a alter-ego? Couldn't agree more with you dude.

The transplant theory explains SOME of it, but motheFUCKERS come ON.... You're rolling out a lame-duck produce for 30 something years...you are one of TWO sports franchises IN ALL OF PRO SPORTS that cannot reach the final four...you have ONE truly remarkable player in the past THIRTY damn years...and you blame the fans?

No............................... Just no.

You have to win GAMES. People need a reason to talk and they need a reason to remember. What do you remember about the Hawks over the past 30 years? Mutombo? Laetner? Hendu? Who other than Nique has made an SI cover? Who was that incredible draft pick everyone was talking about? Where is our MVP? Our All Star Starter?

What have we done? Nothing.

These wins don't mean shit...and it's still like, some people don't get it. Until you put a true winner on the court, you're not going to win big games and you're not going to win this city. These people are watching basketball (and football and baseball). They're just watching the teams that are winning. and the teams that have been HISTORICALLY WINNING.

That's not us.

Give me a break, we have been putting a winning product out there for many years...it doesn't matter. No we are not championship team but we win 60% of our games. Is the only way we get fans is to have a Lebron or a Durant? If that is true then shame on Atlanta. They have had a quality team and still they only come out to cheer on the other teams (and only the teams with stars).

There is a reason why top players don't want to come here...this is a big reason why.

Atlanta takes having the team for granted and it won't be until it is gone that they realize what they lost. Maybe Kansas City, Seattle would be a better destination.

Things are never going to change...I think back to the nique years and the arena was still empty. It won't be until it is gone they they realize what they lost.

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Give me a break, we have been putting a winning product out there for many years...it doesn't matter. No we are not championship team but we win 60% of our games.

That right there is the problem and you have the wrong perspective.

You are looking at the reaction to the stars and the attitudes of lazy/bandwagon fans. But none of us give a damn about those players. I don't. My favorite kind of players are like Ivan Johnson, Anthony Mason, & Dennis Rodman. I like big, plodding, brutal, low post, bangers and scrappers and I like playmaking, penetrating, pass first PG's. I believe in team ball. I don't like drama queens like Kobe and D12 and I could give a fart less about media coverage and hype. I don't even go to those kinds of games. I go to see teams like Toronto and Milwaukee.

But I know what wins games and what people want to see. I know what players are looking at when they hit free agency. You should take a step back... Because despite how you feel, these are the guys that win games and there is a monumental difference between the games they win vs. the games we win. That has been our story save for one season out of 40 years. If you don't understand that, then we just have to agree to disagree. I can't make you see it.

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Besides being the only pro sport in town, the main reason the Thunder draw so well in OKC is because they inherited a damn superstar! Would people be coming out to watch a Hawks-caliber team there? Some wouldn't have much choice, but I bet many of them wouldn't. Atlanta hasn't had a superstar in decades, if ever. Nique never got to a conference final, so what have we had to celebrate?

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I believe in team ball. I don't like drama queens like Kobe and D12 and I could give a fart less about media coverage and hype. I don't even go to those kinds of games. I go to see teams like Toronto and Milwaukee.

Co-sign. I was amazing how the neutral fans sit there and say literally nothing during these games though, especially at the 76ers game I went to recently.

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Is the only way we get fans is to have a Lebron or a Durant? If that is true then shame on the NBA and the media.

This is what they've been working towards since the Jordan years, and it's going to bite them in the ass when markets without stars can't fill arenas all season. Just talked to an "Atlantan" on Facebook bragging about the Lakers although he's from here. Of course, he grew up with cable sports news and the Internet unlike many of us on Hawksquawk, so he and others have no sense of city pride. Imagine if people jumped on bandwagons like this during the Cold War: "I'm from the US, but USSR looks strong this year!" The instant-gratification highlights junkies are ruining sports, but especially in the NBA, since it's been all about the stars since the '90's.

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Give me a break, we have been putting a winning product out there for many years...it doesn't matter. No we are not championship team but we win 60% of our games. Is the only way we get fans is to have a Lebron or a Durant? If that is true then shame on Atlanta. They have had a quality team and still they only come out to cheer on the other teams (and only the teams with stars).There is a reason why top players don't want to come here...this is a big reason why.Atlanta takes having the team for granted and it won't be until it is gone that they realize what they lost. Maybe Kansas City, Seattle would be a better destination.Things are never going to change...I think back to the nique years and the arena was still empty. It won't be until it is gone they they realize what they lost.

Okay Cap, I'll play the game...

For all of their 60% of winning, what have they really won? Where are their banners? I've been to Staples Center; I saw world titles. I've been to Chicago; I saw world titles. Houston? Same thing. San Antonio? Ditto. Same for Detroit and Dallas. Even in Oakland and Milwaukee, where their teams haven't been a factor in years, even they have one of those.

Okay, winning it all might be a little too much to ask so I'll lower my standards to conference titles. Orlando? Check. Brooklyn, via East Rutherford, NJ.? Check. Indianapolis? Salt Lake? Check and check again. OKC? They have one, too; they didn't even have an NBA-level arena ten years ago. Cleveland? Even they have one of those and Bill Simmons told us all that God hates Cleveland.

Still too much to expect from your team? Fine. I'll lower the standards yet again to conference title appearances. Denver? Been there, done that. Minnesota? They did it, too. Sacramento? Yep.

But everytime I visit Philips Arena, I look up in the rafters and the same four divisional banners that were there are all that they've accomplished in 45 seasons in this city. In less time, Orlando has played for the big belt twice, the Heat three times, while taking two trophies home.

That's what the fans outside of this forum sees and knows all too well, Cap. No city, and I mean this, NO CITY IN AMERICA would stand for this kind of mediocre run without 1) heads rolling in the streets or 2) the fans turning heel and finding something else to do with their $$$ until proper changes have taken place. Don't believe me? Ask a Kings fan how easy it was to get a ticket after Bibby, Webber, and the gang left town. Ask a Cavs fan how packed their building's been when the Heat or Lakers aren't in town. Neither of those cities have a contending baseball team, a condending football team, or is known as one of college football's biggest havens.

The facts are the facts. No region in this country tolerates losing less than this one does. Here, we fire rec league coaches who can't win; how many high school coaches were given the boot or forced to retire for finishing 10-2 every year without a state trophy? And don't get me started on what goes on in the SEC, where consecutive Chick Fil-A appearances could get you run in a hurry if you're not coaching Vanderbilt. If we're not the least bit concerned with 'quality' teams and only care about winning when it matters most, what do most citizens here make of a team like the Hawks, the first NBA team to arrive in the South, yet has yet to sniff an ECF?

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