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If you want to change this Hawks franchise to contenders we need this guy as our next coach.......


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As I understand it this guy has coached with coach "pop" of the spurs for 18 years! He is coach pops number one assistant coach. This means he has been in a winning organization for years, he has been in the playoffs for years, he has helped the spurs win 4 championships and best of all I am certain that he and our GM Ferry have good relationship.This great assistant coach I am referring to is Mike Budenholzer. I would like to refer to him as coach pops right hand man. To me he is Phil Jackson's coach winters, Doc Rivers coach thibado (bulls coach).....in other words I think he is a coach that has had a shot to become he coach and I'm sure he is a smart guy coming from a organization like that would you expect less? On top of all of his experience with coach pop and the spurs, while winning four championships this guy is 40 years old!Mike Budenholzer should be the hawks next coach for the upcoming season. What do you guys think?

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I read this on SB nation when they were ranking head coaches just last year I believe unfortunately I can't find the link though I copied it.NO. 5: MIKE BUDENHOLZERThis dude has been Gregg Popovich's right-hand man for almost two decades, and he's in his early 40s. His entire adult life has been spent soaking up knowledge and good wine from Gregg Popovich! How in Hades does this man not have a head coach job yet?If ferry went with this guy I would very happy and still I would consider keeping LD as an assistant coach.....maybe

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Sign me up for anything out of SA, while we are at it can we get their shooting coach too (he did wonders for Parker, Splitter and Leonard).I don't want a college coach - we are a playoff team trying to get to the next level.

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The coach from Rutgers gets my vote with mr knight coming in second!

Tuff love is what this team needs.

A good kick in the @ss!

I hope a good kick in the @ss isn't literally speaking, because that's what he did!!

No thanks to Rice, but.....I'm not so sure that we're getting a new coach. Honestly, I think Ferry offers a 2 year deal to Drew. Look at the hand he was dealt. "Um...Larry, I'm trading away our best player and another starter....and replacing them with role players and expiring contracts. Good luck".

I think LD stays, much to the dismay of most.

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It's interesting that we are willing to penalize LD for doing well with makeshift talent.

Especially considering that Woody is looking like The Wizard of freakin Westwood!!!

We need to take this offseason to get the right talent.

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