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Josh Smith and his 3 pointers


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Yet, with all that bad s---, Josh had a good game. That, in spite

of what he did bad that should be fixable.

It will not be fixed. It's been too long. Five shots net us three points.

Do the math, that's not good, not good at all. And, holding the ball

with the clock running down until he's FORCED to throw up that long

jumper. Ugh! Naturally, he misses.

We see him go inside and score. Go inside and grab rebounds. Sometimes

we see the good Josh in the same game as the bad Josh. This evening was

a great example. Good and bad. We got them both. Playing hard. Throwing

those long bombs that miss, over and over.

For the remainder of the season and for the playoffs, he is ours. May as well

enjoy all the good stuff and live with the rest. Josh did bury some free throws.

See, good and bad. We've got it all in Josh!


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his bricks are so bad its hard to get the offensive rebound.

Yep... almost all his bricks go flyin' way up in the air. I don't think I've ever seen any of his jump shots get a friendly bounce or a kind roll into the rim.

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We just beat a playoff team, on the road,. He had 23 points, 9 boards, 4 assists, I'm guessing at least 2 blocks and 2 steals. You dont know what you got until its gone.

And that's the kind of thinking that causes teams to stay in the middle of the pack. Oh and lol at "playoff team". Pretty sad when beating the Bucks and listing Josh's empty stat line is how you measure success. We know what we have. A moron.

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Forgive me, I meant for my post to be taken as tongue in cheek. I was attempting to emulate a response similar to what those that spun his interview with Schultz over whether he was worth the max would do. An interview that he went into great detail as to why he was worth the max BTW, and that you should not even give pause as to why he would be worth the max because past examples are irrelevant, he's Josh Smith. Yet that was excused away as just good ole innocent competitiveness, as though he just answered "yes" to the question and Schultz ran with his own interpretation or, my favorite, it was fake. Josh wasn't on TV reading a prepared statement so therefore there's no way to believe that those words actually left his mouth in that piece.

Perhaps Josh is right though. The question really isn't stimulating because the answer is rather simple: "Because I'm an idiot. Next question"

Guess I was too riled or something from Josh to see what you said as a joke... Green font next time, green font! lol

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For me, it's not just the 3's. Look at his shot chart every game. He can't shoot outside the paint. Period.

..and yet he continues to fire them up. At what point as a player do you stop trying to do something that you have NEVER been able to do? Not talking 1 or 2 shots from the outside. I'm talking around around 10 or so of these shots every single game, hitting on about 20%. And how do you justify that when you are taking that many shots away from guys that are much better shooters?

I just don't understand it. Terrible way to approach the game...and then dismiss any questions regarding your outside shooting.

Dude............I think I'm done with this. If we bring him back and let him keep on firing these shots...I will have lost all confidence in Danny Ferry. This kind of shit you have to correct. End of discussion.

I'd be nice if LD and Ferry would just deactivate him for the rest of the season. Just say "we've told you numerous times to clean up your shot selection, you haven't, and enough's enough. Clean out your locker, go home, and start packing your bags." You can't help someone that won't help themselves.

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I'd be nice if LD and Ferry would just deactivate him for the rest of the season. Just say "we've told you numerous times to clean up your shot selection, you haven't, and enough's enough. Clean out your locker, go home, and start packing your bags." You can't help someone that won't help themselves.

I wouldn't like that at all. We aren't a better team with Josh in street clothes. Grey Mule's post on this was excellent. Good Josh is very good and bad Josh's shots are rotten. Try to enjoy the good for the rest of the season because this is a talented player who actually loved the Hawks enough to get it tatoo'd on him. If you can't enjoy the good and can only see the negative, console yourself with the fact that it is just a matter of counting down the games until he is playing elsewhere.

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He has attempted a career high 172 3-pointers at 30.8% this season which is already 18 more than his previous high. And there are still 13 games left to go, so if we figure his 3-4 3's a game that is an additional 39-52 attempts. So if the trend continues he will have anywhere from 211-224 attempts for the season. Well done "Mid-Range-Shawty" Posted Image

No,” Drew said when asked if he thought Smith would take so many 3-pointers in the new offense. “I thought when we put our offense in and looking at our personnel with Kyle Korver, DeShawn Stevenson, John Jenkins, Anthony Tolliver is a stretch-3. We’ve got a number of guys. …

“The 3, no, it’s not the first shot of choice I want him taking because he is such a dominate force down on the block. He causes a lot of problems when he posts up, particularly when I move him to (small forward). The thing about him is he is a willing passer, which makes it all the better because if you are open and the double-team comes down, he is going to get the basketball out to the open guy.

Drew said he has conversations with Smith about shot selection. The forward acknowledges some of the attempts are ill-advised. It’s a point that player and coach continue to work through.

Josh Smith when asked about his 172 3-point attempts: 'Ask me something that is going to stimulate my mind a little bit.


Better to be good at the right things than great at the wrong things

The fact that he is jacking up this many perimeter shots shows how much "brain stimulation" is going on with J-Smoove right now. If only Smith would blah, blah blah..........but only if Smith would blah, blah, blah.

If if's and but's were candy & nuts the Hawks would be fighting for the #2 seed right now.

The fact Josh has played into the opposing teams game plan by jacking up more perimeter shots then every before tells me 2 things:

1. Josh has lossed some of his mental stimulation / brain cells.

2. Josh's knee is truely hurting which is preventing him from as active / athletic as he has in the past. Some of that could be Father Time, who eventually come to know us all.

I'd like to think its more #2 then #1.......but when he makes comments like the one above you have to question #1 too.

Edited by coachx
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As frustrating as it can be, I don't sweat it too much. We know he won't get a max offer from the Hawks and honestly, Ferry would be utterly foolish if he offered him a deal that's better than the five year deals Horf and Noah got because Horf and Noah are both better players than Smith. There would be no reasonable way he could justify it in imo. Reality though is that another team will offer significantly more, even if it isn't the max. More power to Dallas or Houston if they do that and they likely will and congrats to Smith if he gets that kind of offer from those teams. I'll wish him the best. The Hawks simply don't need this type of issue on the court going forward.

Edited by Jody23
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As frustrating as it can be, I don't sweat it too much. We know he won't get a max offer from the Hawks and honestly, Ferry would be utterly foolish if he offered him a deal that's better than the five year deals Horf and Noah got because Horf and Noah are both better players than Smith. There would be no reasonable way he could justify it in imo. Reality though is that another team will offer significantly more, even if it isn't the max. More power to Dallas or Houston if they do that and they likely will and congrats to Smith if he gets that kind of offer from those teams. I'll wish him the best. The Hawks simply don't need this type of issue on the court going forward.

The deals Horford and Noah got are ones they got as restricted free agents. I agree both are significantly more valuable than Josh but bear in mind that the RFA status has a lot to do with the pricing. As Josh is an UFA, there is a bit of an apples to oranges comparison.

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The deals Horford and Noah got are ones they got as restricted free agents. I agree both are significantly more valuable than Josh but bear in mind that the RFA status has a lot to do with the pricing. As Josh is an UFA, there is a bit of an apples to oranges comparison.

The new CBA Josh will sign his URFA deal under is also an apples and oranges comparison.

Teams are much more risk averse in terms of going into the luxury tax then they ever were before with the penalty being twice as stiff as it was before. A 200% luxury tax bill is crippling to most franchises......not even Mark Cuban wants to waid too deep into those waters.

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The fact that some of you are cool with giving Josh a deal like Horford got is disturbing. I agree Horford got a great deal... For Al... Josh is not worthy of such a deal. Not even close.

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The new CBA Josh will sign his URFA deal under is also an apples and oranges comparison.

Teams are much more risk averse in terms of going into the luxury tax then they ever were before with the penalty being twice as stiff as it was before. A 200% luxury tax bill is crippling to most franchises......not even Mark Cuban wants to waid too deep into those waters.

The CBA makes a difference but Horford would get more today even under the new CBA because the bigger factor is RFA status versus UFA status.

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The fact that some of you are cool with giving Josh a deal like Horford got is disturbing. I agree Horford got a great deal... For Al... Josh is not worthy of such a deal. Not even close.

Not sure who you are talking about. Josh isn't as good as Horford so an unrestricted Horford should be paid more than an unrestricted Josh. The fact that Horford got what he did as a RFA doesn't really mean much as far as Josh's unrestricted market value.

I expect that most of us won't want to pay Josh what he can get as an unrestricted FA.

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The deals Horford and Noah got are ones they got as restricted free agents. I agree both are significantly more valuable than Josh but bear in mind that the RFA status has a lot to do with the pricing. As Josh is an UFA, there is a bit of an apples to oranges comparison.

Didn't Horf and Noah sign those contracts a year before they were to become RFAs?
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After looking, neither Horford or Noah were ever restricted free agents. They negotiated contract extensions instead of choosing to wait a year to test restricted free agency which they could have done if they felt they were worth more than what they negotiated. They didn't. I know being unrestricted has some difference, mainly in the player's team not having the ability to match. However, the main principles are the same. How much is a player's game worth and who's willing to pay it. Bottom line, I don't think Ferry will vastly exceed, if at all, the type of deal Horford got. I could be wrong, but I don't think Ferry has his mind on spending a significant chunk of the cap just to retain Smith.

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