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Let's trade all of our players for draft picks


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Won't work -- I suggested that last season but no one

wanted to give up a draft pick -- It takes both parties

willing before a trade can occur.

Seriously, we were only down 6 at the 1/2. On free

throws, 14-7. We hit 'em all and Hawks lead by one!!

Then, the second half = = = Somehow, Hawks didn't have

any energy, the fire had gone out. A few quick baskets

and the air went out of our balloon. Too many missed

shots at key points in the second half.

Too many defensive lapses. If there appeared a faint

glimmer of hope, we either missed the shot or gave them

an easy score, or both.

Long, rocky road thru the west for the troops. Just hope

that they can learn from all the mistakes. One bright

spot in all the terrible 2nd half, we used all our available

players, so everyone got some minutes. We may need

these players later on in this road trip. Glad to see them

get some time --- Just hate the reason why they did.

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Same here......Diaw has shown me absolutely nothing and has contributed for this nothing but just a breather for the starters. I would much rather have Ira here rather than Diaw. Ira shows more hustle and can hit open shots and Ira was always a great FT shooter. I dont know where they say he is very ahletic, because he hasnt shown it, he seems slow, very slow and can't shoot for $hit. Personal thoughts on Diaw? Dont like his game at all.

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JTFAN & Hotlanta,

First, JTFan, he is quite athletic. And on several occations, he has altered shots and caused people to miss shots... even on fast breaks.

He's young. Give him time. We all knew he wouldn't come in here and be the second coming. We expected him to be good in two years. Now you want overnight success?

Second, Hotlanta... you can bash Reef and say 1.2 TOs a game is nothing since it is only 5 games into the season... yet by the same token you can blow off a potential decent player?


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This team is too light in the britches. Too many finesse players and no bangers. That is why Ekezie was so valuable to this team in the preseason.

Dampier was killing Theo last night in the paint. Against NO Tractor Trailer had a career day against our frontline.

We are to light in the britches to compete night in and night out!!!

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We have a star, we just don't use him properly. We may disagree about that point, but I say until he is properly utilized you can't really make a call either way.

I would be the first one to say Reef is incapable of handling that load if they gave it to him and he was unsuccessful. What I do know, is that over his career, he has never had less offensive success with more burden.

As for Boris... he was the exact type of player we needed if we were going to keep JT. The problem is that Boris will take two years, at the least, to develop into that player. By that time, I think JT will have worn out his welcome.

Howard or Boris... man, it is a toss up. No one knows how either of them will end up. Hindsight can always be 20/20... and no I don't need you saying that you said to pick someone other than Boris... because it wouldn't have mattered who we picked, you would have complained.


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Wow. You couldn't let that one go could you?

I said that we obviously differed on the opinion.

You think he is a second tier player... I say he is an underutilized, mismanaged star.

How many times have you seen a player move teams and all of a sudden they flourish... it's because they were mismanaged. That is what I think is happening to Reef, whether you agree or not.

Personally, your opinion doesn't hold that much weight with me. I am just bored at the end of the day at work... so I am debating it with you. Other than that, I could care less what you think. It's never positive anyhow.


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Personally, your opinion doesn't hold that much weight with me. I am just bored at the end of the day at work... so I am debating it with you. Other than that, I could care less what you think. It's never positive anyhow."

I'm sure Reef appericates his one biased fan, but nobody

really cares about Reef besides you and maybe a handful

of other people. Reef fits right in with the forgotten Hawks.

What you do is make every excuses in the book...

Either the coaches aren't using him right, the losing has

got to him...Reef has been in the league almost a decate

and hasn't improved since his rookie season. Why hasn't

he added a decent jumpshot like Malone? You have this

thing to where you are supposed to stick Reef in the post

and give him the ball everytime. Wake up, he isn't Shaq.

Duncan,Walker,Malone,Duncan,Dirk all have some sort

of jumpshot....

You act like Reef can just destroy everyone like Shaq. THat

isn't the case.

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Sorry, man. Reef does has a decent jumper. It isn't pretty, but he does hit it 45% of the time.

I don't continually make excuses.

I have said to stick him in the post, where he belongs. Which means THE MAJORITY of the time. I've said make the offense run through him.

Those two things need to happen for him to be effective.

No coach since Brian Hill has used Reef that way. Thus, him "not improving" since his rookie campaign. (which is also toal horsesh**, if Reef wasn't better now...then how did he take over 100 fewer shots and score an extra PPG?)


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Sorry, man. Reef does has a decent jumper. It isn't pretty, but he does hit it 45% of the time. "

If you call that a decent jumper then you are as stupid

as you sound. The lack of ability to shoot and the terrible

ball handling is why he gets pushed outside...He's done

nothing to improve his jumper or ball handling. Same ole

poor ball handling Reef.

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