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Question - 2013 draft picks


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1. Where is our #1 pick slotted if we finish at worse at the 8th seed? Who would you take?

2. Where will the Houston pick be slooted if they finish at worse 8th seed? Who would you take?

3. Should the Hawks trade these 2 picks (or some combination) to move up in draft for a player Ferry likes? Who would you take?

I have not kept up with College basketball this year at all.

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I think our own pick will be somewhere between 17-21 and the Rockets pick between 15-19 most likely assuming they do make the playoffs. I've heard a lot about the kid from Georgetown Otto porter. He might be intriguing. If we could package the 2 picks plus some other asset and move up to get Shabazz Muhammad of ucla that might be a positive as well. Also a couple other kids with ties to the nba

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I think our own pick will be somewhere between 17-21 and the Rockets pick between 15-19 most likely assuming they do make the playoffs. I've heard a lot about the kid from Georgetown Otto porter. He might be intriguing. If we could package the 2 picks plus some other asset and move up to get Shabazz Muhammad of ucla that might be a positive as well. Also a couple other kids with ties to the nba

Not sure how I feel about Muhammad... Yes he's the leading freshman scorer in the country, but I don't think he's skilled enough to make an impact as a legit scorer in the NBA right off the bat. Great set shooter, not to great off the dribble/on the move or really anything else for that matter.

I'd love for the Hawks to get Porter, awesome all around player, but we're going to have to get into the top 5-7 picks, IMO, to make that happen.

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I like Waka's take. I recall we both wanted Beal last draft lol. Do you think trading our 2 picks to move into the 5-7 range to draft Porter is possible? Cuz he does look really good. Also what do you think about moving up to get Victor Oladipo? He looks great on D.

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I like Waka's take. I recall we both wanted Beal last draft lol. Do you think trading our 2 picks to move into the 5-7 range to draft Porter is possible? Cuz he does look really good. Also what do you think about moving up to get Victor Oladipo? He looks great on D.

Yeah, definitely, Beal has had some nagging injuries but I still think he'll turn out to be a very good player for a long time.

As far as trading up, I think it'd definitely take more than two mid-round picks to get up into the top 5ish range for Porter. Oladipo is a stud, too, ridiculous motor and it's clear he loves playing D, which is rare. He also seems like a lock to go in the top 10 though, so again, we have to find a team willing to trade picks and see what else they want.

Edited by WakaFlocka
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Realistic draft possibilities with picks 15 - 20:


Burke/ PG

McCollum / PG/SG

Brown / SG


Robinson III / SG/SF

McDermott / SF

Mitchell / SF/PF

Plumlee / PF

Olynyk PF / C

Dieng / C

Whitney / C

and that SF from Okl St. who's name I can't remember.

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Three Kentucky kids who could fall in the 15-20 range if they come out are:

Alex Poythress (powerful and athletic SF who reminds me a bit of the great Tubby Smith quote on Kelenna Azuibeke - "Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane" - he looks like he should dominate but is way too passive too often)

Willie Caulie-Stien (raw 7 footer with length and athleticism who has potential at C)

Archie Goodwin (volume scorer athletic SG)

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I want at least one player than can step in a play right away. I wish we could trade up into the top 10 and get a guy like Otto Porter or Oladipo. If we keep both our same picks then I would want us to take someone who can score and defend. KCP would be a good pick. He can score and play defense. That what we're missing at the end of a games. Someone who can score and guard another team's scorer. I also McCollum from Lehigh. He is a great scorer. McDermott may be another Korver but he may be even better. He probably can score in different ways rather than shooting. I don't like his defense though.

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Three Kentucky kids who could fall in the 15-20 range if they come out are:

Alex Poythress (powerful and athletic SF who reminds me a bit of the great Tubby Smith quote on Kelenna Azuibeke - "Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane" - he looks like he should dominate but is way too passive too often)

Willie Caulie-Stien (raw 7 footer with length and athleticism who has potential at C)

Archie Goodwin (volume scorer athletic SG)

I like Caulie Stein and Goodwin. WCS was a beast against Florida. He was blocking every shot that went up. If he can develop on offense he would be great. Goodwin has a lot of room to develop as well. I just hope our coaching staff would be able to coach them up.

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I saw Kentucky alot this year............I married into a UK basketball family. This class just doen't impress. Even Noel is a pure still on offense. He will probably lead the NBAS in blocks one day though.

I would consider WSC but his a bit soft for C. I'd bet on him staying in college........in fact they all should.

Three Kentucky kids who could fall in the 15-20 range if they come out are:

Alex Poythress (powerful and athletic SF who reminds me a bit of the great Tubby Smith quote on Kelenna Azuibeke - "Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane" - he looks like he should dominate but is way too passive too often)

Willie Caulie-Stien (raw 7 footer with length and athleticism who has potential at C)

Archie Goodwin (volume scorer athletic SG)

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I saw Kentucky alot this year............I married into a UK basketball family. This class just doen't impress. Even Noel is a pure still on offense. He will probably lead the NBAS in blocks one day though.

I would consider WSC but his a bit soft for C. I'd bet on him staying in college........in fact they all should.

They all have real warts and a while before they will be smart "plus" players in the NBA. They are nowhere near as impressive coming out of college as Cousins, Wall, MKG, etc. There are big steps needed in their development but they all have one thing that not everyone in this draft has: the potential to be solid NBA starters at their positions one day. None of the 3 are impact college players at this point game in and game out (WSC looks like a potential star some games and like he is lost other games, for example) but that is why UK will be on the absolute bubble for the tourney and why they won't be picked in the top 10.

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They all have real warts and a while before they will be smart "plus" players in the NBA. They are nowhere near as impressive coming out of college as Cousins, Wall, MKG, etc. There are big steps needed in their development but they all have one thing that not everyone in this draft has: the potential to be solid NBA starters at their positions one day. None of the 3 are impact college players at this point game in and game out (WSC looks like a potential star some games and like he is lost other games, for example) but that is why UK will be on the absolute bubble for the tourney and why they won't be picked in the top 10.

I would love to see 2 of the 4 stay another year and grow. WSC could become dominant next year in college.........not sure how much playing time he would see in the NBA though. College players make their biggest jumps between their freshman and sophmore years.

Edited by coachx
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I'm a GT fan, and their inability to consistently compete over the last few years has really turned me off from college hoops. I'm up in Michigan now so I'm surrounded by a lot of the U of M hype, but I still have trouble getting involved with the college game. Coachx and AHF seem to be pretty knowledgable with the college game. Y'all keep your insight coming, it's good to read. I keep hearing about Burke as a possibility but I don't think he will be there when we draft. I'm not even sure if he would be a good fit if Teague is a part of our long term plans.With the potential of 2 picks coming in the mid teens we seem to be good shape. I'm all for trading up but it sounds like our best bet is to keep the picks and go with the depth.

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I would love to see 2 of the 4 stay another year and grow. WSC could become dominant next year in college.........not sure how much playing time he would see in the NBA though. College players make their biggest jumps between their freshman and sophmore years.

Their playing time will be threatened as much by next season's freshmen. On paper, next year's class is among the best of all-time.

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Some names that haven't been mentioned:

I like Myck Kabongo at Texas. He's a pure point-guard and really athletic. He's a little raw but it's ok to draft some raw players if we're developing them on a winning team I think.

I also dig Dario Saric and that Giannis kid overseas. They're some solid SF prospects. Again, I think we can afford to draft some talented prospects.

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